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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-30

Centre of Excellence for Nanostructured Materials

Final Report Summary - NANOMAT (Centre of Excellence for Nanostructured Materials)

Executive Summary:
This NANOMAT FP7- CSA-SA project focuses on the research capacity building in converging sciences and micro/nanosystems at the Research Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnology, Kaunas University of Technology (RCMN-KTU), to the highest European level and to create a European Centre of Excellence in Nanostructured Materials.
There are six workpackages in the project, aimed at know-how and experience exchange (WP1), to recruit returning experienced Lithuanian researchers in order to support the project and reduce brain-drain (WP2), the development and upgrade of research equipment (WP3), workshop, conference organisation and policy development (WP4), Dissemination and Promotional Activities (WP5) and management (WP6). Report on progress in this section will focus on the capacity building workpackages (WP1-5), as the Management Report focuses on WP6 progress. The research conducted in WP1-5 overlaps between each of the workpackages, with progress in one workpackage affecting decisions and activities to be conducted in other workpackages. All of the workpackage activity reports, below, detail progress conducted by collaboration between a project beneficiary KTU and twinning partners. The WP1- capacity building was done according the project work plan and all objectives achieved. Intensive collaboration and training activities were established based on the test vehicles with Helsinki University, National Microelectronics Center, Barselona and Bristol University. The WP3 progress has been promising: recruitment of all of the necessary personnel was based on open International competition and successful. It was completed, within planned time table to hire all 3 researchers for minimum a two years to work on the project. The progress in WP2 workpackage is impressive, with success in purchase and installation of planned equipment according milestones and personal training on new equipment in 2010 and 2011. It made KTU visible internationally and created a new possibilities for collaboration. The WP4 - workshop, conference organisation and policy development activities completed according work plan: two international Scientific sessions were organized in conjunction with Baltic Polymer Symposium 8-11 September 2010, Palanga, Lithuania and 10th International Conference of Lithuanian Chemists, 14-15 October, 2011, Vilnius ( The Strategic policy development seminar was organized in Vilnius, September 28, 2010 with the international experts and Science and Education and Economy vice-ministers participation ( The meeting to discuss the Lithuanian RTD policy strategy was organized getting together the Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of Economy, Confederation of Lithuanian business employers. The Science and Education and Economy ministers personally participated in the meeting and the documents and recommendations of NANOMAT Strategic seminar were delivered directly to ministers and discussed during the meeting. The WP5- dissemination and promotional activities exceeded the expectations. The 6 common papers were published and 4 submitted to high rank journals, 8 presentations and one invited keynote talk presented at International conferences. The NANOMAT project Web site, international scientific sessions Web site ( and Web site of Strategic workshop ( were opened and maintained making the Centre and the NANOMAT project worldwide visible, what is demonstrated by the dynamic Web site visitors map on Web site ( The 3 workshops were organized to discuss with twinning partners the project proposal submissions to relevant calls from FP7 and knowledge exchange seminar with Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich University, March 2012. The NANOMAT project activity led to the successful submission of EU FP7 NanoSustain project, currently funded by EC and submission of the project proposal to Lithuanian-Swiss partnership programme, (currently under evaluation). The 2 project proposals were submitted to Lithuanian Science Fundation Agency ( currently under evaluation). These activities will be supporting the common with twinning partners a Virtual Research Lab established during the FP7 NANOMAT project ( The publications concerning project events, activities and results have been published in local newspapers, media and EU scale journals like The Parliament Magazines Research Review, Public Service Review European Union 23, with millions of recipients, including on-line version. The success of the FP7 NANOMAT project is demonstrated by the decision of FP7 NanoSustain project team to organize in Research Center for Microsystems and Nanotechnology,KTU the training seminar in advanced methods for nanoparticles research for young European researchers in September 2012.

Project Context and Objectives:
This NANOMAT FP7- CSA-SA project focuses on the research capacity building in converging sciences and micro/nanosystems at the Research Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnology, Kaunas University of Technology (RCMN-KTU), to the highest European level and to create a European Centre of Excellence in Nanostructured Materials.
The overall concept of developing RCMN-KTU into a European Centre of Excellence in Nanostructured Materials has to be achieved by increasing the competitiveness and visibility of RCMN-KTU’s research capacity in the most advanced topics of converging sciences and micro/nanosystems. These advanced research topics correspond with research priorities identified by the EU Technology Platforms Micro- and Nano-manufacturing (MINAM) and Nanomedicine, as well as the FP7 NMP and ICT Work Programmes. By improving specific research capabilities – identified from RCMN-KTU’s SWOT analysis - the NANOMAT project will support RCMN-KTU’s advanced research in nanostructured materials, increase the competitiveness and visibility of RCMN-KTU and, as a result, increase RCMN-KTU’s participation in EU R&D programmes and integration in the European Research Area (ERA).
The NANOMAT project is divided into five sub-objectives, each one being implemented through its own Work Package. Considering the Objectives one-by-one:

i. Develop RCMN-KTU’s Strategic Research Partnerships

The objective is to exchange know-how and experience through twinning actions with three research centres:
a) CNQI- UNIBRIS,which has strong expertise in development and application of innovative scanning probe microscopy for biology;
b) MNL-TKK, which has excellent knowledge of the development of nanostructures for molecular electronics and photonics, as well as the growth and formation of carbon nanotubes structures.
c) CNM-IMB, which has first rate knowledge of the development of silicon microsensors and Microsystems technology.

ii. Increase RCMN-KTU’s Human Potential

The objective is to increase the human potential of RCMN-KTU, which has difficulty to attract and retain top research students because of high salaries in industry. In order to achieve this, RCMN-KTU offered a competitive salaries and hired 3 young experienced researchers with backgrounds in converging sciences and micro/nanosystems.

iii. Increase RCMN-KTU’s Technology Potential

The main objective is to develop RCMN-KTU’s existing R&D facilities. In order to achieve this, the main equipment items were upgraded .

iv. Increase RCMN-KTU’s Scientific Visibility

The objective is to support knowledge transfer at national and international levels, and facilitate research policy development in the field of nanostructured materials. This is achieved through RCMN-KTU’s organisation of scientific events, thematic international sessions and seminars. Also, through the organisation of research policy workshop involving researchers, research policy experts and research policy makers from Lithuania and the EU.

v. Increase RCMN-KTU’s technology transfer for socio-economic needs

The objective is to maximize the transfer and promotion of project results and activities of the NANOMAT project in Lithuania and across the EU. A multilateral approach will be adopted to achieve this: promotion of project activities and results through a project website; publication of research results in peer reviewed journal and presentation at international conferences; organisation of workshops to make research proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7 NMP and ICT Work Programmes; and publication and syndication of S&T features aimed at “layman audiences”.

