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Excellent peripheries for a strong European Research Area

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EXPER (Excellent peripheries for a strong European Research Area)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-10-01 do 2023-09-30

The EXPER project aims at supporting the institutional transformation of University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Azores University through capacity building activities and through international cooperation with the leading Universities of Rostock University (DE) and Calabria (IT). EXPER will enhance the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the partnering universities with a focus on research fields addressing challenges and opportunities offered by the blue economy and circular economy.
The project specific objectives are:

• To raise the excellence profile of ULPGC and UAC and increase their attractiveness towards local and international talents.

• To design and plan the institutional transformation of the Widening universities.

• To organize supporting and capacity building activities to learn from leading organizations on how to increase research excellence and unlock the innovation potential of Widening Universities with a focus on knowledge transfer.

• To set the basis for a European University Alliance which realises an integrated cooperation between the research and innovation dimension with the education and training dimension.

EXPER will deploy a community-based approach to outline a modernization strategy of the Widening Universities which involves representatives of the surrounding ecosystem. The EXPER strategy will aim at stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the Widening universities and their role as drivers of economic and social transformation in their territories.
In line with the structure of the Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement, EXPER started its activities with the development of a common methodology (Deliverable 1.1 or D1.1) to perform both the internal and external assessment of UAC and ULPGC under WP1. Also, a map of the R&D&I ecosystem was made based on the same structure as the one made previously in the H2020 FORWARD project. The internal assessment of UAC and ULPGC involved internal members of each organisation with the aim of understanding in depth the strengths, weaknesses and operational capabilities of both universities in terms of scientific excellence, talent attraction and retention, and knowledge and technology transfer. On the other hand, the feedback provided by stakeholders to the universities was integrated in this work (external assessment), which was obtained by conducting interviews with these external agents. The analysis of their answers allowed us to know their criteria regarding the role that these two Widening Universities should play in terms of promotion and support for regional development, and how cooperation between agents of the ecosystem itself should be developed (D2.1).
WP2 started their activities by developing a co-design methodology (D2.1). The co-design methodology, whose development was responsibility of CE, aimed at providing a comprehensive framework for engaging stakeholders in the development of a vision and mission, the Individual Strategy and a Joint Strategy for the Widening Universities involving stakeholders.
WP6 activities started by analysing the barriers previously detected in the assessment of the regional ecosystems for UAC and ULPGC (WP1). This assessment constitutes the first step prior to defining a strategy for the transformation of the two Widening Universities. The most important obstacles and weaknesses found in the two institutions through the above-mentioned assessment, and ultimately the barriers that hinder their potential role as vectors for regional development and competitiveness improvement, were analysed in detail in D6.1.
WP7 focused on project communication and dissemination activities, with special emphasis on project objectives, activities and expected results.
WP8 aims at monitoring and assessing the progress made by the project, in order to ensure results are reached, also guarantying a fluid exchange of information among partners. In this sense, the procedures to ensure quality in the coordination and management of the project activities were established in D8.1. (submitted in December 2022).
Reported impacts for RP1:


Action 1. Under T1.2 ULPGC and UAC carried out an internal questionnaire to the University community (researchers, students, technical and administrative staff, etc.), through which EXPER project and its main objectives were presented. All responses and corresponding analysis culminated in D1.2.

Action 2. Under T1.3 ATRINEO conducted interviews with a diverse set of stakeholders, as an instrument to deep our understanding of the critical issues and obstacles that these stakeholders face, which may impede further cooperation with ULPGC/UAC. Results were included in D1.2.

Action 3. Under T1.4 two collaborative staff exchanges were organised between leading universities (UROS and UNICAL) and Widening Universities (ULPGC and UAC). The aim was to foster stronger ties and promoting the continuous growth and development of ULPGC and UAC.

Action 4. Under T 1.4 three workshops in collaboration with UNICAL were organised by UROS, involving all the EXPER partners and their communities, each focusing on of the three specific WP goals. The primary aim was to address and fortify the identified weaknesses within ultra-peripheral universities. The workshops saw active participation from prominent institutions, including ULPGC, UAC and UNICAL.

Action 5. Under T 1.5 a public workshop on European Universities Alliances’ Best Practices was organised by CE. The principal objective of this workshop was to assess the potential for replicating successful cooperation models and to generate insights that would contribute to the project.


Action 6. Under T2.2 ULPGC and UAC performed an online consultation on social media. The objective was to build, together with the regional actors and stakeholders of each community, the vision of universities and their role in regional development, also involving university community, civil society and citizens as our target audience.

Action 7. Under T2.2 ULPGC and UAC, supported by CE, organised the Baseline Workshop to develop the Vision & Mission of the ULPGC and UAC. The objective was to build, together with the regional actors and stakeholders of each community, the vision and mission of universities and their role in regional development.

Action 8. ULPGC arranged the WS on their Individual Strategy at the FCPCT facilities. A wide range of stakeholders were involved, ensuring that the individual strategy is responsive to the needs of the community and is aligned with the goals of the project. UAC will be organising the same WS in upcoming dates. This constitutes the first step before establishing the Action plans, which will include concrete measures towards modernisation.

WP6 and WP7

Action 9. In line with T1.5 under WP1, CE led the creation of a forum of peripheral Universities under T6.4. Widening and other European countries were mapped and contacted, with the aim to share information on challenges and good practices to foster the modernization of HEIs.
Participation in the Macaronight 2023 – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (CE and ULPGC-FCTPC)
Example of banner
Webinar screenshot on Best Practices of European University Alliances
Staff exchange at UNICAL facilities
EXPER General Assembly meeting
Part of the CE team showcasing the EXPER project in Radio Las Palmas
On-line Baseline Workshop to develop Vision & Mission of the UAC
Staff exchange at UROS facilities
Participation in the Macaronight 2023 – Azores (UAC)
On-site Baseline Workshop to develop Vision & Mission of the ULPGC
Example of Leaflet