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ERA TALENT Platform for career development of researchers in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ERA TALENT (ERA TALENT Platform for career development of researchers in Europe)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-03-01 do 2024-02-29

ERA TALENT aims to support the implementation of the new ERA Communication and furtherly develop the services provided by the existing EURAXESS network. The primary goal is to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career path for them in academia, industry and business. ERA TALENT implements 5 digital Hubs, linked to the existing EURAXESS network, serving as one-stop-shop resources, as well as 6 Communities of Practice which aim to facilitate mutual learning among centres. With 34 EURAXESS Centres participating as project partners, each bringing varied levels of experience in supporting researchers’ careers, the project aims to leverage the broader EURAXESS network, which comprises over six hundred Service Centres across 42 European countries. For the functioning of the Hubs, Centres will collaborate to develop concepts and workplans, rolling out activities annually for the benefit of researchers.

ERA TALENT’s results are expected to impact on societal, environmental and economic matters.

1) ERA TALENT is aligned with the EC's vision for R&I outlined in the 'A new ERA for Research and Innovation' Communication, as it focuses on enhancing career development opportunities to attract and retain top researchers in Europe. As the project will establish the dedicated Hubs aimed at empowering researchers to excel in their fields, it will implement strategies to facilitate cross-sector mobility, foster collaboration between academia and industry, and engage the private sector in the training and skill development of researchers. By enhancing the permeability of research and innovation talents throughout society and the economy, the project aims to stimulate economic growth and job creation (economic impact).

2) Collaboration between public and private sectors is important for deploying clean technology solutions and seizing economic opportunities. ERA TALENT will prioritize environmental sustainability, discouraging any negative impacts resulting from researchers' physical mobility and promoting a culture of environmental consciousness (environment impact).

3) ERA TALENT will also actively promote gender equality and foster a supportive working and social environment for women in research. Furthermore, the project will establish a specific hub to support refugees, helping them integrate into Europe's research ecosystem. By facilitating employment opportunities for refugee scientists and researchers, the project seeks to harness their skills and experiences for societal benefit while improving their own circumstances (societal impact)
Over the past 12 months, the ERA TALENT project has made significant progress across its various activities, although a comprehensive assessment of outcomes is still pending. Moreover, efforts have been taken within each Work Package (WP), contributing to the realization of each specific objectives. In particular, efforts have been concentrated on advancing the conceptualization and operationalization of the Hubs, which are of high importance for supporting researchers.
Then, considerable efforts has been put as well on capacity building within the EURAXESS network, such as the launch of the Communities of practice, through targeted initiatives. At the same time, different activities have been organized with the aim to support researchers such as training sessions, webinars, and internship programs.
Additionally, data collection activities, including surveys, have been undertaken to analyze relevant topics relate to the inventory of local and regional initiatives addressing the challenges of brain drain. The knowledge gained throughout these activities has been synthesized into the initial version of the Policy Brief, laying the groundwork for future policy development initiatives: this document includes key findings, insights, and recommendations collected from the project's activities, thereby providing a roadmap for stakeholders to provide policy recommendation in support of researcher mobility and career development.
Overall, the past 12 months have been marked by concerted efforts to propel the ERA TALENT project forward, laying the groundwork for transformative changes within the European research landscape. While tangible outcomes are yet to fully materialize, the groundwork laid during this period sets the stage for future successes and enduring impact.
The results of the ERA TALENT project have the potential to give a significant impact on the researcher community and beyond: through the creation of the hubs and their related activities, researchers can access key resources and supports, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Then, the thematic communities of practice facilitate hands-on learning experiences, enhancing research quality and innovation.

Webinars and training events on leadership skills, entrepreneurship, and job integration provide researchers with valuable professional development opportunities that can lead to better career prospects and contributions to societal challenges, just as mentoring modules, the internship program, and networking events promote skill development, collaboration, and social integration within the research community.

Activities targeting LGTBI+ and refugee researchers contribute to diversity and inclusion, fostering a more equitable research environment; access to tools, resources, and policy documents support researchers in their efforts, improving research outcomes and impact on society.