The project investigated the feasibility and viability of producing a compact disc read only memory (CDROM) product combining textual records with digital images of selected document pages; this extends and enhances the methodology of bibliographical description. The prototype is based on incunable editions, but the techniques evaluated will be applicable to other library materials. Current methods of identifying incunable editions rely on the transcription of selected passages and pages. The project investigated using, instead, images taken from the material as the basis of identification and developed appropriate guidelines on their selection and use as an enhancement to the bibliographical description. The resulting prototype was evaluated by potential users (libraries and researchers) for usability and functionality. The process of digitizing microform images for CDROM and the standard developed for the textual/visual images involved have wider implications (extension to all hand-press books, up to about 1830, being a notable example).
The main results were:
a prototype CDROM with associated selected images for 5000 incunable editions:
a documented and published standard relating to the format and content of enhanced type of textual/visual bibliographical record and to the application of the record type to early printed materials.