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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

ROBUST Crisis Governance in Turbulent Times – Mindset, Evidence, Strategies


Der Übergang von der Erholung zum besseren Wiederaufbau nach der COVID-19-Pandemie

Die Resilienz ist eine unerlässliche Eigenschaft von Werkstoffen. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat dieser Begriff eine neue Bedeutung angenommen, die bis in die Politik und den Alltag reicht. Bei Resilienz geht es darum, nach einer Krise wieder auf die Beine zu kommen. Die COVID-19-Pandemie zwang die EU dazu, ihre Fähigkeit, dies zu bewerkstelligen, auf die Probe zu stellen. Um diese Herausforderung anzugehen, zielt das EU-finanzierte Projekt ROBUST darauf ab, einen Paradigmenwechsel von „Resilienz“ zu „Robustheit“ auf den Weg zu bringen, wobei es um einen verbesserten Wiederaufbau als zentrales Prinzip der Governance in zukünftigen Krisenzeiten geht. Das Projekt wird die Reaktionen der EU-Organe und acht europäischer Länder auf die Finanz-, Flüchtlings- und COVID-19-Krisen auf bewährter Praktiken hin analysieren. Der Datensatz von ROBUST wird wichtige Faktoren der Robustheit bei der Governance in Krisenzeiten offenlegen.


The focus of European post-pandemic politics is currently on enhancing system capacities for ‘bouncing back’ from crisis to normalcy. These efforts draw on resilience research, which has become the dominant paradigm in crisis management. However, there are broad governance challenges that the resilience approach fails to consider. Centrally, how can European societies harness flexible adaptation and proactive innovation to deliver effective crisis responses in situations, where going back to the way things were is neither possible nor desirable? And how can democratic institutions uphold core values such as democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights in the face of crisis-induced turbulence?

To address these challenges, the ROBUST project aims to set in motion a paradigm shift from ‘resilience’ (‘bouncing back’) to ‘robustness’ (‘building back better’) as the central principle of future crisis governance. The project breaks new ground by operationalizing the concept of robust crisis governance and investigating such responses empirically. We combine historical and comparative analysis at EU, national and local levels to gather a multi-dimensional data set out of which we identify the configurations of factors that drive (or block) robustness in crisis governance. The project studies responses by EU institutions and eight European countries to three recent crises (the financial, refugee and COVID-19 crises) to understand general patterns in system-level crises response, while we also conduct in-depth studies of localized COVID-19 responses ‘on the streets’ of 16 European localities to understand how EU, national and local crisis responses interact and are experienced by citizens.

On this basis, the project delivers the elements of a new mindset along with policy recommendations for enabling the robust crisis governance of the future, all anchored in a learning hub that will serve as the social engine of the paradigm shift envisioned by the project.


€ 715 536,25
Universitetsvej 1
4000 Roskilde

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Danmark Sjælland Østsjælland
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 715 536,25

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