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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

European food chain supply to reduce GHG emissions by 2050

Descrizione del progetto

Suggellare un sistema alimentare ecologico e sostenibile

Nell’ambito del Green Deal europeo, la strategia «Dal produttore al consumatore» dell’UE si propone di fornire una strategia olistica per trasformare il settore alimentare europeo in un sistema rispettoso dell’ambiente, resiliente, sano ed equo. Tuttavia, per riuscire in questo intento, ha bisogno di un sostegno scientifico, tecnologico, economico e sociale sistemico. Il progetto ENOUGH, finanziato dall’UE, contribuirà al conseguimento di tale obiettivo tramite la creazione di nuovi strumenti, metodi, tecnologie e conoscenze per permettere al settore di ridurre le emissioni di gas a effetto serra entro il 2050. Inoltre, il progetto si prefigge di migliorare la sostenibilità dei sistemi alimentari e di mettere a disposizione soluzioni tecnologiche innovative selezionate pronte all’adozione da parte delle aziende europee per garantire l’affermarsi di una futura filiera alimentare forte e sostenibile.


The ENOUGH project will provide technologies, tools and methods to contribute to the EU Farm to Fork strategy to achieve climate neutral food businesses. The ENOUGH project will identify how the food industry can
1. Reduce GHG-emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels.
2. Achieve climate neutrality for food businesses by reducing energy use and increasing energy efficiency by 2050.
3. Improve the overall integrated sustainability of food systems (including social/health, climate/environmental and economic aspects) whilst at the same time meeting societal goals.
4. Increase awareness among policy makers, businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, institutions, stakeholders and citizens of selected innovative systemic solutions and their potential for uptake at EU scale.
The project brings together 30 partners from 9 EU nations, Norway, Turkey and the UK, who have in depth expertise across the whole food chain (refrigeration, cooking, baking, drying). The ENOUGH project is constructed around 11 work packages (WP): WP1 will identify 1990 and 2020 baselines for GHG emissions and will then forecast how emissions will change moving forward to 2030 and 2050. In WP2, we will identify what are the energy efficient measures and new technologies that are vital to achieve the maximum reductions in emissions. In WP4 we will use all the information and models from WP1 and 2 to develop a web-based tool that will identify the benefits of thermal integration heating and cooling and provide information on potential global emission reductions across the whole food chain. In WP5, data from food process and the food supply chain will be used to optimize and better control operations and technologies to minimize emissions. In WP3 and 7 we will examine how social behaviour, policy and finance can add to the GHG reductions target. In WP6, the more relevant and promising technologies will be demonstrated. A set of the most promising technologies TRL (5-7) have been pre-selected for demonstration based on their relevance and readiness. Additional technologies/operational adaptations will be added during the project and will be selected using a robust process managed by the coordinator and demonstrated in real life. Work from the ENOUGH project will be widely disseminated with an ambitious communication plan in WP8. WP9 includes all project management. WP10 oversees the ethics compliance of the project and WP11 includes communication with European Commission.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 320 216,87
7052 Trondheim

Mostra sulla mappa

Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 2 320 216,87

Partecipanti (32)