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Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems Strengthening Resilience and Interoperability of Emergency Medical Services

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - iProcureSecurity PCP (Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems Strengthening Resilience and Interoperability of Emergency Medical Services)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-09-01 do 2022-04-30

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Europe are characterised by a heterogeneous landscape with diverse organisational setups, technology standards, coordination mechanisms and actors. This is the result of different historical and institutional contexts. However, EMS are united by the common aim of providing timely care to casualties of sudden and life-threatening emergencies or disasters in cross-border settings and international humanitarian missions. Fostering the response capacities and increasing the cooperation of the Emergency Medical Services Systems (EMSS) is of decisive importance for strengthening the resilience of European societies.
During the prior iProcureSecurity (CSA) project, a large number of EMS were involved to identify, evaluate and prioritise future challenges and needs. The creation of an interoperable, flexible triage management system supported by modern technologies was among the most requested solutions in the context of security-related scenarios.
The project action is a result of those intense participatory processes. The vision of iProcureSecurity PCP builds the foundation for the development of novel triage management systems (iProcureSecurity PCP Solution), that are able to overcome fundamental shortcomings of currently used systems and which will allow to digitalise key processes and thereby strongly contribute to an improved quality of the service for all involved stakeholders. In particular, the iProcureSecurity PCP Solution must be developed considering the needs of the EMS on the field, and it must aim to:
(1) Digitalise the triage management operations on the field, and provide guidance and support to the EMS practitioners.
(2) Facilitate the communication and the information sharing among EMS on the field and external stakeholders.
(3) Facilitate the decision-making process of the actors involved, by proving them with key information in real time, as well as with alerting and notification systems.
(4) Provide a hardware component (Triage Tag), that is attached to the casualty throughout the whole process (from first triage to hand over to the hospital) and which supports data collection and hand over procedures.
(5) Allow the report and assessment of MCIs including performed activities on the field (data collected, decisions taken, actors and profiles involved).
(6) Integrate data from and to third party systems.
In its first eight months, the iProcureSecurity PCP project has made major progress towards its goal of developing the phase 0 within the PCP procedure.
In order to reach the results, as first step the project coordinator established an efficient and well-structured project management and coordination plan and a quality management plan. In order to enable efficient and effective implementation of the activities, a common digital working space has been set up and it is used to share and jointly work on documents and tasks and to gather and analyse information. As part of the coordination and management activities, the consortium submitted the first data management plan (WP1).
Furthermore, the consortium appointed an external ethics advisor, who is actively supporting the project since November 2021 (WP10).
Additionally, the partners have been strongly engaged in the research and analysis activities of the project, which have been carried out through desk-based research, literature reviews, focus groups, workshops and templates circulation for the collection and analysis of information from the procurers. These activities enable the identification of the requirements, the creation of the use cases and service process models (WP2), paving the way to create comprehensive Call for tender Documents (WP3). This enabled to partners also to create a common terminology in order to harmonise and standardise core concepts and terms and therefore to facilitate the understanding of the requirements and the better outline the several processes.
Moreover, major progress has been made, finalising the WP3, including the successful organisation and delivery of the Open Market Consultation events, which enabled the first communication channels with potential suppliers.
In addition, the Innovation Procurement Platform has been built, launched and regularly improved and updated with new content. The Innovation Procurement Platform will serve the suppliers for the creation of consortia, for the submission and for the evaluation (WP3).
Lastly, the whole consortium proactively worked in order to maximise the impacts and the results of the iProcureSecurity PCP project. To do so, a structured communication and dissemination plan has been setup and the first Dissemination and Communication Package submitted. In particular, this phase was extremely important for the consortium to properly communicate and disseminate the activities related to the Open Market Consultation events. The work implemented included strong social media presence, creation of newsletters, booklets, leaflet, direct emails invitations, video dissemination etc. (WP9).
The progress beyond the state of the art for the iProcureSecurity PCP has to be differentiated between two main exploitation strands. The first strand deals with the exploitation of the outcomes based on iProcureSecurity PCP Solutions. Detailed exploitation and procurement plans can be made primarily in phase 3 of the PCP, once the final two solutions are known and more specific commercialisation and procurement aspects can be discussed.
The second strand considers exploitable items that were created directly by the project partners. The first eight months of the project were focused strongly on the identification, aggregation, analysis and discussion of data from the procurers (e.g. current practices and innovation needs for triage management), from desk research and from workshops. During the second project period the consortium will further screen the data to identify additional exploitation potential (e.g. usage of data for teaching, training, organisational improvements or further research activities).
Besides that, one of the obvious exploitable items will be the Innovation Procurement Platform that was and will be consequently improved throughout the project. Besides the main goal of the project, iProcureSecurity PCP seeks to increase the uptake of innovation procurement as a whole. The development efforts will not only support the process of the current PCP project but should also support future innovation procurement actions. On a long-term perspective, the platform foresees to: (a) provide first customer references for innovative companies; (b) allow the access of new innovative players to the public procurement markets; (c) create well-grounded conditions for wider commercialisation and take-up of R&D results; (d) support start-ups and SMEs to launch and grow; (e) act as a “seal of approval” for innovative companies and solutions, confirming the market potential or new emerging technologies, and (f) thereby attract new investors and new costumers.
Within this framework this Marketplace for Innovation Procurement has positioned itself to facilitate and strengthen the procurement initiatives allowing a smooth and easy encounter between the demand and the supply side. It has been set up as a living and growing online eco-system, showcasing existing products, solutions and services and fostering international cooperation among the suppliers.
Leaflet iProcureSecurityPCP