CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Integration through rights in a European Society? A new theory on the role of law for integration within and beyond a fractured EU


Den integrativen Geist der EU durch die Macht des Rechts wiederbeleben

Angesichts der zunehmenden Herausforderungen wird das Versprechen der EU, die friedliche Integration durch das Recht zu fördern, auf die Probe gestellt. Kann sich die EU auf ihren Rechtsrahmen verlassen, um die vielfältige europäische Gesellschaft friedlich zu integrieren? Mit dem Wiederaufflammen kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen und Wirtschaftssanktionen sowie der Infragestellung der Autorität des EU-Rechts durch mehrere Verfassungsgerichte befindet sich das Versprechen einer nahtlosen Integration in Gefahr. Im Rahmen des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts RIGHTS-TO-UNITE werden diese Rechte als Brücke zwischen der Bevölkerung selbst und zwischen Bevölkerung, Staaten und der EU angesehen. So wird aufgezeigt, wie Integration durch Rechte in einer vielfältigen Gesellschaft, die dem EU-Recht unterliegt, gelingen kann. Insgesamt geht es darum, eine sozialrechtliche Theorie der Integration durch Rechte zu entwickeln, die neue Perspektiven für die EU und ihre Nachbarstaaten bietet.


Among the many crises of the European Union (EU), the fracturing of its promise to integrate the emerging European society peacefully through law represents a fundamental one. At the time of writing, martial conflict and pressure through economic sanctions are once again relied upon to assuage conflict in the EU’s neighbourhood, while the authority of EU law has been challenged by several Constitutional Courts, most recently by the Romanian and the Polish supreme courts in December and September 2021. The question thus is: can the EU still rely on the integrative capacity of its law?
RIGHTS-TO-UNITE addresses this question by placing citizens’ practical usage of substantive EU-derived rights at its centre. It conceptualises rights as claims between citizens as well as between citizens and states and the EU itself. European integration is defined as a process combining citizen into a coherent, though diverse, society. This approach captures whether and if so, how integration through rights can succeed in a multipolar society constituted by European Union law, both in the EU and its neighbourhood, while also specifying conditions which are supportive and averse to achieving integration of the emerging European society.
After theorising conditions for EU-derived rights to integrate the emerging European society in the EU and its neighbourhood, qualitative comparative research is deployed to identify to what extent EU derived rights are part of Europe’s living law in the EU and beyond. The qualitative research develops an innovative methodology comprising interactive vignettes visualising scenarios in which EU economic, social, and digital rights could be relevant. This enables cross-cultural exploration of citizens’ everyday experience with EU derived rights. In a final step the results are synthesised in a socio-legal theory of integration through rights for the context of the EU and its neighbourhood.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet


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€ 2 498 916,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 498 916,00

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