Work plan: NANOMAT is structured and organized around 6 Work packages(WPs), each with distinct tasks, deliverables and milestones::
WP1. Know-How and Experience Exchange
WP2. Recruitment by RCMN-KTU
WP3. Development and Upgrade of Research Equipment
WP4. Workshop, Conference Organisation and Policy Development
WP5. Dissemination and Promotional Activities
WP6. Project management

Implementation of the work plan:

Work package WP1: In the 36 months of the project, the collaboration with twinning partners CNQI-UNIBRIS, CNM-IMB and MNL-TKK was established and joint working groups created. The bilateral “Strategic partner collaboration agreement” at the organizations level were signed between KTU and MNL-TKK, CSIC.CNM-IMB and CNQI-UNIBRIS. The bilateral annual Activity plans were developed and signed between collaborating twinning partners . Research capacity building activities using the test vehicle with MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB (porphyrin nanostructures and gas sensors) and test vehicle with MNL-TKK (carbon nanotubes) were successfully performed. Several training visits to partners institutions and vice-versa were realized according the Project Quality Plan.

Work package WP2: One experienced Lithuanian researcher with 4 years Post-doctoral experience in Bristol University in Scanning Probe Microscopy, one foreign PhD researcher ( Kiev Semiconductor institute) with experience in Nano-Biophysics and one foreign PhD researcher (Paris Institute of Nanosciences (INSP) Université Pierre et Marie Curie) with experience in Physics-Chemistry of Nanomaterials have been recruited. New hired researchers recruited to work at least 2 years with the NANOMAT project.
Because of personal reasons Dr.Raul Rodriguez left Lithuania in February 2011. The new highly experienced researcher Dr.Boris Snopok, from Kiev Institute of Semiconductor Physics was appointed on the basis of open competition. All hired researchers Dr.A.Ulcinas Dr.Denys Naumenko, Dr. B.Snopok have been working until the end of NANOMAT project, March 31, 2012.

Work package WP3: Complete set of the equipment according the description of work have been purchased based on the public procurement procedures and Lithuanian law, equipment installed and tested according DoW. The selection of equipment to include into purchasing list was based on the Project Description of Work (WP3) and available budget (240.000 EUR). The list of equipment was optimized and discussed with Steering Committee members to fulfill the project requirements and to fit into the equipment budget. During the project progress it became clear that to keep a leading positions in the NANOMAT fields internationally, the additional add-ons to existing equipment has to be purchased to realize tip-enhanced Raman microscopy. After the consultancy with Steering Committee it was decided to ask permission from EC to slightly increase an equipment budget, redistributing the budget between a workpackages. The steering Committee decision was approved by Project Officer.

Work package WP4: Specific web pages have been opened for Scientific Sessions and NANOMAT project discussions and specific Web page of Scientific session held in Vilnius, September 8-10, 2010. Web page has been opened for Strategy Seminar held in Vilnius, September 28, 2010. The international scientific session “Nanomaterials: fabrication, characterisation and applications” has been organized in Palanga, September 8-11, 2010. Strategy workshop “ Converging technologies and regional potential has been organized in Vilnius, September 28, 2010. The 2nd international scientific session “Nanomaterials: fabrication, characterisation and applications” has been organized in Vilnius, October 13-16, 2011. Several bilateral seminars have been organized in Kaunas, Helsinki and Barselona.

Work package WP5: Regular promotion of project news and events via a NANOMAT project website; Regular promotion of project news and events via relevant European nanoscience and nanotechnology websites; Regular promotion of project news and events via a NANOMAT project website; Organisation of workshops to make research proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7; Regular publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “layman audiences”; Publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “EU research policy makers”; Market research report identifying commercial potential for nanostructured materials R&D services over the next 5 years.

Work package WP6: Project management included development of Project Quality Plan and its implementation, coordination of the research capacity building activities using the test vehicles with CNQI-UNIBRIS, MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB, regular monitoring, update and control of the quality and progress of work and results achieved, organizing regular consortium and progress meetings, reviewing, editing and archiving of produced deliverables and reports, establishing and maintaining a smooth communication and information system between partners, with the Commission and main stakeholders.

Main results achieved:

Work package WP1: It was successfully developed and signed the “Strategic partner collaboration agreements” between the contractor and 3 twinning partners, twinning Action plans have been developed and successfully implemented, developed training visit plans and training activities and training visits realized. Currently, the collaboration between partners is going permanently and joint research space (Common Lab) is created successfully ( The collaboration between NCQI-Bristol University and KTU is established at the European network level- EU COST Action TD1002 “European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences".
Capacity building key results: Know-how and experience on Nanomanipulation of nanostructures and characterization of carbon nanotubes has been developed; - Versatile multimodal SPM platform for mechanical and optical investigation of nanoscale properties of biomolecular structures built, tested and commissioned; - The sample preparation protocols for the investigation of nanorhelogical properties of mucin biopolymers implemented; successful proof-of-principle experiments conducted; - Research capacity has been gained on cell research using laser confocal imaging and Raman imaging, know-how regarding design guidelines and implementation of versatile multimodal scanning probe platform exchanged; - Technical experience regarding troubleshooting of the new instrument and design of reconfigurable electronic controller and general purpose SPM software exchanged; - Experience has been gained on the fabrication of sensing devices and operation of clean room facilities.Capacity building in the novel cantilevered shear force probes design and fabrication have been achieved in partnership with CNM-IMB; the fabrication process developed and tested; successful preliminary experiments with fabricated probes have been conducted, creating a commercialization opportunities for the new probes. The 8 common scientific papers published and 5 submitted, 12 presentation made at high rank international conferences. The project proposals submitted to FP7 programme (in 2009), Lithuanian-Swiss collaboration program in 2012), COST Action TD1002( in 2011) and 2 proposals to National Funding Agencies (in 2012).

