CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

Information exchange and impact assessment for enhanced environmental-conscious operations in European ports and terminals


ECOPORTS aims at creating a better understanding of the environmental impact of activities in ports, terminals and the logistic chain, at formulating policy and concrete actions to minimise the environmental impact/ damage and at improving quality of the terminal area and logistic chain. ECOPORTS consists of port authorities, a port and environment foundation, universities and environmental experts.

Main objectives are:
1) developing, validating and implementing an Environmental Management and Information System (EU-standard) supported by advanced ICT,
2) gather and exchange realised solutions for environmental issues,
3) involving over 150 European ports and terminals in an environmental network,
4) training ports to use tools and transferring approach to new terminals,
5) creating bottom-up industrial activities and execution of case studies (eg. waste) and
6) making an impact assessment on environmental policy and regulations.

The port/terminal sector is working towards self-regulation concerning environmental issues.


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Zaproszenie do składania wniosków

Third Call - GR
Zobacz inne projekty w ramach tego zaproszenia

System finansowania

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Wkład UE
Brak danych
De Ruijterkade 7 - 19406

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Brak danych

Uczestnicy (25)