Pflanzenbasierter Käse für eine umweltschonendere, gesündere Zukunft
Da der Bedarf an Proteinquellen steigt, verschärfen sich Bedenken zur Nachhaltigkeit von Protein tierischen Ursprungs. In der EU sind dringend hochwertige pflanzliche Proteinalternativen erforderlich, um die Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren. Unterstützt über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen werden im Projekt FerOtChee Haferproteine untersucht, um die Käseproduktion zu revolutionieren und gleichzeitig Herausforderungen zu Nährstoffen und Funktion zu bewältigen. Konkret wird bei dieser multidisziplinären Arbeit mittels enzymatischer Modifizierung und mikrobieller Fermentation Haferprotein mit Erbsenprotein gemischt. Das FerOtChee-Team stellt sich den Herausforderungen zu Nährstoffen und Funktion direkt. Das Ziel ist ein hochwertiger, pflanzenbasierter Käse, der Mozzarella ähneln wird. Mit gründlichen Bewertungen und Plänen zur Ausweitung legt das FerOtChee-Team die Grundlage für eine umweltschonendere, gesündere Zukunft.
The production of high-quality plant protein as sustainable alternative for animal proteins is an immediate requirement for the EU population. FerOtChee is a multidisciplinary project that focuses on the development of fermented plant-based Mozzarella-style cheese using oat protein. The challenges associated with the nutritional and technofunctional properties of oat protein will be addressed using innovative solutions: a) Blending: Oat protein will be partially replaced with pea protein as a complementary source. This approach has a potential to create protein hybrids with a balanced amino acid profile; b) Chemical modification: Enzymatic hydrolysis may improve the technofunctional properties of oat protein. It can also lead to the generation of lower molecular weight peptides with health-promoting effects; and c) Microbial fermentation: This will be the main strategy employed in FerOtChee to enhance the nutritional quality of oat protein. During submerged fermentation, microbial strains will be cultivated individually or in a co-cultivation setup using an oat-enriched protein substrate. Microbial enzymes e.g. proteolytic, cell-wall degrading, and antinutritional factor (ANF)-degrading enzymes generated during fermentation will target issues like poor digestibility, low recovery, and high ANF content in oat protein. The oat cheese will undergo assessment for technofunctional properties, in vitro digestibility, biological activities and the level ANF. The optimised process, which results in the production of high-quality fermented cheese at the lab scale will be transferred to a food-grade pilot plant.
The majority of this project will be carried out at UCD (main host). The Fellow will also engage in two secondments: 1) Scientific secondment at INRAe-Rennes for study of in vitro digestibility using INFOGEST; and 2) Industry placement at Tirlán to upscale the process. The Fellow will also undergo a training plan that encompasses scientific and transferrable skills.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
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HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF - HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European FellowshipsKoordinator
- Limerick