CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
Strengthened transferable and soft skills of the IMGGE staff
Setting up a RMU at IMGGE
RMU will be set up at the kickoff meeting M1 by appointing staff from IMGGE
First report on the human iPSC-based model system trainings at UNITSFirst report on the human iPSCbased model system trainings at UNITS
Plan for dissemination, exploitation and communication (kick-off meeting)Initial plan for dissemination exploitation and communication
Kick-off meeting report and naming the Project Management Board and Advisory BoardKickoff meeting report and naming the Project Management Board and Advisory Board
First report on the advanced statistics trainings at ULData management plan (Kick-off meeting)
Data management plan initial following Kickoff meeting
Interactive web site will be created where information regarding the aims of the Project progress in achieving goals and relevant supporting will be available at all times and updated monthly from month 6 The web site will be also accessible through IMGGE web site wwwimggebgacrs and will be bilingual Serbian and English languages
Leaflets containing information on significance and clinical use of pharmacogenomics markers.Leaflets containing information on significance and clinical use of pharmacogenomics markers Three leaflets are planned
van Schaik RH, Manolopoulos VG, Daly AK, Niemi M, Zukic B, Patrinos GP, Primorac D, Swen JJ, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Morris T, Molden E, Müller D, Pavlovic S, Russmann S, Ansari M, Henricks LM, den Broek WV, Florindi F, Bozina N, Akin D, Christrup L, Llerena
Opublikowane w:
Pharmacogenomics, Numer 24(5), 2023, ISSN 1462-2416
Ashley Publications Ltd.
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