Work package WP2: Three experienced researchers were hired and successfully integrated into RCMN-KTU and project activities according WP2 description in Annex I.The recruitment was performed through open competitions. Job adverts has been placed on websites such as KTU web-page, Euro jobs web site, Cordis EUREX , Nature jobs.The requirements for candidates to be announced were developed by NANOMAT Management team. It was received more than 5 applications to every advertised position from several countries: 1 from Lithuania, 1 from Bulgaria, 1 from Ukraine, 2 from France, 1 from Germany, 1 from Ireland, 2 from China and the rest from India.The selection criteria for assessing the candidates were as follows: - expertise in research activity in new emerging fields,- expertise in project management, - expertise in coordination of research groups,- expertise in exploitation of new equipment.Evaluating overall performance of recruited researchers to RCMN-KTU, it must be stated that all of them has become an important member of RCMN staff and is making significant contributions to the research activities; The new researchers appointment was successful.

Work package WP3: During the project progress it became clear that to keep a leading positions in the NANOMAT fields internationally, the additional add-ons to existing equipment has to be purchased to realize the tip-enhanced Raman microscopy. After the consultancy with Steering Committee it was decided to ask permission from EC to slightly increase an equipment budget, redistributing the budget between a workpackages. The steering Committee decision was approved by Project Officer and an advanced AFM- tip-enhanced Raman measurement platform was purchased and installed at RCMN-KTU, making RCMN-KTU as one of the frontiers research groups in the field.Equipment upgraded, installed at RCMN-KTU facilities and tested. Purchasing procedures have been realized according the Annex I with slightly increased budget for equipment, redistributing WP1,WP2,WP4 budget to WP3.

Work package WP4: Specific web pages have been opened for Scientific session, Strategic workshop. All the information related to these events – call for papers, topics, invited papers, programme, list of participants, final programme, information about venue, accommodation, social programme presented on the Web site.The address of Web NANOMAT project Virtual Lab site: The First international scientific session “Nanomaterials: fabrication, characterisation and applications” has been organized in Palanga, Sptember 8-11, 2010. The address of Web site of NANOMAT project Scientific Session held in conjunction with Baltic Polymer Symposium: The Second Scientific session of the NANOMAT project was held in conjunction with International Conference of Lithuanian Chemists, 14-15 October, 2011, Vilnius.The 18 scientific presentations have been presented during the session and 42 participants from Lithuanian research centres, universities, SMEs. took part in the session shared with Symposium. The 8 presentations were presented by invited NANOMAT twinning partners. The globally leading Scanning Probe Microscopy manufacturers Bruker , MT-NDT and Asylum Research took part in the Seminar with presentations. Asylum Research organized an equipment exhibition during the Conference. The Strategic Workshop in order to up-date the national strategy in the field of converging sciences and micro/nanosystems have been organized and held in Vilnius, September 28, 2010. Information about the workshop, organizing committee, participants, program and conclusions can be found at the Web site : To submit the Strategic workshop conclusions to key National policy makers, the meeting to discuss the RTD and Innovation policy between the Minister of Economy, Minister of Science and Education and Confederation of Lithuanian Employers have been organized in Ministry of Science and Education, Vilnius November, 2010. The conclusions of Strategic seminar was taken into account by Ministers for the future RTD priorities development.

Work package WP5: Web page have been opened, promotion on international Web pages, publication of information about RCMN and research programs at EU Parliament Journal Research Overview, Public Service Review EU 23, Lithuanian journals, Lithuanian TV and Radio, Market research report. 4 workshops have been organized to discuss and organize the project proposal to FP7 programme, market research to identify commercial potential of nanostructured materials was completed and educational book published and distributed between the students and participants of the seminars. To analyze the NANOMAT promotion wold wide a Dynamic visitors map on NANOMAT project Web site have been installed in July 2011, counting the visitors number and geographic distribution. The 1734 visitors visited Web site until the May, 2012 from all continents and 65 countries.An important building block towards achieving one of the goals of theNANOMAT – creating efficient and productive virtual lab – is bringing together ideas and expertise of RCMN-KTU and strategic partners in joint application for research project funding, in particular, responding to relevant calls of FP7 NMP and ICT programmes. It was organized 3 meetings to initiate the FP7 projet proposals (M5, M17, M27) and discussions during the bilateral seminars. Project proposal was submitted to the FP7-NMP-ENV-2009 call for proposal. Project proposal evaluation was successful and project selected for funding. FP7 project started his activities in 01.05.2010. The end of project -30.04.2013.. After the consultation with partners RCMN-KTU presented NANOMAT activities at the Seminar in Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich University and prepared and submitted project proposal to Lithuanian –Switzerland bilateral program, call for proposals: project proposal “Nanoscopic platform by combining SAF, AFM and Raman microscopy“, Partner: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich university, Submited 2012.05.15.

Work package WP6: As a key result achieved, NANOMAT project has been run smoothly since the very start.
There are a number of reasons for this statement: NANOMAT beneficiary and twinning partners signed Partnership agreements and activity plans according the project milestones and working closely together as a virtual Lab; “new” hired researchers have integrated very well since the beginning. The infrastructure was upgraded as planned.At the same time, there have been many intense discussions on critical issues with different opinions being expressed in the context of how to handle technical problems and find appropriate solutions. Overall, the project during the all period have been run , with a high level of cooperation among RCMN-KTU and twinning partners, with a substantial networking and open flow of information; joint training sessions and new skills development have been carried out successfully. As a result of Strategic workshop, project established a good collaboration with local RTD policy makers and V.Snitka was invited to be a member of working group initiated by Lithuanian Confederation of Employers and Ministry of Economy to develop a new structure for research and business collaboration on converging technologies. The new FP7 project proposal (NanoSustain) was successfully submitted and selected for funding ( 01.05.2010-30.04.2013) the project proposal was initiated and submitted with partner Zurich University to the Lithuanian-Swiss research program (in 2012) , one project proposal have been submitted to Lithuanian Social Fund (EU Structural Fund) and one project to Lithuanian Science Fund to keep working a created with twinning partners Virtual Laboratory.

