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Demonstrable and replicable cluster implementing systemic solutions through multilevel circular value chains for eco-efficient valorization of fishing and fish industries side-streams

Descripción del proyecto

Convertir los residuos de pescado en ingredientes de valor añadido

El equipo del proyecto EcoeFISHent, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará tecnologías innovadoras de tratamiento previo y extracción de biomasa. Su idea es permitir la explotación sostenible y eficiente de flujos secundarios del procesado de pescado mediante la obtención de bioactivos y galantina para complementos alimenticios de alto valor añadido y productos para el cuidado de la piel, así como capas barrera biodegradables y compostables para envases alimentarios. Además, se convertirán otros flujos secundarios de la industria pesquera en fertilizantes para el suelo, aceite para biodiésel y quitina para productos cosméticos. Incluso las viejas redes de pesca encontrarán una nueva vida al convertirlas en componentes de automoción a base de polímeros y envases para productos cosméticos. El objetivo principal del proyecto es demostrar un clúster sistémico y sostenible replicable para el despliegue territorial de una economía circular climáticamente neutra.


EcoeFISHent demonstrates a replicable systemic and sustainable cluster for territorial deployment of the climate-neutral circular economy by creating six multilevel and synergic circular value chains (CVC) interconnecting blue- and green-economies to reconcile human industrial and economic activities with marine ecosystems and marine protected areas.
The EcoeFISHent innovative bio-mass pre-treatment and extraction technologies will enable sustainable and efficient exploitation of fish processing side-streams (FPS) by obtaining bio-actives and galantine for high value-added food supplements and skin care products, biodegradable and compostable barrier layer for food packaging. Other fishing- and fish-industry side-streams (FFS) will undergo the Black Soldier Fly bioconversion to yield innovative soil fertilizer, oil for biodiesel and chitin for cosmetic applications. End of life fishing nets from aquaculture and fisheries will be recycled and converted into automotive polymer-based components and into packaging for cosmetic products. The multilevel interconnected cluster will be managed by a cloud-based platform communicating with physical IoT systems enabling safe and efficient operation of the logistic and transport infrastructure. The cluster busines model and the cluster digital twin will allow simulating critical and optimal scenarios for quantitative analysis of cluster performance measured by dedicated KPIs, also enabling the assessment of the cluster replicability in other geographic areas and fostering investments pipelines. Community and stakeholder?s involvement will be promoted also in the implementation of specific actions for marine ecosystem preservation by modeling, application of better practices and technologies for strongly reducing by-catch and for stopping ghost gears. Social and justice inclusion programs will be implemented by employing disadvantaged individuals, to increase overall cluster employment and to apply distributive justice criteria

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 845 358,75
16122 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Tipo de actividad
Coste total
€ 945 358,75

Participantes (38)