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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Build scAled Modular Bamboo-inspired Offshore sOlar systems (BAMBOO)


Maßstäbe für große Offshore-Solarparks setzen

Da Europa ehrgeizige Klimaziele erfüllen will, bietet die Offshore-Solarenergie eine vielversprechende Lösung. Ihre Umsetzung wird jedoch durch technische und wirtschaftliche Hürden erschwert. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts BAMBOO sollen diese Hürden überwunden werden. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf einem 1 km2/150 MW Offshore-Solarpark wird BAMBOO das industrielle Standardformat entwickeln, um den Raum zwischen den Offshore-Windturbinen optimal zu nutzen. In Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Industrieunternehmen wie Oceans of Energy und Vattenfall ebnet BAMBOO den Weg für groß angelegte und umweltfreundliche Offshore-Solarenergie. Durch die Nutzung des enormen Potenzials des Meeres bringt BAMBOO Europa seinen Klimazielen näher und verringert zugleich die Auswirkungen auf die Meeresökosysteme.


BAMBOO tackles the barriers for the implementation of a sustainable, large-scale offshore Floating PhotoVoltaics (FPV) system of 1 km2/150 MW, that will act as a blueprint for rollout of offshore FPV projects in Europe, and that is to be implemented in conjunction with the offshore wind leading EU utility-partner.
Offshore FPV extends PV potential at enormous scales to make Europe meet its climate targets for 2030 and 2050. It makes use of space at sea, large-scale economies of scale, complementary energy yield with wind farms, and it isa solution with potentially low impact on aquatic eco-systems. However, developing offshore FPV systems is technically challenging due to the harsh conditions of waves &corrosive environments, and economically not feasible yet.
Project BAMBOO addresses these challenges through four breakthrough innovations, including:
1. Large floating surface understanding through world’s first basin scale tests and hydrodynamic modelling of 1 km2 blanket-type arrays,
2. A 5 MW demonstrator in the North Sea with hybrid design encompassing the benefits of larger array protection in floaters,
3. The offshore world’s first dynamic floating substation for offshore FPV, and
4. The development of 6 world’s first standard offshore testing methodologies for key FPV-components
Through assessments of energy yield, circularity of materials, environmental impact, LCA and end-of-life strategies, BAMBOO paves the way to scale offshore FPV systems to commercial and sustainable applications, significantly reducing emissions, while having a net-positive impact on the marine ecosystem.
The consortium covers what is necessary to make BAMBOO a success: companies including Oceans of Energy will provide the technologies, RTOs including MARIN and Fraunhofer the assessment of the system and its environmental impact, ABS expertise on certifications and the industry-leading utility the capacity to implement the large-scale integration of offshore wind with FPV farms.


€ 521 018,75
16129 Genova

Auf der Karte ansehen

Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 744 312,50

Beteiligte (13)

Partner (1)