Project Results:
Work progress and achievements during the period 36M

1. WP 1: Know-how and experience exchange, leader Dr. Ingrida Bruzaite

1.1. Overview on objectives, planned work and manpower

In WP1 we develop an institutionalised cooperation with the three strategic research partners CNQI-UNIBRIS, MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB within the framework of the NANOMAT project. One crucial component of this project is represented by the twinning actions with three strategic research partners. In order to carry out the tasks, twinning agreements have to be signed with each of the 3 strategic research partners. The roles of each of the partners are closely interlinked and joint activities will be developed to design the “Common Lab” space. The core activity of WP1 is the collaboration with twinning partners on Research topics A- Converging Sciences and Technologies:
- A1 Nanostructures by ionic self-assembly of porphyrins
- A2 Near field optical microscope for cells research
- A3 Electro-mechanics of cells and biostructures
Research Topic B: Micro/Nanosystems:
- B1 Growth and formation of carbon nanotubes structures by CVD
- B2 Development of gas sensors based on functionalized porphyrin nanotubes
- B3 Development of micromachined silicon cantilevers for scanning shear force microscopy

These allowed the RCMN-KTU research group to gain access and practical expertise with their state-of-the-art equipment and facilities (atomic layer deposition equipment, chemical vapour deposition equipment, video-rate AFM measurement facilities, microscanning laser doppler vibrometry, etc.). Manufacturing and assembly of new device was made in RCMN-KTU together with CNQI-UNIBRIS scientists.

1.2 Objectives (Annex I)
- Exchange of know-how and experience through twinning actions with three strategic European research organisations in order to strengthen RCMN-KTU researchers’ capabilities.
- Develop new research fields at RCMN-KTU
- Create a common research space with the three strategic partners – a so-called “common lab” - where the researchers will work together as a single research unit
- Enhance participation in EU research programmes

1.3 Summary of progress
In the 36 months of the project, the collaboration with twinning partners CNQI-UNIBRIS, CNM-IMB and MNL-TKK was established. The bilateral “Strategic partner collaboration agreement” at the organizations level was signed between KTU and MNL-TKK, CSIC.CNM-IMB and CNQI-UNIBRIS. The bilateral annual Activity plans developed and signed between collaborating twinning partners. Research capacity building activities using the test vehicle with MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB (porphyrin nanostructures and gas sensors) and test vehicle with MNL-TKK (carbon nanotubes) was performed. Several training visits to partners institutions and vice-versa were realized

1.4 Main significant results
We have successfully developed and signed the “Strategic partner collaboration agreements”, Activity plans, developed training visit plans and training activities and training visits were realized. Currently, the collaboration between partners is going permanently and joint research space (Common Lab) is created successfully (

1.5 Deviations from Annex I no deviations from AnnexI.
All deliverables promised for the full period of project (M36) were fully achieved and in line with the Annex I. WP 1 efforts in the reporting period reflected the need to make corrections in collaborative research topics taking into acount a new tendencies and directions arrising in research world and market. During the Steering Committee meeting in Palanga, September 28 it was decided not to focus only on carbon nanotubes (Research topic B1), but to include into collaboration with MNL-TKK (Currently Aalto University) Activity plan the research on graphene, as very promising new direction on carbon nanostructures research. Steering Committee suggests to amend the title of research capacity building topic A3 to “Nanoscale properties of cells and biostructures by mechanical, optical and electrical scanning probe techniques”. Relevant deviations to the planned activities are not reported.

1.6 . WP 1 List of Deliverables (Annex I)
D1.1. Progress report on research capacity building activities using the test vehicle with MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB (porphyrin nanostructures and gas sensors) and test vehicle with MNL-TKK (carbon nanotubes) – M12
D1.2. Progress report on the research capacity building activities using the test vehicle with CNQI-UNIBRIS (cells electro-mechanics) and test vehicle with CNQI-UNIBRIS and CNM-IMB (SNOM and tuning fork sensor development) – M32
D1.3. Report on training periods - M18 (and 36)

1.7 Achieved results and status of Deliverables
Task 1.1. Development of the activity plan
Development of activity plan for collaboration with twinning partners started immediately after the project start date. Draft version of activity plan was approved by Steering Committee during the kick-off meeting May, 2009 (M2). During the kick –off meeting was agreed to develop bilateral activity plans for the first 18 month of project activity and to make corrections at month 13 if necessary. Corrected activity plans were signed with twinning partners during July-August 2009. During Steering committee meeting in Palanga, September 8-10, 2010 it was discussed and accepted by partners the recommended changes to Activity plan for the next 6 months (M19- M25). Together with Activity plan the schedule for training visits was developed and included in the Quality plan.
Activity plan KTU- NSQIBRIS. Plan of implementation of project actions concerning the twinning activities was prepared in discussions with NSQI-related academics Prof Mervyn Miles, Dr Massimo Antognozzi and Prof Heinrich Hörber. It was decided in the first stages of the project to build upon existing collaboration in novel shear force microscopy, facilitating knowledge exchange in order to develop adequate methodologies and procedures required to firmly establish this novel technique. Joint activities would focus on evaluation of performance of a range of custom shear force microscopy probes for force spectroscopy investigation of confined molecular fluids and imaging; development of probe position detection and processing techniques for increased sensitivity. NSQI researchers agreed to provide consultancy assistance for development of new scanning probe instrument (research capacity building topic A2) and help in testing it, as well as train KTU-RCMN researchers in complementary optical techniques. In further stages of the project complementary optical, mechanical and electric interrogation techniques for investigation of nanoscale properties of biostructures, model membranes and cells will be jointly used. See the attached twinning activity plans.
Activity plan KTU- CNM-IMB . The 12M activity plan was discussed and agreed in Barcelona with Prof.Carles Cané, and Prof. Valentinas Snitka in August 2009 2010.
Activity plan KTU- MNL-TKK. Plan of implementation of project actions concerning the twinning activities was accepted by Steering Committee during kick-off meeting and finally corrected for 12 months period after discussions with MNL-TKK -related academics Prof. Harri Lipsanen, Prof. Fransila and Dr. Kestas Grigoras and finally it was signed August 2009 by Prof. Harri Lipsanen and Prof. Valentinas Snitka .
The NANOMAT Steering committee met in Palanga in September 2010 and after discussions with partners a new plan for next 19-36 months activities with all 3 twinning partners was accepted and sign by prof.M.Miles NSIQ and prof.V.Snitka,RCMN KTU. A new plan for next 18-36M was with TKK, Helsinki signed by Prof. Harri Lipsanen and Prof. Valentinas Snitka on November 2010. During the visit to Barcelona partners, the activity plan on 2011 was signed by Prof. Carles Cane, CNM and Prof. Valentinas Snitka KTU..
Key result: twinning action plans developed according the timetable of the Annex I and correction actions were made for project activities period 19-36 M.

