CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CCAM-Employment Realization through the Acquisition of Skills (CCAM-ERAS)


Wissens- und Kompetenzausbau für vernetzte, kooperative und automatisierte Mobilität

Vernetzte, kooperative und automatisierte Mobilität (CCAM) ist für eine Zukunft multimodaler Verkehrssysteme unerlässlich. Daher wird im EU-finanzierten Projekt CCAM-ERAS der Übergang zu CCAM aus sozioökonomischer Perspektive betrachtet, indem das Wissen und die Kompetenzen für den Einsatz von CCAM ausgebaut und mögliche Auswirkungen berücksichtigt werden. Die Projektvision ist eine Zukunft mit besseren Arbeitsmärkten dank CCAM. Dafür werden Lösungen vorgestellt, um die Verfügbarkeit und den Ausbau der notwendigen Kompetenzen entlang der gesamten CCAM-Wertschöpfungskette sicherzustellen. Außerdem werden Ansätze und Lösungen erarbeitet, um Arbeitsplatzverluste und Umsiedlungen durch den Einsatz von CCAM-Systemen und -Dienstleistungen zu reduzieren.


CCAM-ERAS aims to build towards the future and address the transition to connected, cooperative and automated mobility (CCAM) from a socio-economic perspective. The project will develop the necessary knowledge and prepare for the possibilities that potentially will arise from the deployment of CCAM, and will aim to increase knowledge regarding the necessary skills required for CCAM deployment. CCAM-ERAS will take advantage of the possibilities arising from CCAM deployment, by envisioning a future whereby CCAM can contribute towards a more attractive and inclusive labour market by providing solutions to ensure that the relevant skills are available and are able to be up scaled across the entire CCAM value chain. Mitigating the resulting effects of introduction of CCAM requires multi-sectoral knowledge and cooperation between what were previously separate sectors (transport, technology, education etc.) CCAM-ERAS will develop new approaches and solutions to anticipate and mitigate the impacts and rebound effects on potential job losses and job relocations due to the deployment of road based CCAM systems and services, as well as boost innovation capabilities through the availability and upscaling of CCAM-specific professional skills. Schemes and actions that can contribute to the specific labour market challenges will be developed, in relation to specific 'real world' use cases. CCAM-ERAS will also identify innovations and key innovators relating to CCAM deployment, particularly those relevant to the employment, socio-economic and skills effects Including various stakeholders in the project activities will be crucial in achieving credibility and support for the results of the project. The development of a roadmap to support the socio-economic transition to CCAM will contribute to the legacy of the project. CCAM-ERAS therefore offers a set of building blocks that pave the way for a smooth transition to CCAM deployment over the short, medium, and long term.


€ 55 462,50

Auf der Karte ansehen

West-Nederland Utrecht Utrecht
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 372 368,75

Beteiligte (11)

Partner (2)