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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Fast track to cleaner, healthier urban Aerosols by market ready Solutions of retrofit Filtration Devices for tailpipe, brake systems and closed environments


Innovative nachrüstbare Filtergeräte für saubere Stadtluft

Europa arbeitet kontinuierlich an sauberer Luft und emissionsfreien Elektrofahrzeugen. In den bevorstehenden Jahrzehnten wird der derzeitige Kraftfahrzeugbestand jedoch weiterhin giftige ultrafeine Partikel und gasförmige Verbindungen wie Stickoxide (NOx) ausstoßen. Das von MANN+HUMMEL koordinierte Projekt AeroSolfd wird marktreife Nachrüstungslösungen entwickeln, um die gesundheits- und umweltschädlichen Auswirkungen bestehender verkehrsbedingter Emissionen zu verringern. Es wird drei erschwingliche, einfach zu installierende und umweltfreundliche Nachrüstungsfilter liefern, um Auspuff- und Bremsemissionen sowie die Umweltverschmutzung an U-Bahnhöfen zu reduzieren. Das Konsortium aus großen Industrieunternehmen, renommierten wissenschaftlichen Instituten und Leuchtturm-Demostandorten wird eine rasche Einführung realisieren, damit die Menschen in Europa und anderen Regionen bereits 2025 von einer saubereren Mobilität und einer gesünderen Umwelt profitieren können.


Emissions of the existing gasoline engines and brakes of the commercial vehicle fleets in Europe relate to health problems and death of annually >1,45 Mio. people. For the next decades, these vehicles will continue populating the roads, emitting PM/PN exhaust particles and toxic secondary emissions. For immediate reduction, retrofit solutions for tailpipe and brake emissions must be brought to TRL 8 and introduced to the market by 2025. Timing is crucial: Retrofits are transition technologies until full electrification of Europe’s transport fleet. Even beyond, brake retrofits play an important role in the electrified fleet. Quick wins in the reduction of the overall footprint of the existing fleets can be realised by using our 3 retrofits for tailpipe, brake and closed environments: 95% of PM2.5 and 80% of toxic secondary emissions using an innovative Gasoline Particle Filter, 60% of NOx exhaust emissions replacing the aged TWC by original equipment, 90% of the brake particles of long-lived road transport assets using a passive BDPF, 90% of particles in closed environments (bus stops, tunnels, metro stations) using a special designed and enhanced stationary air purifier. To create credible key messages for clients, citizens and policy, we perform lighthouse demo activities: 1) tailpipe retrofit: 1.000 vehicles in 2 climate zones (Germany + Israel) for 4 representative engine type families, 2) brake retrofit: Define emission fingerprints for the public transport of the cities of Valladolid, Ancona, Fermo and Sofia and > 35000 km lab testing on dynamometer and > 8000 km real driving, 3) air purifier retrofit for closed environments: 3 underground stations (Sofia, 2x Lisbon) with > 130000 commuters and Valladolid central bus depot with > 150 buses.
For market preparation we will reach >4.000 citizens and policy makers from EU KOM level and >8 EU countries. We unite world leading industry, renowned scientific institutes and lighthouse demo sites in 8 European countries


€ 626 670,63
71636 Ludwigsburg

Auf der Karte ansehen

Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Ludwigsburg
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 895 243,75

Beteiligte (17)

Partner (1)