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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CULTUral heritage in RurAL remote areas for creative tourism and sustainabilITY


Die wirtschaftlichen Probleme des ländlichen Raums in Europa als Auslöser für eine innovative Tourismuslösung

In den stillen Winkeln der ländlichen Regionen Europas gibt es nach wie vor wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen, die das Gefüge der lokalen Gemeinschaften bedrohen. Diese Randgebiete, die mit saisonalem Tourismus und schwindender Bevölkerung zu kämpfen haben, stehen vor einer ungewissen Zukunft. In diesem Zusammenhang zielt das EU-finanzierte Projekt CULTURALITY darauf ab, diese Landschaften wiederzubeleben, indem das darin enthaltene kulturelle und kreative Potenzial erschlossen, eine nachhaltige Entwicklung gefördert und der ganzjährige Tourismus unterstützt wird. Ziel ist es, die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und eine stabile Besiedlung zu unterstützen. Das Projektteam legt großen Wert auf Inklusion und geht auf die Bedürfnisse benachteiligter Gruppen wie Frauen, ältere Menschen und Jugendliche ein. Die Stärke von CULTURALITY liegt in seinem kollaborativen, multidisziplinären Ansatz, durch den internationale Teams zusammengebracht werden, um ein breites Spektrum an Fachwissen und optimale Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten.


The main objective of the project is to contribute to the promotion of cultural and creative tourism activities, considering the different capacities, resources, and specificities (material, creative, human...) of the territories, as a mean to help with the sustainable development of peripheral rural areas, favoring job creation and population settlement. For this, the potential of its cultural heritage will be researched, taking into account both the artisan material culture (techniques, materials, patterns and decorative elements), as well as the intangible culture (music, oral knowledge and culinary traditions) as a resource.
To promote non-seasonal tourism as a form of sustainable development with a stable population settlement we are going to research the crafts linked to the territory and their implications, but we will also carry out a documentation of the productive processes. First and foremost, we are going to cater to the necessities of the local communities and pay attention to aspects related to societal groups at risk of exclusion, such as women, the elderly and the youth.

All this will be developed from a multidisciplinary perspective, for which we will count on the various teams —most of them linked to different countries— that will be part of the consortium. Each of these partners will contribute to the development, as well as to the final result of the project through input directly related to their area of ​​expertise: for example, among the collaborators we have intellectual teams specialized in the digitalization of heritage, research, or communication and dissemination, as well as as various institutions that will act as a testing ground for the more practical parts of the proposal. However, if something will characterize our work, it will be the constant collaboration between all parties, as well as the exchange of advice and experiences that will help to enrich collective knowledge and guarantee optimal results.


€ 309 076,25
33003 OVIEDO

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Noroeste Principado de Asturias Asturias
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 309 076,25

Beteiligte (10)

Partner (2)