Task 1.2. Twinning with MNL-TKK

A1. Research capacity building concerning nanostructures by ionic self-assembly of porphyrins
The porphyrin nanostructures were synthesized and investigated at RCMN-KTU. Porphyrin nanosheets/nanotubes were synthesized by ionic self-assembly in acidic aqueous solution of two oppositely charged non-metal porphyrins, namely, the anionic meso-tetra (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphine dihydrochloride (TPPS4) and cationic meso-tetra (4-pyridyl) porphine (T4MPyP) [V.Snitka et al. Int. J. Nanomanufacturing, Vol.5 No.1/2 2010, pp.194-204. The gold interdigitated contact structures for porphyrin based devices were made by Dr. K. Grigoras and Dr. D. Naumenko in the framework of Nanolithography training at Micronova cleanrooms, Aalto University. To the moment, the porphyrin nanostructures have been synthesized and functionalized by gold, the gold interdigitated contact structures have been made, the objectives (A1) were achieved.
Knowledge gained on nanomanipulation of nanoparticles and graphene done at RCMN-KTU using AFM based nanomanipulator.
The objective for the second part of project is the nanomanipulation of porphyrin nanostructures to
the position on the electrodes, and investigation of electric and photonic properties of new molecular electronic structures, based on porphyrins and carbon nanotubes. In order to accomplish the nanomanipulation of porphyrin nanotubes using AFM based nanomanipulator, preliminary nanomanipulation experiments have been performed on test samples: aerosol nanoparticles and dissection of graphene flakes.
B1. Research capacity building concerning growth and formation of carbon nanotubes structures
Experience has been developed in the RCMN-KTU on the Raman characterization of single wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by our twinning partner in TKK-Helsinki. Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by MNL-TKK, Helsinki partners. The chirality, structure, wall number and degree of perfection can be assessed using this technique.
The new skills of carbon nanostructures growth and formation were obtained in the framework of Micronova cleanrooms trainings. The optical and topography properties of fabricated (by Helsinki partners) carbon nanostructures (graphene, CNTs, and DLC) were investigated by AFM and Raman spectroscopy in RCMN-KTU. Initially, the idea was a quantitative characterisation of CNT network transistors by means of Raman spectroscopy with the aim to evaluate a number of metallic and semiconducting CNTs. It was done at RCMN. However, later, our partners were interested in tip-enhanced Raman characterisation of CVD fabricated graphene layers. The preliminary TERS results on graphene flakes were obtained at RCMN. The CVD graphene films were also used as planar templates to study the interaction of inorganic nanoparticles with graphene and to enhance Raman response of nanoparticles. These results were published or submitted to scientific journals.
For twinning with National Centre for Microelectronics in Barcelona (CNM-IMB) (Task 1.4) we fabricated the surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices with various ALD coatings. In the framework of ALD and nanolithography training, SEM and XRD characterisation (Micronova cleanrooms), we had fabricated the SAW devices with TiO2 and ZnO ALD layers and characterized the ALD films.
For collaboration with National Centre for Microelectronics in Barcelona (CNM-IMB) (Task 1.4) we tried to make surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices with different ALD coatings. In the framework of ALD and nanolithography training (Micronova cleanrooms) we fabricated the some types of SAW devices with TiO2 and ZnO ALD layers. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of these SAWD were measured at RCMN-KTU. These results had been demonstrated to Barcelona partners, who were interested to deposit the similar films onto their quartz SAWD. Such devices were covered by ALD ZnO films during the training at MNS-Aalto (D. Naumenko together with K. Grigoras) and tested later by Barcelona partners. Articles submitted to Microengineering Journal.
We have also investigated the growth and viability of the living cells on different inorganic materials (silicon, DLC or TiO2) with different surface topography. Preliminary results demonstrate that the best compatibility is observed for the silicon substrates.
Results: The new skills on carbon nanostructures growth and formation, ALD and nanolithography were obtained, SEM and XRD characterisation trainings have been carried out. The SAW devices with ALD layers were fabricated and characterized. The silicon based samples for living cell and carbon based nanostructures (nanotubes, graphene) have been investigated. Task completed
The additional task was accepted to investigate the aging of black silicon fuel cells, because of the interest of TKK partner. The microRaman measurements (RCMN-KTU) of old type of fuel cells were shown, that the surface chemistry was changed after using of cells. It leads to cell degradation. So, the new type of cells with the stable characteristics was made by MNS-Aalto researchers. We perform the AFM investigations of “new” cells, obtained on different conditions, to determine the dependence of needle number on used technology. This parameter influences on fuel cell efficiency and it is needed for the optimization of fabrication process. Also we have investigated the compatibility of living cells with different inorganic materials (silicon, DLC or TiO2) with different surface topography. Preliminary results are demonstrated, that the best compatibility is observed for the silicon substrates. The surface of TiO2 is not applicable for this task. Some better situation with DLC. Results: the new skills of carbon nanostructures growth and formation were obtained, ALD and Nanolithography trainings have been carried out. The SAW devices with ALD layers were made and preliminary characterized. The black silicon fuel cells, silicon based samples for living cell and carbon based nanostructures (nanotubes, graphene) are actively studied.
Capacity building key result: Know-how and experience on Nanomanipulation of nanostructures and characterization of carbon nanotubes has been developed.

Task 1.3 Twinning with CNQI-UNIBRIS

Activities concerning research topic A3 “Research capacity building concerning Scanning near-field optical microscope for research into biostructures and cells.”
To consolidate the leading position of RCMN-KTU in the field of scanning probe microscopy in the Baltic states and build on the expertise available to assist integration of RCMN-KTU into European Research Area, it was envisaged in the Project to develop new scanning probe microscopy instrument particularly suited for nanoscale investigations of biomolecular structures and cells in their native environment. After recruiting of Dr Artūras Ulčinas as one of the Research Fellows on the Project it was decided to make use of his experience and build the versatile and customisable scanning probe microscopy platform which would enable combining of mechanical, optical and, in future, electrical techniques for investigation of nanoscale properties of biomolecular structures and cells. Design developed for this instrument was based on inverted optical microscopy and followed in its principle a design described in M. Antognozzi et al., Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 384002. The design allows using nanomechanical investigation techniques such as shear force or atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy via exchangeable heads; optical techniques such as scattering-type scanning near-field microscopy, inverted optical microscopy, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Open design of the instrument allows straightforward coupling with spectrometers for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and similar optical techniques. Designed mechanical parts of the instrument were machined in Kaunas and together with home-made flexure scanning stage and purchased high magnification high numerical aperture objective lens and optical train parts assembled on optical table. Photos included show optical and mechanical assembly of new SPM instrument with shear force head mounted. To ensure versatility of the new SPM platform, National Instruments FPGA-based programmable card with analog and digital signal input, output and processing capabilities has been chosen as electronic control unit. This provides a possibility quickly reconfigure electronic hardware in order to customise it for specific experiments. FPGA-based and host computer-based general purpose SPM software has been developed and tested jointly with NSQI-Bristol project partners. In its current state, FPGA-based code provides capabilities of signal acquisition and processing (lock-in detection, spectral analysis), custom feedback loop and piezo scanning stage control.
Capacity building has been accomplished in the study of yeast cells by scanning laser confocal microscopy and Raman spectroscopy under physiological conditions.
During the M18 period, a new multimodal scanning probe microscopy (SPM) platform has been designed, assembled and run through preliminary tests; several detection schemes were implemented and tested. In the reporting period M19-36 , the capabilities of the system have been further extended by building a custom high voltage amplifier for extending the scanning range in X, Y and Z directions, implementing total scattered light intensity detection and the feedback on this signal, and improving the mechanical design of the cantilever holder. The experiments detecting the thermal noise spectra of the vertically oriented AFM cantilevers have been carried out in order to evaluate the displacement detection sensitivity of the developed instrument. The platform has been commissioned for experimental work and used to conduct initial experiments relevant to the research topics A3 and B3 as described below.

