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Reinforcement of research potential of the Department of Materials Engineering in the field of processing and characterization of nanostructured materials

Final Report Summary - RP-DEMATEN (Reinforcement of research potential of the Department of Materials Engineering in the field of processing and characterisation of nanostructured materials)

The objectives of the project was the reinforcement of research potential of the DEMATEN at the FTUNS and strengthening partnerships among centres of excellence established in the EU's convergence region, the Member States and the Western Balkan Countries (WBC).
The major RP-DEMATEN objectives were to:
- Hire new young and experienced researchers;
- Improve networking and exchange know-how and experience by exchange of senior researchers;
- Provide training for our young researchers;
- Develop, launch and support information system through web site offering access to thematic and general information in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology;
- Disseminate written information in form of flyers, pamphlets etc.
- Upgrade and renew equipment necessary for successful development of nanomaterials and nanotechnology;
- Organise Conference, Workshops, and Training schools.

The RP-DEMATEN was very important for the reinforcement of research potential of the DEMATEN at the FTUNS and strengthening partnerships among the centers of excellence from the Europe. Even though we were late with beginning of the Project (the Grant Agreement was finally signed on August 5, 2008 by the European Commission while the official starting date of the Project was May 1, 2008) we have realised almost all of the proposed activities and used the budget very efficiently.

During the three years of the RP-DEMATEN project, according to the WP1 Mobility and Training Work Plan, the following trainings were organised:
2 six-month trainings:
- I. Stijepovi from FTUNS visited UDE
- S. Ognjanovi / B.Moji / E.Csehova / M.Kachlik visited UDE

7 two-month trainings:
- J. Pavlievi/I.Risti from FTUNS visited IMCASCR
- O. Bera from FTUNS visited DCPBUT
- M. Maletin from FTUNS visited IMSNCSR
- J. Pavlievi from FTUNS visited IMCASCR
- M. Kaiarova / P. Tatarko from IMRSAS visited IMSNCSR
- B. Moji / V. Simendi / N. Vuki from FTUNS visited IMRSAS
- M. Kachlik from DCPBUT visited UDE
12 one-month trainings:
- D. Avramov from FTUNS visited DCPBUT
- O. Bera from FTUNS visited DCPBUT
- A. Duszová from IMRSAS visited IMCASCR
- V. Pouchly from DCPBUT visited FTUNS
- E. Bartonikova / M. Kachlik from DCPBUT visited IMSNCSR
- V. Puchy from IMRSAS visited DCPBUT
- S. Ognjanovi from FTUNS visited UDE
- I. Risti from FTUNS visited IMCASCR
- D. Drdlik from DCPBUT visited IMRSAS
- A. Duszová from IMRSAS visited UDE
- B. Moji from FTUNS visited IMSNCSR
- V. Simendi / N. Vuki from FTUNS visited IMRSAS

In addition, 33 visits for senior researcher were organised:
2 one-month visits
- Dr. M. pírková from IMCASCR visted FTUNS (the second visit)
- P. Tatarko from IMRSAS visted FTUNS

2 two-week visits
- Dr. K. astkova / Prof. K. Maca / Prof. M. Trunec from DCPBUT visited FTUNS
- E. Csehova from IMRSAS visited FTUNS

7 one-week visits:
- Prof. J. Budinski-Simendi from FTUNS visited IMCASCR
- Doc. B. Pili from FTUNS visited DCPBUT
- Prof. Lj. Nikoli from FTUNS visited DCPBUT
- Prof. V. Srdi from FTUNS visited UDE
- Prof. J. Budinski Simendi from FTUNS visited IMCASCR
- Prof. V. Srdi from FTUNS visited IMSNCSR
- Prof. J. Budinski Simendi from FTUNS visited IMRSAS

22 one-week visits:
- Prof. K. Maca from DCPBUT visited IMCASCR
- Prof. M. Trunec from DCPBUT visited FTUNS
- Dr. E. Moshopoulou from IMSNCSR visited FTUNS
- Dr. K. Giannakopoulos from IMSNCSR visited FTUNS
- Dr. M. pírková from IMCASCR visited FTUNS
- Dr. V. Jan from DCPBUT visited IMRSAS
- R. Djenadi from UDE visited FTUNS
- Dr. M. pírková from IMCASCR visited IMRSAS
- Dr. M. ?pírková from IMCASCR visited DCPBUT
- Prof. K. Maca from DCPBUT visited FTUNS
- Dr. F. Lofaj from IMRSAS visited IMSNCSR
- Dr. M. ubová Urbanova from IMCASCR visited FTUNS
- Dr. J. Dusza from IMRSAS visited UDE
- Dr. P. Hvizdos from IMRSAS visited FTUNS
- Dr. K. Giannakopoulos from IMSNCSR visited UDE
- Dr. K. Giannakopoulos from IMSNCSR visited DCPBUT
- Dr. M. ?pírková from IMCASCR visited IMSNCSR
- Dr. J. Dusza from IMRSAS visited DCPBUT
- Dr. M. Ka?iarova from IMRSAS visited FTUNS
- A. Duszova from IMRSAS visited IMCASCR
- Prof. K. Maca from DCPBUT visited IMSNCSR
- Prof. K. Maca/ Prof. M. Trunec from DCPBUT visited UDE

Thus, even though the plan for the mobility and training was demanding only a few visits were not realised, however a few additional training/visits were done.

