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I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Conceptual framework and policy vision for responsible democratic citizenship (RDC) and education for democracy (EfD), including a competence framework of RDC.
National reports: Education inequalities & political participationSix national reports to contextualise and explain the results of statistical analysis of EU/international surveys on education and political participation. It includes policy recommendations for the education system - based on national literature and, when relevant, additional national surveys
Policy brief: European EfD curriculaPolicy brief summarising the outline of European Education for Democracy (EfD) curricula - based on D4.1.
Dissemination and exploitation strategyDissemination and exploitation strategy - defines partners' responsibilities, target groups, key messages, tools, channels and exploitation routes
Design of local pilot projectsConceptual framework providing - common criteria for designing local pilot projects (education objectives, learning approaches, logic model, education levels, time schedule),- common criteria for conducting self-evaluation (evaluation dimensions, methods and indicators) - based on D1.2, D2.1 and D4.1 - an assessment framework providing common criteria for ex-ante and ex-post assessment of responsible democratic citizenship (RDC) competences through the local pilot projects.
Outline of European EfD curriculaOutline of European Education for Democracy (EfD) curricula as a multi-layered learning programme with different levels of generalisation. Main focus on primary education (8-10 years) and secondary education (14-16 years), including related teacher training. Drawing on analysis of Education for Democracy (EfD) strategies, curricula, learning approaches and pedagogical material at the national and international levels - based on desk research and qualitative fieldwork.
Data management plan 1 describes the data that will generated by the project and how data will be acquired, managed, analysed and stored, including compliance with European Commission Ethics Requirements. The compliance with the Ethics requirements will be update separately in month 12, 18, 36.
The Agora platform is linked to the project website to foster project visibility and wider engagement. It acts as an interactive tool to channel debate, exchange of information and experiences.
Hughes, J.; Robb, J.A. & Gadanidis, M.
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Digital Life and Learning, Numero Vol. 3, No. 2, 2024, ISSN 2564-3185
Journal of Digital Life and Learning
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