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Innovative methodology to prevent and mitigate diffuse pollution from urban water runoff

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WATERUN (Innovative methodology to prevent and mitigate diffuse pollution from urban water runoff)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-06-01 al 2023-11-30

Diffuse pollution in urban areas caused by rainwater runoff is a serious global environmental issue. It may seem that rainwater is clean but when it washes the streets and roofs it becomes loaded with dust, residues of animal faeces, microplastics and other toxic contaminants. Diffuse pollution can have significant negative impacts on human wellbeing and ecosystem health. These effects are increased by climate change with severe rainfalls and changes in the rainfall pattern. Due to urbanization in cities, natural ways of dealing with runoff such as infiltration into the ground are reduced.
The aim of WATERUN is to provide innovative tools and methodologies to improve water runoff management in urban areas. The validation will be in 3 case studies locations with different levels of implementation of measures for runoff management and climatic conditions: Aarhus (Denmark – high level of implementation and continental), Santiago de Compostela (Spain – low level – Atlantic) and Amman (Jordan – low level – Mediterranean).
The consortium works on three complementary research lines. The first one aims at finding out which pollutants are present in urban runoff and how to measure them. To this end, sampling campaigns are being carried out in the case studies to identify the pollutants. In addition, specific sensors are being developed to measure microplastics and hydrocarbons in-situ.
The second line focuses on finding the sources of pollutants and how they are distributed in the urban environment. Models and simulations are being used for this purpose.
Finally, it is important to propose measures to prevent and eliminate diffuse pollution from reaching natural water sources. WATERUN is working on software to plan the installation of green infrastructures in different parts of the city to solve this problem. Also, sustainable urban drainage (SuDs) installations and blue and green infrastructures (BGI) such as treatment wetlands are being validated in the case studies to evaluate their effectiveness.
WATERUN is developing software to ensure that runoff water management is safe to minimize risks to health and the environment in urban areas.
To ensure that the products are in line with the needs of end-users such as municipalities, water utilities, water regulators,… WATERUN is organising local stakeholder boards in the case studies to present the products and get feedback to improve them.
The technical and scientific activities performed in the project so far are:
WP1: Launch of 2 local stakeholder boards (LSB) in Santiago and Aarhus targeting the identification of key stakeholders: municipalities, regional health/water regulators, water utilities, urban planners, engineering consultants. LSB are engaged in dynamic participative workshops where WATERUN partners had the opportunity to introduce their products and receive feedback and contributions. Furthermore, in WP1 technical boundaries conditions were defined.
WP2: An initial monitoring protocol for the case studies was completed. Also, preliminary tests with gold nanoparticle-based colorimetric assays for PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) were developed showing promising results. Moreover, an imaging system comprised of a blue light source, a black box and a smartphone camera was designed and prototyped for microplastic analysis.
WP3: Complete development of a modelling database for the case study cities. A prototype version of the web-based identification tool was designed and created. Currently, it is online and functioning. The conceptual framework of the storm water planning tool incorporating a block processing tool linking the stormwater management model software (SWMM) was programmed and tested.
WP4: Design and initial steps of construction of the blue and green infrastructures (BGI) of Santiago case study: 1 sustainable urban drainage system (SuD) to integrate in Ptolomeo Street of Tambre Industrial Park and one SuD and one nature-based solution (wetlands) for Sionlla industrial Park. The scope and objectives for life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economical assessment were defined.
WP5: Development of a Python tool (β-version) for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) calculation with a preliminary version of a graphical user interface. A SWMM model has been created for modelling combined sewer overflows which are under testing.
WP6/ WP7: Communication and dissemination activities and management of the project.
By M18, no key exploitable results (KER), other exploitable results (OER) or non-commercial results have been completely developed to have a remarkable scientific, societal or economic impact. These results need further research in the time framework of the project. A first version of the Exploitation Plan was released drafting an overview of the results and envisioning the first steps to focus in the most promising ones.
The key outputs were identified and described as WATERUN products on which exploitation strategy is being developed:
P1: Portable monitoring system to identify the presence of microplastics and PAHs in-situ
P2: Software to identify critical sources of pollutants according to the characteristics of the city
P3: Analysis of city runoff flows and scenarios for reducing pollutant discharge (software)
P4: Green infrastructure for runoff retention and treatment of pollutants
P5.1: Early Warning System for a safe urban water runoff reuse and management (software)
P5.2: Risk-based tool for Water Sensitive Urban Design (software)
P6: WATERUN Methodological Guide for Urban Runoff Water Management