CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Purposeful Intrinsically motivated Lifelong Learning Autonomous Robots


Wie Roboter autonom und zielgerichtet reale Szenarien „überdenken“

Stellen Sie sich einen Roboter mit einem derart hohen Maß an Autonomie vor, dass er seine eigenen Ziele festlegen und entscheiden kann, welche Strategie er in realen Situationen verfolgt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PILLAR-Robots entwickelt eine neue Robotergeneration, die auf den während ihrer Lebensdauer gesammelten Erfahrungen aufbauen kann, um die Wünsche ihrer menschlichen Gestaltenden/Nutzenden in realen Anwendungen zu erfüllen. Die Forschenden werden das aus den Kognitionswissenschaften stammende Konzept des „Zielzustands“ operationalisieren, um die Roboterautonomie und Domänenunabhängigkeit während des autonomen Lernens zu erhöhen. Das Ziel lautet, den Robotern das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, die sie benötigen, um im Sinne bestimmter Einsatzzwecke zu agieren. Das Projekt wird eine zielgerichtete, intrinsisch motivierte kognitive Architektur in Demonstrationen aus dem Agrar- und Lebensmittelsektor, dem Gebiet des unterhaltsamen Lernens und aus unstrukturierten Industrie-/Einzelhandelsbereichen anwenden.


PILLAR-Robots aims at developing a new generation of robots endowed with a higher level of autonomy, that are able to determine their own goals and establish their own strategies, creatively building on the experience acquired during their lifetime to fulfil the desires of their human designers/users in real-life application use-cases brought to TRL5. To this end, the project will operationalize the concept of Purpose, drawn from the cognitive sciences, to increase the autonomy and domain independence of robots during autonomous learning and, at the same time, to lead them to acquire knowledge and skills that are actually relevant for operating in target real applications. In particular, the project will develop algorithms for the acquisition of purpose by the robot, ways to bias the perceptual, motivational and decision systems of the robots’ cognitive architectures towards purposes, and strategies for learning representations, skills and models that allow the execution of purpose-related deliberative and reactive decision processes. Given the aim of reaching TRL5, PILLAR-Robots will implement and validate demonstrators of purposeful lifelong open-ended autonomy using the resulting Purposeful Intrinsically Motivated Cognitive Architecture within three different application fields characterized by different types and levels of variability: Agri-food, Edutainment, and unstructured Industrial/retail. PILLAR-Robots will perform a complete evaluation of the possibilities and impacts of purposeful lifelong open-ended autonomy in these realms from an operational perspective, but also from a market-oriented (with significant productivity gains) and societal (socio-economic, ethical and regulatory) perspective. Engagement of industry and SME players is also expected in order to prepare the ground for further large-scale demonstration.


€ 1 109 291,00
15001 La Coruna

Auf der Karte ansehen

Noroeste Galicia A Coruña
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 109 291,25

Beteiligte (7)