CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

United in Narrative Diversity? Cultural (Ex-)Change and Mutual Perceptions in Eastern and WCultural (Ex-)Change and Mutual Perceptions in Eastern and Western Europe at the threshold of the digital age


Kultureller (Aus-)Tausch und die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung von Ost- und Westeuropa

In einer Zeit der Migrationskrisen, der COVID-19-Pandemie, demokratischer Rückschläge und Konflikten wie dem Krieg in der Ukraine erstarken in Europa kulturelle und nationale Stereotype. Vier Jahrzehnte nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges kommen in Europa eine zunehmende Entfremdung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa und gegensätzliche Ansichten zu Europa, der EU und ihren Grundsätzen auf. In diesen Trends zeigt sich die anhaltende postkoloniale Dynamik innerhalb Europas. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt NARDIV wird die Zukunft transnationaler Beziehungen durch die Linse von Kultur und Erbe erforscht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf sechs EU-Ländern: Deutschland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Polen, Rumänien und der Slowakei. Führende Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Kunst und der Kreativbranche kommen zusammen, um aktuelle Herausforderungen zu besprechen, von abweichenden Geschichtserzählungen bis zum Einfluss der digitalen Medien.


Europe experiences a relaunch of cultural and national stereotypes triggered by the migration crisis, Covid-19, democratic backslides and war against Ukraine. Four decades after the fall of the war, Eastern and Western Europe seem increasingly alienated, each having different perceptions on Europe, the EU and its principles. These trends manifest themselves in an alienation between Eastern and Western Europe, as well as in the perception of Europe in general. Intermittently they are, as we suggest, expressions of resilient post-colonial relationships within Europe.
With a focus on the (clichéd binary) East-West confrontation, this project explores the future possibilities of building and managing transnational relationships in the fields of culture and heritage, one of the mainstays of customary cultural diplomacy. Taking six European countries as the basis of our exploration – France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Romania – we critically examine mutual perceptions in Eastern and Western Europe through the prism of intercultural exchange.
In the framework of the project, scholars, practitioners from culture-exchange institutes, artists and creative industries players join forces to scrutinise current difficulties, from diverging historical developments, emotional investments, to challenges of the digital media revolution. The objective is to develop new strategies to conceptualise and revitalise cultural encounters and exchange between East and West to discuss mutual perceptions and ideas. The findings of this collaboration aim at a) boosting the culture-diplomacy / exchange sector by strengthening their role as mediators of transnational European values; b) lay bare best and worst practices in order to develop recommendations for new approaches and (media) strategies. Thus, fostering a more inclusive concept of cultural diplomacy to counter populist, identity-based discourses and to promote the European narrative across different cultural heritages


€ 256 950,00
13284 Marseille

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Bouches-du-Rhône
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 652 312,50

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