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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Enhancing aesthetic reception of contemporary music through active tempo control with physiological monitoring

Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare la percezione della musica contemporanea complessa

La musica contemporanea complessa promuove la creatività e l’evoluzione culturale in ambito musicale, anche se purtroppo viene ancora percepita come musica per un pubblico selezionato. Molti ascoltatori hanno maggiori difficoltà a connettersi con questo genere musicale, ad esempio tenendo il ritmo con il piede o muovendosi, rispetto alla musica popolare o classica dominante. Il progetto EAR Stretch, finanziato dall’UE, supporterà l’apprezzamento degli ascoltatori per la musica contemporanea complessa tramite interazioni incorporate, attraverso l’impiego di gesti fisici per controllare il tempo musicale. In particolare, il progetto condurrà uno studio confrontando l’ascolto normale con quello interattivo mediante il controllo temporale di questo tipo di musica con il battito del piede, oltre a nuovi brani sempre di questo genere creati appositamente per il progetto. Inoltre, lo studio approfondirà le risposte neurali e psicologiche alla base delle valutazioni estetiche soggettive di tale genere musicale.


Complex contemporary music (CM) is the crucible for musical invention that exemplifies human creativity. It forms the lifeblood of musical cultural evolution, but can be alienating to the uninitiated. In EAR Stretch, we propose to help non-specialized listeners gain a deeper appreciation for CM through embodied interaction with temporal expression of the music. When communicating music, skilled performers often help listeners make sense of the music through expressive prosodic inflections of timing and tempo. In familiar music, listeners can often recognize the pulse and tap a foot along to the expressed beat. But in CM, listeners’ internalization of the beat and subsequent embodied reactions may be limited. The embodied cognition that comes from physically engaging with time—including organization of intrinsic brain activity and changes in perception—may be lacking in CM listening, contributing to poor reception. We hypothesize that empowering listeners to physically control the temporal expression of CM will lead to improved reception of the music as measured by neural and physiological changes and aesthetic evaluation of the music. Our main objective is to determine the impact of motor-based temporal engagement with CM on the listener-performer’s reception of the music. Acoustic- and complexity-matched CM compositions will be created specially for a psychophysiological study comparing normal listening to interactive listening with tapping-based temporal control. Objective measures, neural and physiological responses, will probe the underlying causes of subjective aesthetic evaluations and elucidate the roles of arousal, attention, and entrainment in these sources. Positive impact of interactive, embodied engagement with CM will transform the CM landscape, inspire the redesign of concert experiences, promote social inclusion, and propel CM into the musical vernacular, inciting cultural and intellectual development.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 196 707,84
75794 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 196 707,84