Key results: versatile multimodal SPM platform for mechanical and optical investigation of nanoscale properties of biomolecular structures optimized, tested and commissioned.

Activities concerning research topic A3 “Research capacity building concerning electro-mechanics of cells and biostructures”
During the twinning and experience exchange activities with NSQI-Bristol a joint research interest has been identified with Dr Monica Berry, in exploiting unique advantages of the developed instrument for investigation of the nanorheology and nanotribology of biological polymers mucins.
Mucins are long, highly glycosylated polymers which constitute large part of mucous gel lining the eyes, the gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. One of the important functions of mucins is to provide the lubrication and thus protect the living tissue from mechanical damage. Molecular mechanisms governing this important physiological function, influence on the conditions of the medium (pH, ionic strength) are the object of active research effort.
The proof-of-concept experiments of investigating the lubricating behaviour of mucins have been carried out as follows. The mucin-containing phosphate buffer solution was prepared and gold-coated cantilevers were incubated in the solution to achieve the binding of mucins on the cantilever. Cleaned glass coverslips were functionalised with aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) followed by drop-deposition of the mucin-containing PBS solution. Both cantilevers and coverslips were kept hydrated during the transfer and experiments in order to prevent decomposition of polymers.
The experiments were conducted in PBS medium in force spectroscopy mode performing the approach-retract cycle. The vertically oriented cantilever was oscillated parallel to the surface using the small piezo attached on the cantilever holder, this way inducing shear to the layer between the probe and the surface. The shear strain rate was controlled by changing the cantilever oscillation amplitude. The lateral oscillation amplitude of the cantilever was varied in order to evaluate the effect of shear rate on the lubricating behaviour of mucins. The fact that the relative amplitude reduction is taking place over the shorter separation for the larger shear rates suggests the shear thickening behaviour of the mucin layers, which is in contrast to the view found in literature. Further research efforts are required to provide the conclusive interpretation.
In summary, the proof-of-concept experiments have demonstrated the excellent potential of the developed instrument for investigation of the nanorheological / nanotribological properties of biomolecular structures, especially in conjunction with custom small cantilever probes.

A3. Investigation of the living cells and biomolecular structures
As the object of biomolecular structures the yeast cells have been chosen and investigated. We have studied a glucose dehydrogenaze protein accumulation in the cell membrane of genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells, one of the most extensively studied model eukaryotic organisms. The topographical and biochemical changes in the yeast cell envelope induced by genetic modification were studied by AFM and Raman or TERS.
So, we have demonstrated that the combination of scanning probe microscopy with tip-enhanced optical readout provides a 'window' specific for nanoscale into the cell life, and makes possible not only the tracking of biological transformations at the molecular level but as well to elucidate morphological and biochemical changes of cells in vivo using label-free imaging of membrane components. These results were submitted to the scientific journal.
This task also supports visits of researchers from RCMN-KTU to CNQI-UNIBRIS for video AFM training. During the investigations of SAWD covered by ZnO films to the vapour of light organic compounds (ethanol, isopropanol, acetone), we have observed that the amplitude-frequency characteristics of SAWD were dramatically changed after the interaction with acetone. During the video-rate AFM training in Bristol, new knowledge were transferred to RCMN, and the etching processes of ALD ZnO films by liquid acetone were investigated. It is clearly seen from the frames of video-rate measurements that grain structure of ZnO polycrystalline film is changing from spherical grains to triangular ones.

Key results: the sample preparation protocols for the investigation of nanorhelogical properties of mucin biopolymers implemented; successful proof-of-principle experiments conducted.

Capacity building key result: research capacity has been gained on cell research using laser confocal imaging and Raman imaging, know-how regarding design guidelines and implementation of versatile multimodal scanning probe platform exchanged; technical experience regarding troubleshooting of the new instrument and design of reconfigurable electronic controller and general purpose SPM software exchanged.

Task 1.4 Twinning action with CNM-IMB

B2. Research capacity building concerning development of gas sensors based on functionalized porphyrin nanotubes
How-to knowledge was acquired on the development of gas sensor devices using CMOS technology. Barcelona partners exchanged their expertise in sensing devices fabrication, principles
Surface acoustic wave devices developed by our twining partners in Barcelona have been tested in Kaunas’ labs. Task 1.4 Twinning actions with CNM-IMB. Task B2 and operation. It was agreed with partners to extend the task activity developing the new sensitive materials for SAW gas sensors, as it is specific interest of CNM-IMB. The twinning activity was designed to incorporate in to activity MNL-TKK to use ALD equipment for ZnO layers deposition for SAW sensors.
During the period M19-36 the porphyrin nanostructures were synthesized and investigated at RCMN-KTU (Task 1.2 A1). It was shown that the synthesized structures are quite sensitive to the ethanol vapour and can be used as active layer for gas sensing.
As it was mentioned before, CNM partners were interested in deposition of ALD ZnO films onto quartz SAWD fabricated in Barcelona. This task was completed during the ALD training in Micronova cleanrooms at Aalto University. Later, the fabricated SAWD were characterized at CNM. The additional task for twinning with CNM was the investigation of polysilicon microcapsules by AFM and Raman spectroscopy. The last method is quite sensitive to evaluate the intrinsic stresses in Si samples, which can appear during the fabrication process.
The microcapsules fabrication process leads to the appearance of strong mechanical stress (up to 1.74 GPa) at the edges of produced microcapsules, which can damage the structures. It was also shown the changing of poly-Si phase of microcapsules to amorphous ones after the electrochemical etching of silicon oxide in HF-Ethanol solution. The combined AFM and Raman investigations of Si microstructures demonstrate a great potential to be used for the stress and crystallinity evaluations and the improving of fabrication process. These article with the results were submitted to Microelectronic Engineering. The gas sensors based on porphyrin nanostructures and ALD ZnO films were fabricated and characterized. The value of intrinsic mechanical stress of polysilicon microcapsules was calculated.

