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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18


Periodic Report Summary - STREPOW (Strengthening of research capacity for poplar and willow multipurpose plantation growing in Serbia)

Project objectives

For the second year of the project the main objectives were:
1. Sustainable partnership and networking with research centres in beneficiaries from Italy (CRA - PLF- Research Unit for Wood Production Outside Forest Casale Monferrato) and Hungary (ERTI- Forest Research Institute Budapest), by organising trainings on biomass production
2. Reinforcement the human potential of Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment Novi Sad (ILFE).

Description of the work performed in the second year of the project

The progress of the work achieved through the individual task in order to reach project objectives, included in Annex I of the grant agreement, for the second reporting period (from month 13 to month 24), with all necessary details and significant results for each work package except project management, is summarised below:

WP1: Project management
The first management committee meeting was held in Novi Sad (Serbia) on 22-23 May 2009. Project coordinator Dr Sasa Orlovic presented annual report for the activities in the first year to the MC members and introduced MC members with all milestones and deliverables achieved in the first year of the project. MC members had no additional remarks about presented report and accepted project report.

WP2: Improvement of human potential
The framework of this work package WP2 (improvement of human potential) provided the continuously employment of two junior researchers. They are working according to the career development plan in the fields of production of poplar and willow biomass for energy in short rotation plantations and environmental application of poplar and willow.

WP3: Acquisition of additional laboratory equipment
During the first year of the project equipment was purchased in accordance with the law on public procurement, as stated in annual report for the first year. Having not spent the total sum, ILFE requested the approval of the coordinator for the purchase of additional equipment.

WP4: Sustainable partnership and networking
The objective of WP4 was sustainable partnership and networking with partners from Italy and Hungary through the organise the training for the researchers of the ILFE, as well as the cooperative research activities in the field of poplar and willow biomass production.

Training in Italy
The objective of this task was networking - CRA - Research Unit for Wood Production Outside Forests, Casale Monferrato (Italy) (CRA-PLF) and ILFE. The group of nine researchers from ILFE took part at the training. The training was held in North and Central Italy from September 13th to 20th of 2009.

Training in Hungary
The work in this WP4 was organised in the form of trainings in the experimental stations of FRI (ERTI), Hungary on-site in the form of technical/expert visits. Study visit to Hungary (ERTI) of six researchers from ILFE from April 12-16.2010. especially focused on fast-growing tree species such as hybrid poplars for wood and for energetic purposes as well.

WP 5: Dissemination
The main objective in this work package was dissemination about goals, objectives and results of Strepow project. Additional activities were also realised:
- Presentation of the project on the TV Vojvodina (September 2009)
- Presentation on the training focused of afforestation by fast forest tree species which was held in Andrevlje from April 22-23, 2010.

The expected final results and their potential impact and use

This project can improve the situation at the Institute of lowland forestry and environment by the:
- reinforcing the research capacities
- accelerate and setting up of sustainable partnership between RTD centre of EU's convergence (Limnos), research centres in member states (Ibimet, CRA- PLF and ERTI), and centre in Serbia (ILFE)
- mobilisation of human potential
- exploitation of RTD results and preparation of the cooperative activities or joint RTD proposals.