CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Innovative Education for the BioEconomy


Ein nahtloser Übergang zu einer Biowirtschaft

Als wesentliche Herausforderung unserer Zeit hat der Klimawandel ganze Nationen in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt in dem Bestreben, seine Auswirkungen abzuschwächen. Daher sind neue Ideen und Lösungen notwendig, um die Risiken des Klimawandels zu verringern. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BioBeo klärt deshalb mit Unterstützung seiner 15 Partner die Jugend Europas über die Vorteile und Bedeutung einer Biowirtschaft auf. In diesem Rahmen wird es ein ansprechendes Bildungsprogramm ausarbeiten, das zur Teilnahme und Aktion in der gesamten Gesellschaft anregt. Es ist an fünf Themen zur Biowirtschaft ausgerichtet: Freiluftunterricht, Vernetzung, Forstwirtschaft, Nahrungsmittelkreislauf und das Leben unter dem Wasser. Insgesamt soll das Interesse an MINT-Karrieren ausgebaut, aktive Bürgerschaft gefördert und der Übergang zu einer nachhaltigen Biowirtschaft erleichtert werden.


BioBeo is a 2 year, €2M project with 15 partners, bridging theory and practice. Its overall aim is to develop and deploy an education programme to enhance understanding and engagement across society regarding lifestyle, circularity and bioeconomy, using 5 bioeconomy themes: interconnectedness, outdoor learning, forestry, life below water and the food loop. A network committed to promoting the bioeconomy concept will co-create and co-deliver the programme. BioBeo will provide for better coordination between bio-science and education in schools by developing the Circular Economy Science-Society message with a particular focus on circular lifestyle/behaviours, and a governance framework on society-wide engagement in bioeconomy policy. BioBeo will address social issues such as gender bias, disadvantaged youth groups, migrants and members of society with additional needs. We shall 1. increase awareness of environmental, social and economic benefits of sustainable and circular bioeconomy among young people at pre-school, primary and secondary school level 2. identify institutional and cultural barriers 3. develop innovative approaches and digital toolkits for educational and information materials 4. pilot BioBeo education programme reaching 35 schools, 1,000 university students, 1,800 parents/guardians and 100 teachers across Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany 5. demonstrate a measured increase in engagement of young people and their intention to pursue education and careers in life science, technology and bioeconomy 6. enhance governance of bioeconomy related processes within society by engaging European citizens from young to old in active policy making 7. coordinate communication and dissemination to optimise the reach and visibility to students, teachers, policy makers and parents. BioBeo will contribute to the transition to a sustainable EU circular bioeconomy by enhancing society-wide awareness and inspiring Europe’s youth to pursue STEM related careers.


€ 397 277,50
4 Dublin

Auf der Karte ansehen

Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 397 277,50

Beteiligte (13)

Partner (1)