B3. Research capacity building concerning development of micromachined silicon tuning fork cantilever (see task 1.5 work description ).
CNM-IMB and RCMN-KTU was share knowledge on heterogeneous integration of organic molecules and nano-patterned gold electrodes on dielecrtric substrates and glass chips for electric and micro-photonic gas sensor and exchange of know how and expertise (CNM-IMB – advanced expertise in gas sensors technology, RCMN-KTU - expertise in plasmonic nanostructures). A test structure (including glass based nanoelectronics and nanophotonics structures) has been designed.
Green synthesis of irregular shaped nanomaterials for various applications in nanoplasmonics, medicine, biotechnology and gas sensing has been proposed. We develope a rapid wet-chemical approach to synthesize stable and water-soluble gold nanostructues at neutral pH and room temperature. In addition to spherical and road-like nanoparticles, gold decahedra and triangular plates were grown by a one-step synthesis process of HAuCl4 in the presence components act as reducing (glucose) and stabilizing (fructose) agents. The requirements for anisotropic phase boundaries for generation of polyhedral gold nanocrystals in solutions are highlighted. The synthesis, morphology and separation procedure of gold nanoparticles are examined by optical spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscope techniques. We demonstrate that centrifugation can be used for efficient separation of nanoparticles with different shapes from a mixture. It was found that under centrifuging the spheres sediment at the bottom of the tube, segregating from rods that form a deposit on the side wall whereas polygons remain in the solution. Similar technology was used for creation hybrid organic-inorganic films with gold nanoparticles. The structures were synthesized by sol-gel approach utilizing hydrolytic polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane in water solutions containing HauCl4 and acidic catalyser (HCl). The films were examined by UV-VIS and Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscope techniques. It was shown that in the area of nanoparticles aggregates the enchantment (3-5 times) of Raman scattering occurs. The last results suggest perspective of this material for active supports for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. SAW transducers produced at the National Centre for Microelectronics, Barcelona were used for the creation advanced micro-photonic gas sensors based on functional gold nanostructures. The concept based on combination of acoustic transducers using surface acoustic waves and nanorganized surface coating with characteristics that can be controlled by light. For creation tunable surface coating was used interfacial layers of gold nanoparticles with 10 nm in diameter. The acoustic characterization indicates the essential damping of the acoustic waves by nanoparticle layer The illumination of the structure by the light in the region specific for excitation of local plasmon resonance in single nanoparticles (above 520-550 nm) or aggregates thereon (600-650 nm) open the way for control the propagation of acoustic wave. It was shown that concept is correct and suggested influence has been observed in experiments (Fig.5 left). Functional testing using few model gas mixtures validates the performance of the structures for gaseous analysis.

Key results: - new knowledge in the area of nanomaterials, scanning microscopy and Raman spectroscopy has been obtained,
- new skills have been gained working with partners and using modern instrumentation disposable at the RCMN-KTU, - new contacts with both partners of the project as well other research groups have been developed during the project

Capacity building key result: Experience has been gained on the fabrication of sensing devices and operation of clean room facilities.

Task 1.5 Twinning action with CNM-IMB and CNQI-UNIBRIS

Activities concerning research topic B3 “Research capacity building concerning development of micromachined silicon tuning fork cantilevers for shear force microscopy.”
As newly built SPM platform allows the use of virtually any light scattering shear force probes, it was decided to broaden the range of probes to be investigated to include variety of resonator shapes and materials, e.g. rectangular “diving board” cantilevers, colloidal particle-tipped probes, gold wire etched probes and so on. Initial efforts were directed towards achieving force sensitivities unprecedented in the field of shear force microscopy by employing very low spring constant atomic force microscopy cantilevers in vertical orientation as shear force probes. Thermally actuated oscillation (thermal noise) of triangular Si3N4 cantilevers with nominal spring constant of 0.01 N/m (MLCT Veeco) was successfully detected in air and when cantilevers were completely immersed in fluid. These probes were then used to investigate shear viscoelastic properties of confined water on freshly cleaved atomically flat muscovite mica surface. In order to precisely control shape and radius of the probe’s tip, a micromanipulator was built and procedure to attach silica colloidal particles with diameter of 2-3 μm using water-resistant epoxy was developed at NSQI-Bristol, and KTU-RCMN researcher (Dr. A. Ulčinas) was trained in preparation of these probes. Picture below shows image of extremity of the triangular cantilever with 3 μm diameter silica bead attached to its end. Analysis of thermal noise resonant frequency peak shape of cantilever in air yielded spring constant of the probe of 0.016 N/m. Using this probe, shear viscoelastic properties of water confined on muscovite surface were investigated by analysing probe’s thermal noise at different separations between the colloidal particle and surface. Typical changes in thermal noise as the fluid is confined between the probe and surface are illustrated by graph showing power spectral density at three separations. In first approximation, increasing confinement leads to increase in conservative interaction (increasing interaction elasticity) which is is manifested as increasing resonant frequency, and increase in dissipative interaction (increasing viscosity) is manifested by reduction of amplitude of oscillation and decrease of quality factor. As the probe reaches the surface, thermal noise peak is completely damped. This point is chosen as “zero” position on separation axis. After capturing the thermal noise data for the case of purified water, pH was adjusted by addition of dilute HCl solution and experiment was repeated. Thermal noise data around the fundamental mode of oscillation was analyzed following the approach of Roters and Johannsmann, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 8 (1996) 7561. Thermal noise peak was fitted with Lorentzian, which yielded the effective interaction parameters such as effective interaction stiffness and damping. The graphs constructed using this approach reveal remarkable result – significant decrease of effective interaction elasticity in acidic pH. This result illustrates the possibility to achieve previously inaccessible shear force sensitivities and vertical stability with novel shear force probes on this innovative instrument. Other activities in this research topic include 1) exploratory preparation of custom shear force probe from etched gold wire which holds particular promise for coupling with optical techniques, such as scattering-type SNOM and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy; 2) discussions with CNM-IMB partners regarding micromachining of novel silicon shear force probes formed by crystal facets. Progress is being done in the design of Si cantilevers especially customized to be operated in the novel high speed shear-force AFM. Discussions are on-going with Barcelona partners about the specifications to fabricate these devices. It was agreed in Steering committee meeting in Palanga, September 8-10,2010 that bulk gold cantilevers would be developed for the Sh-force microscope. Both kind of probes Si and Au will be tested.