The most important activities of WP 2 Dissemination of information were designing, updating and improving the web site, preparation of two flyers and a brochure, dissemination of information about the RP-DEMATEN project on TV programme, newspapers, international conferences, meetings etc.

According to WP 3 Strengthening of the human potential two young scientists (Jelena Pavlievi and Ivan Stijepovi) were hired already in the first Project year. I. Stijepoivc continued his work up to the end of the Project and considerably improved himself through training in the EU centres of excellence and training at the FTUNS supervised by professors from the DEMATEN, hired experienced senior scientists and visitors. J. Pavlievi finalised her Ph.D. thesis and was working up to 4th November 2010 and then left the Project due to attending UNESCO postgraduate course in Polymer Science, organised at the Institute of Macromolecular Science of Czech Academy of Science in Prague. The position was filled by a young researcher, Oskar Bera, from 1 November 2010. Experienced senior researchers from the IMCASCR (Dr. Milena ?pírková, Dr Adam Strachota and Dr. Jii Brus) were employed at the FTUNS for three months. In addition, at the position of experienced researcher coming back to the FTUNS instead of Mr. Ru?ica Djenadi two scientists were employed: i) Mr. Milan Nikoli, having Serbian citizenship (from 1st February 2010 up to the end of the Project) and ii) Dr Konstatinous Giannakopoulos, having Greek citizenship (for 3½ months in the second and third Project year). They all strongly reinforced human potential of the FTUNS and have provided stimulative climate for creative scientific activities by training of young scientists in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology.

The most important activities in the RP-DEMATEN Project in WP 4 Upgrading research capacities were purchasing, delivering and installation of Waters Gel Permeation Chromatograph and Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS. In addition, it is important to underline that continuous training and a lot of measurements, closely connected with current research activities at the FTUNS, were done on the newly purchased equipment.

Within WP 5 Workshops and training schools two training schools and three workshops were organised. The first Training school "Microstructure and Fracture-Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials" was held from 18th to 20th March 2009 at the Institute of Materials Research, Slovak Academy of Science, Koice, Slovakia. The second Training school "Characterisation of nanostructured materials" was held from 3rd to 6th December 2009 at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. The first Workshop (the Main conference) "Nanostructured Ceramics and Nanocomposites - Challenges and Perspectives" was held from 3rd to 6th December 2009 at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. The second Workshop "Structural and Functional Characterisation of Complex Materials" was held from 3rd to 5th of June 2010 in Ourinopoulo, Chalkidiki, Greece. The third Workshop "Processing of Nanostructured Ceramics and Nanocomposites" was held from 3rd till 5th March 2011 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic.

Main tasks of management of the project are (WP6): detailed planning of technical work, deliverables, planning and organization of PMB Meetings, training school and workshops, detailed monitoring of technical progress, preparation of technical progress reports, setting deadlines, approving of time records and other steps in the field of administration. Six Project Management Board (PMB) meetings were organised:
1st PMB Meeting (the Kick-off Meeting), September 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia
2nd PMB Meeting, March 2009, Ko?ice, Slovakia
3rd PMB Meeting, December 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia
4th PMB Meeting, June 2010, Ourinopoulo, Chalkidiki, Greece
5th PMB Meeting, September 2010, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
6th PMB Meeting, March 2011, Brno, Czech Republic

Recent national project in the DEMATEN group:
"Multiscale structuring of polymer nanocomposites and functional materials based on different precurcors" (2011-2014), granted by the Serbian Ministry of Science, III45022. Project coordinator - Prof. Jaroslava Budinski Simendi.
"Synthesis of nanopowders and processing of ceramics and nanocomposites with specific electric and magnetic properties for application in integrated passive components", (2011-2014), granted by the Serbian Ministry of Science, III45021. Project coordinator - Prof. Vladimir V. Srdi.

