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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE


Descrizione del progetto

Nanoelettronica a radiofrequenza per applicazioni di dispositivi elettronici

Il concetto di elettronica flessibile esiste da decenni. Al giorno d’oggi, costituisce la base delle applicazioni dei dispositivi elettronici; la gamma dei relativi livelli di potenza emessa, tuttavia, si limita ai 500 mW. Attualmente, non esiste ancora alcuna tecnologia flessibile in grado di soddisfare le esigenze del prossimo futuro. Il progetto NANOMAT, finanziato dall’UE, introduce il nuovo campo della nanoelettronica a radiofrequenza a potenza flessibile, un’innovativa piattaforma tecnologica eterogenea. Il concetto comprende novità per quanto concerne materiali e processi di fabbricazione in svariati settori, quali termoelettronica ed elettronica a base di carbonio, circuiti integrati monolitici a microonde a base di semiconduttori ad ampia banda proibita, sistemi microelettromeccanici a radiofrequenza e sensori acustici. Il progetto dimostrerà il concetto mediante lo sviluppo di due prototipi: una prova di concetto ibrida flessibile per l’IoT satellitare nella banda Ka e un ricetrasmettitore a radiofrequenza a potenza flessibile completamente monolitico per la prossima generazione di radar avionici nella banda X.


Flexible electronics have been around for several decades and are the basis for electronic devices in applications that require bending, rolling, folding, and stretching, properties that cannot be fulfilled by conventional electronics. However, their emitted power levels are only in the range of up to 500mW and there is no current flexible technology that can satisfy upcoming needs like conformal antenna for avionic radars and light weight flexible antenna for satellite IoT that require power levels approaching or exceeding 10W. NANOMAT comes to fill in this emerging technological gap through the inauguration of the new domain of “Flexible power RF nanoelectronics”. An innovative heterogeneous technological platform comprising material and fabrication novelties in carbon-based electronics and thermoelectrics, wide band gap semiconductor based MMICs, RF MEMS and acoustic sensors will deliver flexible components and circuits. The concept will be demonstrated through two prototypes of escalating innovation and complexity, starting from a flexible hybrid proof of concept for satellite IoT at Ka-band and climaxing with a fully monolithic flexible power RF transceiver for next generation avionic radars at X-band. The NANOMAT consortium is made up from 12 partners from 9 European countries with a wide geographical spread. Half of the consortium are industrial entities, one a major global player and the rest dynamic upcoming or established SMEs thus it is an industrially driven proposition. It has strong interdisciplinary character from semiconducting material growth to technology and component fabrication and from electromagnetic and multi-scale physics simulation to system engineering and from machine learning to circularity and sustainability. The challenges posed, demand that the consortium works with state-of-the-art characterization methods but also improves them and create new ones when the need arises in this project. Starting TRL 3 and commencing TRL5.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 950 525,00
92190 MEUDON

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Hauts-de-Seine
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 950 525,00

Partecipanti (10)

Partner (1)