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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Smart Enforcement of Transport Operations

Descripción del proyecto

Conexión fluida entre puertos, aguas interiores y carreteras

En el ámbito del transporte, gestionar el laberinto de datos no estructurados y hacer cumplir las normas de seguridad es una tarea de proporciones enormes. Los retos residen en el manejo de diversas fuentes de datos, idiomas y cargas administrativas. Con esta idea en mente, el equipo del proyecto SETO, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará una tecnología digital que agilice el acceso a la información esencial para las autoridades, todo ello con solo pulsar un botón. Así se aborda la complejidad de manejar diversas fuentes de datos, desde registros en papel hasta archivos digitales. Reduce las cargas administrativas y las limitaciones de tiempo, lo que mejora la eficacia y la coherencia del control. Mediante tecnologías de intercambio de información más avanzadas, en SETO se conectarán puertos, aguas interiores y carreteras sin discontinuidad. También será pionero en tecnologías como la mejora de los sistemas mundiales de navegación por satélite.


"SETO will deliver an innovative digital solution that will allow authorities to access all information required for the smart enforcement of transport and safety legislation in real-time using the ‘one-click’ principle. This will address the significant challenge of handling unstructured transport data from different streams (paper and digital), sources, and languages, reducing the administrative burden/time while achieving increased control efficiency and consistency. SETO will utilise state-of-the-art information exchange technologies and expand the system to multimodal transport (e.g. port to the inland waterway to the road). The project will validate its comprehensive ecosystem technically and economically in a Pilot Living Lab designed for future pan-European scaling. In particular, SETO will develop innovative technologies for direct enforcement of overloaded road vehicles using weigh-in-motion (WIM) and on-board weighing solutions. The project will also introduce technologies based on enhanced global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) to enforce lane positioning and cabotage regulations. Our deployment of the connected, cooperative and automated mobility (CCAM) technologies will allow SETO to estimate the carbon footprint of the transported goods, leading to effective policies concerning their import and export. Moreover, the project will explore different business models and build a business case for both the operators and the authorities to utilise SETO's unified system of information exchange. SETO will address the inclusion of different stakeholders and their under-represented groups (e.g. self-employed or foreign drivers, small SME's, women in transportation) in its activities to characterise the social practices emerging from enforcing such digital tracking systems. SETO seeks to foster the collective intelligence of all stakeholders to build a viable system based on ""incentives"" rather than forcing its adoption."


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 515 625,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 515 625,00

Participantes (13)