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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-20

Novel Fabrication Techniques to Produce Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications


Tissue engineering aims to produce patient specific biological substitutes to overcome the limitations of traditional solutions for damaged tissue, such as lack of suitable donor organs or diseased cells. The scaffold aids the delivery of cells when they a re implanted and provides temporary mechanical support to the newly grown tissue.An EST Host Fellowship is proposed by the Materials Processing Research Centre at Dublin City University. The objective is to provide training in novel fabrication techniques to produce scaffolds for hard and soft tissue applications. These advanced methods, such as rapid prototyping technologies and plasma spraying, may be the key to producing scaffolds with customised and controllable geometries and internal morphologies. The se key characteristics of the scaffold are difficult to achieve using existing methods. The scope of training will be multidisciplinary, involving aspects of materials engineering and biotechnology.A number of PhD level training positions are proposed, eac h researching an advanced method of producing scaffolds. These methods include 3D printing, Photopolymerisation, Selective Laser Sintering and Plasma Spraying. While distinct, these processes share raw material and application characteristics. Fellows unde rtaking the training will gain an understanding of materials science, mechanical design, computer modelling, characterisation techniques, biocompatibility, cell adhesion and biotechnology.Fellows will receive training in a cutting edge sector in a country that is a global medical technology manufacturing location under the supervision of a team with international experience. Experimental training is supplemented by industrial experience, language courses, formal biomaterial modules and multicultural educati on. This field has the potential to make an impact on the quality of life for people throughout the world.

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