CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Neo-authoritarianisms in Europe and the liberal democratic response


Die liberale Demokratie widerstandsfähiger gestalten

Demokratien werden zunehmend anfälliger, da ideologische Gegenparteien an Dynamik gewinnen. Aber um die Demokratie zu stärken und zu stabilisieren, müssen wir die Herausforderungen verstehen, denen sie gegenübersteht. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AUTHLIB wird die Vielfalt neoautoritärer, illiberaler Ideologien in Europa untersuchen, insbesondere in Tschechien, Frankreich, Italien, Ungarn, Österreich, Polen und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Es wird sich auf die historischen, sozialen und psychologischen Ursachen, den organisatorischen Hintergrund und die politischen Implikationen konzentrieren. Dazu wird AUTHLIB Labor- und Online-Umfrageexperimente durchführen, Textdaten und soziale Medien sichten sowie Experten- und Bevölkerungsbefragungen durchführen, um ideologische Konstellationen abzubilden. Die Ergebnisse werden politischen Entscheidungstragenden die Informationen liefern, die sie benötigen, um die Unterstützung für die liberale Demokratie zu verstärken.


To protect the future of liberal democracy in Europe, we must first understand its challengers. AUTHLIB is a multidisciplinary project that aims to explore the varieties of neo-authoritarian, illiberal ideologies in Europe, their social, psychological and historical causes, their organisational background and their political implications. The study aims to capture the dynamics of ideological change in the European Union as a whole, but it will particularly focus on Poland, France, Italy, Hungary, Czechia, the United Kingdom and Austria.
We will map ideological configurations by analysing textual data and social media, and by organising surveys of citizens and experts. The mapping of ideological structures will be complemented by a study of emotional triggers and rhetorical strategies pursued by illiberal actors. The contemporary ideological configurations of illiberalism will be embedded within their historical-cultural context, and the study of ideas and preferences will be supplemented by investigation of illiberalism in power, and the co-operation of illiberal political actors. To develop interventions that effectively target these new challenges, AUTHLIB will define the normative limits for actions that democracies may take in their own defence. In order to identify the mechanisms behind the support of illiberalism, and the susceptibility of citizens towards changing their attitudes, we will conduct laboratory and online panel-based survey experiments.
Finally, in order to observe how ideological and emotional stimuli work in co-operative settings, we will set up deliberative fora, involving both ordinary citizens, ideological opponents, and individuals responsible for educating future generations and operating the intricate procedures of liberal democracy.
The research will provide policy-makers with a comprehensive toolbox to improve support for liberal democracy.


€ 525 300,00
1051 Budapest

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Közép-Magyarország Budapest Budapest
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 770 687,50

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