Risultati finali
Development of the Project visual identity Kit logo templates The deliverable is related to Task 711
Meetings for stakeholders engagementOrganization of meeting with addressed stakeholder for involvement in the zero ghost gear programme and for using sustainable fishing practises This will also involve stakeholder mapping introductory meeting to engage local relevant fisheries stakeholder and gather buyin to the project objective as well as final evaluation of field tests The deliverable is related to Task 511
Publishing of EcoeFISHent cluster web-site, opening Twitter and Facebook accounts, starting YoutTube EcoeFISHent channelPublishing of EcoeFISHent cluster website opening Twitter and Facebook accounts starting YoutTube EcoeFISHent channel The deliverable is related to Task 711
Report on identification and analysis of traceability rules and requirements provided by EU Regulations in harmonization with the EU food safety policy taking care of the the topicality of zoonoses as a risk agent The deliverable referes to Task 112
Updated maps of ghost gears hotspotsDeliverable is one of the results of task 53 related to the mapping of the ghost gear hotspot
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