Descrizione del progetto
Metodi di costruzione moderni per strutture più sicure e sostenibili
I metodi di costruzione moderni sono altamente precisi, migliorano la sicurezza e riducono il livello di rifiuti grazie a processi di produzione e costruzione ottimizzati. Tuttavia, la mancanza di linee guida sull’interazione tra componenti strutturali e il comportamento di connessione ne ostacola l’impiego a livello mondiale. La struttura in acciaio a pannelli, portante e formata a freddo è un metodo di costruzione moderno che offre numerosi vantaggi rispetto alle tecniche di costruzione consuete. Ciononostante, si sa poco sulla solidità di tali strutture poiché i dati sul collaudo e sulla modellizzazione sono scarsi. Il progetto ConCatenaTion, finanziato dall’UE, intende realizzare prototipi di connessione inediti, redigere guide e illustrare i concetti che dovrebbero consentire la progettazione efficiente di strutture in acciaio a pannelli e formate a freddo protette da crolli sproporzionati, utilizzando al contempo azioni a catena favorevoli come meccanismi anti-crollo.
Modern methods of construction (MMC), which are highly precise, improve safety and reduce waste due to their streamlined manufacturing and construction processes, are essential to address global deficits in residential accommodation supply, reduce homelessness and housing cost overburden, whilst targeting UN sustainable development goals 11 and 13 (sustainable cities and communities and climate action, respectively). Despite its benefits, MMC use is limited worldwide, with the lack of knowledge/guidelines on the interaction between structural components and connection system behaviour playing a major role.
Built offsite, cold-formed steel (CFS) load-bearing panelised construction is a MMC that offers additional advantages over standard construction such as high recyclability, ease of construction and reduced structural weight, which all combine to reduce construction-related carbon emissions. However, little understanding exists on the robustness of such structures, exacerbated by lack of published testing and modelling data.
This fellowship aims to develop a novel connection prototype to enable the utilisation of catenary action within the disproportionate collapse resistance mechanism in CSF MMC. This research will, for the first time, provide much-needed design guidance and structural idealisations for use in global structural models necessary for the robust design of CFS panelised structures against disproportionate collapse.
Project aims will be achieved through 1) small and medium-scale structural testing, and 2) replication of structural behaviour using advanced numerical analysis to progress a comprehensive understanding of the complex interaction between components, enabling the development of new connection design criteria that includes catenary action. The project findings will be disseminated without prejudice (typically this is not the case in the field), leading to safer and more sustainable structures and higher uptake of CFS MMC in the industry.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinatore
4 Dublin