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Complex Contagion of Childcare Strategies amongst Low-Income Parents


Hürden für die Inanspruchnahme formaler Kinderbetreuung

Kleinkinder aus einkommensschwachen Haushalten sind weniger in formaler Kinderbetreuung untergebracht als Kinder aus Familien mit höherem Einkommen. Forschungen haben jedoch gezeigt, dass Kinder in hochwertiger Betreuung bessere akademische Leistungen in weiterführenden Schulen wie auch im späteren Leben erbringen. Daher müssen die Hürden zur formalen Kinderbetreuung überwunden werden, um solche Ungleichheiten bei der Inanspruchnahme zu verringern. Das ERC-finanzierte Projekt CHILDCARE STRATEGIES wird untersuchen, warum formale Kinderbetreuung nicht immer in einkommensschwachen Haushalten ankommt. Die Ergebnisse aus Verwaltungs- und Umfragedaten werden Einblicke in die Verbreitung der Betreuungsstrategien ermöglichen. Das Projekt wird unser Verständnis von Kinderbetreuung in ein neues Licht rücken, um Barrieren zu deren Annahme zu benennen.


Background - High quality childcare greatly improves outcomes in later life. Yet childcare access and usage are distributed unevenly, leading to amplified inequalities in later life outcomes. Parents from low-income households are 50% less likely to use formal childcare services than high-income households and use them when the child is older and less intensely. Research has shown that cost, location, and quality of childcare effects usage, yet policy solutions aimed at removing these barriers have not reduced inequalities in usage.

Aim - In this project, sociological, economic, demographic and social policy perspectives are synthesized within a framework of ‘complex contagions’ to investigate how the use of formal childcare diffuses across low income populations, with the aim of identifying barriers to uptake in formal childcare.

Approach - This project breaks through the state of the art to more clearly describe why some childcare strategies, that use formal childcare, don’t spread to low income households. With a complex contagion, people only adopt a new behaviour if they are repeatedly exposed to it from multiple, diverse actors in their network. Low income households have personal networks with long weak ties and high, multi-layer clustering, that make adopting new childcare strategies unlikely. This project therefore examines how the childcare strategies present in work, family and neighbourhood networks influences the childcare strategies of low income households.

Innovation & Impact - The analysis will draw on unprecedented, linked administrative and survey data to study the diffusion of childcare strategies. Network data are used in combination with multichannel sequence analysis and other longitudinal methods to identify the role of networks in shaping childcare strategies. The project will completely reframe our understanding of not only childcare strategies, but also parallel areas of social policy and the wider study of behaviour diffusion in


Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 470 130,00
3062 PA Rotterdam

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 470 130,00

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