CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Computational Modelling of Tangible Objects on Multisensory Interfaces


Modellierung der multisensorischen Verarbeitung von greifbaren Objekten für interaktive Systeme

Der Begriff „interaktiv“ bezieht sich in der Regel auf menschliche Interaktionen mit einer Maschine, die auf visuellen und auditiven Informationen basieren. Unser Tastsinn und seine Ausnutzung durch Haptik ist noch nicht vollständig integriert. Dies wird jedoch für immersive Erlebnisse durch Anwendungen der virtuellen und der erweiterten Realität immer wichtiger. Derzeit ist das Wissen über die Wahrnehmungsintegration von taktilen Reizen wie Reibung, Temperatur oder Vibrationen begrenzt. Das Team des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts TANGO wird das Problem der multisensorischen Darstellung greifbarer Objekte ganzheitlich angehen, indem es mehrdimensionale haptische Techniken, taktile Schärfe und ihre psychophysischen Dimensionen sowie Mechanismen der multisensorischen Integration untersucht. Es wird dies auch im Kontext des Alterns und der Sinnesbeeinträchtigung betrachten.


Current interactive systems provide realistic audio-visual feedback while haptic feedback is limited even though haptic interactions with devices are essential and touch plays a large role to convey immersive sensations. Thus, usable high-fidelity haptic rendering has the potential to improve interactions with interactive interfaces and future metaverses. Knowledge has started emerging on haptic rendering and multisensory perception of tangible objects. Still, combining multiple techniques to stimulate the full bandwidth of tactile sensitivity remains a hard challenge and little is known about the perceptual integration of tactile cues such as friction, temperature, or vibrations. Thus, there is the intricate twofold challenge of developing new haptic techniques based on models of cognitive multisensory integration whose investigation requires advanced stimulation techniques. Thus, the originality of TANGO is to address the problem of multisensory rendering of tangible objects from a holistic view by considering simultaneously multi-dimensional haptic techniques, tactile acuity across its psychophysical dimensions, and mechanisms of multisensory integration. Specifically, TANGO aims to 1/ characterize typical gestures and contact mechanics during interaction with real objects. 2/ understand how gestures and the dimension of haptic feedback influence perception of simulated tactile objects 3/ create a computational model of multisensory integration that outputs perceived realism during interaction with objects. Studies will also consider two main population factors: age and sensory impairment. Finally, the outcome from 1-3 will serve to design sensorily rich tangible 3D elements on displays, in virtual reality, and on maps for visually impaired. By a strongly interdisciplinary approach combining haptics, computer science, and neuroscience, TANGO will optimize haptic rendering in multisensory interactive interfaces to enhance its use in human-computer interactions.


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€ 1 499 886,00
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 1 499 886,00

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