Recent international project (but only those in which participated researchers from at least two beneficiaries involved in the RP-DEMATEN Project):
"Czech-Greek co-operation in the field of processing and characterization of ferroic and multiferroic materials", Bilateral cooperation between Czech Republic and Greece (2011, submitted). Project coordinators - Prof. Karel Maca and Dr. Konstantinos Giannakopoulos.
"Czech-Slovak scientific collaboration in preparation and properties of nanostructured and composite ceramics", Bilateral cooperation between Slovakia and Czech Republic (2011, submitted). Project coordinators - Dr. Pavol Hvido and Prof. Martin Trunec.
"Structuring of nanocomposite materials based on different precursors", Bilateral cooperation between Slovakia and Serbia (2011, submitted). Project coordinators - Dr. Jan Dusza and Prof. Jaroslava Budinski Simendi.
"Single- and multiphase ferroics and multiferroics with restricted geometries" SIMUFER (2010-2014) European project COST MP0904. MC members: Prof. Karel Maca, Dr. Evagelia Moshopoulou, Prof. Vladimir V. Srdi.
"Composites with Novel Functional and Structural Properties by Nanoscale Materials (Nano Composite Materials-NCM)" (2007-2010) European project COST MP0701. MC members: Prof. Martin Trunec, Doc. Branka Pili.

Publications in scientific journals (but only those in which participated researchers from at least two beneficiaries involved in the Project), during the lifetime of the Project:
M. Maletin, E.G. Moshopoulou, V.V. Srdi, "Magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 and In-doped ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles", Physica Status Solidi, (a) 205 [8] (2008) 1831-1834.
J. Pavlievi, J. Budinski-Simendi, R. Radievi, L. Katsikas, I. Popovi, K.M. Szécsényi, M. pirkova, "Preparation and thermal stability of elastomers based on irregular poly(urethane-isocyanurate) networks", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 [10-11] (2009) 1217-1223.
R. Filipovi, Z. Obrenovi, I. Stijepovi, Lj.M. Nikoli, V.V. Srdi, "Synthesis of mesoporous silica particles with controlled pore structure", Ceramic International, 35 (2009) 3347-3353.
J. Pavlievi, J. Budinski-Simendi, K.M. Szécsényi, N. Lazi, M. pirkova, A. Strachota, "Thermal stability of segmented polyurethane elastomers reinforced by clay particles [Termika stabilnost segmentiranih poliuretanskih elastomera ojaanih esticama gline]" Hemijska Industrija, 63 [6] (2009) 621-628.
I. Stijepovi, A.J. Darbandi, V.V. Srdi, "Conductivity of doped LaGaO3 prepared by citrate sol-gel method", Journal of Optoelectronic and Advanced Materials, 12 [5] (2010) 1098-1104.
J. Pavlievi, M. ?pirkova, A. Strachota, K.M. Szécsényi, N. Lazi, J. Budinski-Simendi, "The influence of montmorillonite and bentonite addition on thermal properties of polyurethanes based on aliphatic polycarbonate diols", Thermochimica Acta, 509 [1-2] (2010) 73-80.
V.V. Srdi, R. Djenadi, M. Milanovi, N. Pavlovi, I. Stijepovi, L.M. Nikoli, E. Moshopoulous, K. Giannakopoulos, J. Dusza, K. Maca, "Direct synthesis of nanocrystalline oxide powders by wet-chemical techniques", Processing and Application of Ceramics, 4 [3] (2010) 127-134.
M. Nikoli, K.P. Giannakopoulos, V.V. Srdi, "Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous silica core-shell particles", Processing and Application of Ceramics, 4 [2] (2010) 81-86.
E.G. Moshopoulou, O. Isnard, M. Milanovi, V. Srdi, "Probing the transition from nano- to bulk-like behavior in ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles", Materials Science Forum, 674 (2011) 207-211.
M. pirkova, J. Pavlievi, A. Strachota, R. Poreba, O. Bera, L. Kapralkova, J. Baldrian, M. ?louf, N. Lazi, J. Budinski-Simendi, "Novel polycarbonate-based polyurethane elastomers: Composition-property relationship", Eurpoean Polymer Journal, 47 [5] (2011) 959-972.
N. Pavlovi, V. Koval, J. Dusza, V.V. Srdi, "Effect of Ce and La substitution on dielectric properties of bismuth titanate ceramics", Ceramics International, 37 (2011) 487-492.
O. Bera, B. Pili, J. Pavlievi, M. Jovii, B. Hollob, K. Meszaros Szecsenyi, M. pirkova, "Preparation and thermal properties of polystyrene/silica nanocompo¬sites", Thermochimica Acta, 515 (2011) 1-5.

Researchers from the RP-DEMATEN project have created a strong network - they have continued collaboration, participated in two COST projects and prepared new joint project proposals. The results of the research activities will be presented at several important national and international scientific conference and published in peer-reviewed journals. Detailed description is given in the attached PDF-file and Progress Reports for the first, second and third project year.

Project website: