CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Doctoral training network TAu imMunE: strategies for innovative diagnosis and therapies in dementia


Mit Fortschritten in der Alzheimer-Forschung in eine gesündere Zukunft

Die Alzheimer-Krankheit und weitere Tauopathien umfassen ein Spektrum neurodegenerativer Krankheitsbilder, deren gemeinsames Merkmal die Ansammlung abnormaler Tau-Proteine im Gehirn ist. Zu diesen Tauopathien gehören unter anderem Krankheiten wie progressive supranukleäre Blickparese, kortikobasale Degeneration und frontotemporale Demenz. Angesichts der immensen Belastung, die diese Krankheiten für die einzelnen Menschen, die Familien und die Gesellschaft insgesamt bedeuten, ist der dringende Bedarf an wirksamen Diagnosen und Behandlungen unbestreitbar. In diesem Zusammenhang besteht das Ziel des im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Projekts TAME darin, führende Fachleute aus Wissenschaft und Industrie zu vereinen, um das Verständnis tau-bedingter Krankheiten zu verbessern und sicherere, personalisierte Diagnostik und Interventionen zu entwickeln. Entsprechend dem multidisziplinären Projektansatz werden molekulare Neurowissenschaften, Informatik, chemische und biotechnologische Expertise miteinander kombiniert. Mit der Ausbildung von neun talentierten Biowissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern liegen die Projektschwerpunkte auf Forschung, persönlicher Entwicklung und offener Wissenschaft.


There is an urgent medical need for efficient diagnostics for Alzheimer’s disease and related tauopathies, as well as disease modifying treatments, due to the heavy burden of the disease on patients, families and society. To address this public health issue, TAME R&I training network gathers leading academic and industrial experts in tau research with the ambition to keep older people active and independent for longer. TAME aims to provide better understanding of tau-related diseases and supports the development of new, safer, personalised and more effective diagnosis and interventions for AD and the less common tauopathies. The beneficiaries and partners bring together resources and knowledge across different fields and technologies to provide a multidisciplinary approach necessary to take on the challenge. They have teamed-up to combine molecular and cellular neuroscience with computing, chemical and bio-engineering and their technology expertise. The first tau network of Europe, TAME, will focus on novel approaches using nanobodies, which have emerged as very promising antibody formats in tau research. The primary objective of the TAME is to train 9 fellows to deliver the next generation of talented life scientists. The program will be a combination of training in research, in personal and professional development and in open science, achieved by conducting research projects, attending courses and benefiting from internal mobility within TAME. The research training is based on cutting-edge technologies and advanced models for medical research, emphasizing the need for more human-based research, gender-personalised models and reduction in the use of animals. Consequently, through intense collaboration with all partners and the relevant industrial experience, these 9 fellows can anticipate improved career prospects and higher employability. TAME will provide an innovation-friendly framework in which scientific results can mature and be developed into products.


€ 282 693,60
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
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Beteiligte (8)

Partner (13)