CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Travel: Identity- and Nation-Building in Bhutan


Spurensuche nach der Identität Bhutans und dessen historischer Rolle in Süd- und Ostasien

Seit den 1800er Jahren ist das ausgeprägte politische Engagement bhutanischer buddhistischer Ordensleute ein wesentliches Merkmal der diplomatischen Beziehungen Bhutans zu Tibet und Britisch-Indien. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt BhutldBuddh untersucht die Identitäts- und Nationsbildung in Bhutan durch die Auswertung einer bislang nicht übersetzten Sammlung bhutanischer und tibetischer Textquellen. Diese Erkenntnisse werden die religiöse und politische Geschichte Bhutans seit den 1800er Jahren erhellen, die zum heutigen nachhaltigen Entwicklungsmodell des Bruttonationalglücks (BNG) führte, einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Verwirklichung von Glück und Wohlbefinden der Bevölkerung. Erstmalig wird in diesem Projekt die historische Rolle Bhutans als Bindeglied zwischen Südasien, dem britischen Raj und Ostasien aus bhutanischer Sicht systematisch untersucht.


This research project is an investigation of identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhutan with a particular focus on the agency of Buddhist masters as important diplomats and Bhutan's entangled history with Tibet. This will enable a novel understanding of Bhutan's religious and political history, particularly its Buddhism-induced development model of Gross National Happiness (GNH) that has not yet received systematic historical analysis in religious studies in Europe despite its global popularity as an example of alternative sustainable economic models. Furthermore, for the first time, Bhutan's historical role in linking South Asia, the British Raj, and East Asia will be systematically addressed. The research output will significantly advance both fields - that of Tibetology and religious studies. The innovative research design combines historical-philological methods by analyzing a thus far untranslated corpus of Bhutanese/Tibetan primary sources with a theoretical framework from religious studies focusing on identity and social differentiation. Therefore, the project is in its methodology, output, and impact inter-disciplinary. The researcher will produce a draft for a single monograph publication for habilitation in Germany. The proposed project involves as the researcher a German Tibetologist trained in Germany, Canada, India, and Bhutan reintegrating to Germany to work with a religious/Buddhist studies scholar at Leipzig University. This will enable substantial training for the researcher in religious studies and impactful two-way knowledge exchange between the researcher and the host institution due to the international experience of the researcher. An intersectional secondment at The British Library Endangered Archives Programme (London) will provide further Tibetological training in (digital) archival work, palaeography, and codicology, and produce globally accessible research data about this digitized Bhutanese/Tibetan primary source corpus.


€ 189 687,36
04109 Leipzig

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Sachsen Leipzig Leipzig
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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