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Eurosolar for all: energy communities for a fair energy transition in Europe (Sun4All)

Descrizione del progetto

Una soluzione solare di comunità per fornire energia alle famiglie povere

L’accesso a un’energia rinnovabile conveniente è importante nella transizione verde dell’Europa e nel conseguimento degli obiettivi dell’accordo di Parigi sul clima. Sebbene la quota di energia rinnovabile sia più che raddoppiata tra il 2004 e il 2019, non tutte le famiglie sono in grado di permettersi questo tipo di sistemi. In questo contesto, il progetto Sun4All, finanziato dall’UE, istituirà un programma di sostegno finanziario di accesso all’energia rinnovabile per le famiglie povere in materia di energia. Nello specifico, offrirà ai consumatori vulnerabili la possibilità di sottoscrivere un’energia solare di comunità: i beneficiari del programma saranno co-proprietari di un impianto fotovoltaico locale e i redditi generati attraverso la produzione e la vendita di energia saranno impiegati per ridurre le bollette energetiche.


Ensuring that vulnerable households have access to renewable energies is equitable, helps to cover energy needs, and can support multiple policy goals, such as affordable energy, job creation, and improved public health. Although the need is great, many households may not be able to afford RES installations or may be inhibited from participating in the energy transition for other reasons such as lack of access to information, difficulties to access finance or ownership patterns.
EuroSolar for All (Sun4All) sets up a financial support scheme for renewable energy access for energy poor households. The programme offers vulnerable consumers the opportunity to subscribe to community solar. The general scheme is based on the existing New York’s initiative named “Solar for All” and will be adapted and implemented in 4 cities and regions in Europe: Barcelona (ES), Communauté de Communes Coeur de Savoie (FR), Rome (IT) and Almada (PT).
The overall idea is to offer solar shares to vulnerable consumers instead of a traditional social subsidy (p.e to pay utility bill arrears). The beneficiaries of the programme will be co-owners of a local PV plant and the revenues produced through the generation and selling of the energy will be used to reduce energy bills. Besides, ES4All presents other multiple co benefits:
-Beneficiaries save money through a free community solar subscription
-Access is ensured whether participants are renters or homeowners ensuring their participation into the energy transition and leaving no one behind.
-Eurosolar for All facilitates behaviour change and provides tailored advice to beneficiaries.
-The programme optimizes social subsidies by transforming them into a profitable investment for the beneficiaries
After testing and evaluating the model in these 4 cities and regions, replication and up-scaling of the programme is foreseen in at least 10 other EU cities and planned in other cities and regions to become an established programme in Europe.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 341 122,96
Rambla de Catalunya, 13, 2on, 2a
08007 Barcelona

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 341 122,96

Partecipanti (11)