CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

MHz rate mulTiple prOjection X-ray MicrOSCOPY


Abbildung dynamischer Prozesse in höherer Auflösung mit 4D-Röntgenmikroskopie

Für moderne Anwendungen wie die additive Fertigung fehlen wirksame Diagnostikwerkzeuge zur Untersuchung ultraschneller Phänomene in kleinem Maßstab. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MHz-TOMOSCOPY zielt darauf ab, einen neuen Rekord in der 4D-Röntgenmikroskopie aufzustellen und höhere räumliche und zeitliche Auflösungen zu erreichen. Durch den Einsatz von hochbrillanten Röntgenquellen und mehreren Röntgensonden wollen die Forschenden erstmals Dynamiken mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu einigen km/s im Mikrometerbereich visualisieren und bestimmen. Die 4D-Bildgebung lichtundurchlässiger Proben im MHz-Bereich wird in zahlreichen Bereichen neue Erkenntnisse bringen, insbesondere dort, wo im Umgang mit ultraschnellen Phänomenen bislang Simulationen und Mutmaßungen vorherrschten.


Modern enabling technologies, such as additive manufacturing or cavitation peening used in the aerospace and automotive industries, suffer from a lack of diagnostic tools. To date, one cannot provide relevant volumetric information about the fast processes involved. The realization of this project will break the current limits in fast, 4D X-ray microscopy by three orders of magnitude. It will be possible to visualize and characterize dynamics reaching velocities up to ~km/s for the first time with micron-scale resolutions. Instead of sample rotation, we will generate multiple X-ray probes and virtually rotate them around the sample to obtain with a single exposure multiple angular views simultaneously. Using modern X-ray sources with very high brilliance, each such 3D frame may be sampled at kHz rates at synchrotrons and even MHz rates at X-ray free-electron laser sources. This will unlock access to 4D observation of processes with velocities never before possible. 4D imaging of opaque samples at MHz rates enables insights across a range of sectors and industries. In cavitation peening, an industrially relevant phenomenon for aerospace and new materials, we have no volumetric information, due to its high speed. This breakthrough will be achieved by the construction of a prototype that will demonstrate MHz rate tomoscopy at the European XFEL, taking advantage of world-unique European laboratories for the benefit of industry. Observing MHz-fast phenomena in opaque samples enables an entirely new branch of research, with possibilities for all sectors where such fast phenomena has, to date, been left to simulations and speculations. For industry and society, it would open new possibilities in the development and management of several techniques, including laser driven additive manufacturing, shock waves, fractures, evaporation, light alloy metallurgy, fast fluid dynamics, and cavitation phenomena.


€ 1 024 390,00
22607 Hamburg

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Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg
Research Organisations
€ 1 024 390,00

Beteiligte (6)

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