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The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap

Description du projet

Un atlas de feuilles de route visant à améliorer l’enseignement des STIAM

L’objectif principal du projet SEER, financé par l’UE, consiste à fournir un ensemble de feuilles de route qui ouvriront la voie aux changements politiques et institutionnels nécessaires à la mise en œuvre à grande échelle et à l’intégration de l’enseignement des STI(A)M (sciences, technologies, ingénierie, arts et mathématiques) en Europe. Le projet atteindra cet objectif de grande envergure en synthétisant le statut de l’enseignement des STI(A)M et en évaluant les politiques et initiatives nationales et internationales, tout en analysant les besoins des enseignants et des écoles. Cette analyse des besoins et des lacunes correspondantes en matière de politiques et de ressources servira à concevoir un ensemble d’étapes et de stratégies à l’intention des principales parties prenantes, notamment les responsables politiques, les décideurs scolaires, les enseignants et l’industrie, afin de soutenir l’incorporation de l’enseignement des STI(A)M en Europe et ailleurs.


The SEER - The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap, is an improvement journey with different stages associated to intervention steps based on research and proven experiences with recommendations, to get more STE(A)M-happy motivated and connected citizens. The SEER will be at the intersection of four major dimensions: (1) the need to collect all that currently is in place (such as STE(A)M education policies, innovative STE(A)M teaching practices, and feedback on how existing STE(A)M programs were implemented so far), (2) the importance to foster exchange and dialogue among all STEAM education stakeholders, (3) the necessity to permanently carry out needs analysis activities that would identify gaps, as well as impact analysis of initiatives and policies and (4) provide guidance for future actions and get the buy-in of citizens and particularly major stakeholders (Ministries, schools, parents, teachers) through outreach mechanisms. The SEER will deliver: a) The SEER process: including focus groups, seminars and case studies with supporting surveys, polls, and results, leading to the identification of gaps and the STE(A)M Education European Roadmap; b) The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap: The Atlas of roadmaps that will help improve STE(A)M Education from different stakeholders starting point and using a myriad of paths depending on the goal to achieve; c) The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap Impact Strategy providing a standard impact assessment mechanism for new STEM plans, projects, and initiatives; d) A proposal of how an Integrated STE(A)M education certification framework could contribute to educational reform, why it is relevant for students, teachers, citizens and MoEs, and how schools can self-evaluate. Additionally, to continuously engage the community at large on the options and benefits of STE(A)M in our lives and their connection to a better / greener world, and future degrees and careers, SEER will run an ambitious series of dissemination actions.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 489 750,00
1040 Bruxelles / Brussel

Voir sur la carte

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 489 750,00

Participants (5)