Capacity building key result: know-how on procedure for preparation of microsphere-tipped high force resolution shear force probes exchanged; these probes have been successfully applied for investigation of shear viscoelastic properties of confined water.
Key result: Agreement with CNM-IMB , Barcelona in the research capacity building for the fabrication and design of Si probes.

In the reporting period 1, the design of the photolithography mask layout for fabrication of custom vertically oriented shear force cantilevers has been made. In the period 2, the lithography masks were fabricated and in the collaboration with CNM-IMB partners, the probe fabrication process was agreed upon and implemented, taking advantage of the successful GICSERV programme grant application, funding the access to CNM-IMB clean room facilities. First wafers with custom shear force cantilevers made of Si and Si3N4 were fabricated in January 2012. Preliminary experiments of evaluating the performance of the fabricated custom probes on the developed SPM platform have been conducted. For evaluation of the capability of the developed instrument to detect the displacements of the cantilever with very small geometrical dimensions, the cantilever with width of 2 micrometers and length of 65 micrometers has been selected with estimated spring constant of 2 pN/nm. It must be noted that the cantilevers of such width are near or below the limit of detection capability of modern AFMs using deflection detection system.
In summary, preliminary experiments reveal that the displacement of the fabricated extreme probes can be easily tracked using the developed instrument. Experimental work is underway using these cantilevers for the investigation of the properties of soft matter, such as confined liquids, polymer melts and biomolecular structures.

Key results: Capacity building in the novel cantilevered shear force probes design and fabrication have been achieved in partnership with CNM-IMB; the fabrication process developed and tested; successful preliminary experiments with fabricated probes have been conducted, creating a commercialization opportunities for the new probes.

Task 1.6. Common Lab organization
Based on the results obtained in Tasks 1.1 - 1.5 the activities of the common lab have been discussed during the M18 Steering committee meeting and involving the Project Officer during the Final Review meeting in Barselona (M35).. Partners decided to open Web site ( as a communication and information platform for the Virtual Lab and for the knowledge shearing and information exchange. However, during the final review meeting, CNM-IMB representative Prof.Carles Cane mentioned that in the current financial situation in the Spain, and economic crisis in general, collaboration without external funding will be challenging. He explained, that for example the Spanish program GICSERV 7 usef by NANOMAT partners to get access to CNM clean room facilities to fabricate cantilevers, will be not funded in the future. It was agreed between the partners, that the funding is a key problem to keep Common Lab really working. The general rules for the future Common Lab were developed as a Memorandum of Understanding and was approved by partners. The decision was made, to work together to develop joint research project proposal to the next FP calls.

Task 1.7. Research training periods
Training and experience exchange visits and scientific seminars between NSQI-Bristol and RCMN-KTU. 10 training and knowledge exchange visits have been organized between KTU-RCMN and NSQI-Bristol, 5 visits between KTU-RCMN-CNM, Barselona and 12 visits between KTU-RCMN and TKK, Helsinki and work performed are summarised in the description of deliverable D1.3.
Report on progress in training and experience exchange activity presented during Mid-term review meeting, Palanga, September 9, 2010 and Final evaluation meeting in Barselona, March 2, 2012.

Task 1.8. Common journal and conference papers
This Task addresses all Research Topics (A - B). Relevant results from the research know-how exchanges in this Work Package published in journal and conference paper by all the researchers involved. In total 8 papers have been published, 5 submitted to scientific journals, 12 presentations at Scientific conferencies presented.

Task 1.9. New FP7 proposals.
Common meetings have been organized to discuss the objectives and the roles of each partner ( see Deliverable 5.2).
As a result of discussion during the common meetings Research Center for Microsystems and Nanotechnology, KTU decided not only to organize the common project proposal with NANOMAT twinning partners, but to find and joint project proposal consortiums from outside, including FP7, bilateral and national funding programmes. Two grant applications involving the collaboration between NSQI-Bristol and RCMN-KTU researchers were prepared and submitted for review to Lithuanian national funding bodies.

The list of submitted projects proposals as a result of NANOMAT activities:

1. EU FP7 project “"Development of sustainable solutions for nanotechnology-based products based on hazard characterization and LCA", project started : 01.05.2010 end date: 30.04. 2013.
2. EU COST Action TD1002, European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences acronym: AFM4NanoMed&Bio , 05.07. 2010-12.12.2014.
3. Lithuanian –Switzerland bilateral program, call for proposals: project proposal “Nanoscopic platform by combining SAF, AFM and Raman microscopy“, Partner: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich university, Submited 2012.05.15.
4. Lithuanian National RTD program (Funded by EU Structural Funds) : project proposal“ Synthesis of optoelectronically active hybrid graphene−aromatic-compound nanomaterials and investigation of their nanoscale optoelectronic properties (with Dr Charl FJ Faul), submitted for consideration of European Social Fund Lithuania 01.04.2012.
5. Lithuanian Science Fund program: project proposal“ Lateral molecular-force microscope for nanotribological investigations of the soft matter“, (with Dr Monica Berry), submitted for consideration of Lithuanian Research Council;
6. Submitted project proposal PLASMOTOX to EU FP7 Call for proposals FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF. Project passed evaluation threshold, but was not retained for funding because of insufficient budget.

2. WP 2 : Know-how and experience exchange

2.1 Description of Work (Annex I)
It is the aim to recruit returning experienced Lithuanian researchers in order to support the project and and reduce brain-drain. The experienced researchers has to be recruited with foreign PhD or several years Post-doctoral experience in European research Labs and expertise in the following areas The two experienced research fellows will be hired with expertise in the exploitation of the new and upgraded research equipment.
Methodology: Hiring has be done using a grant for a limited period of time. The selection procedure will promote competition. Periodic evaluation of grant implementation will be performed. It is expected that these researchers will continue their activity in RCMN-KTU, supported by new projects that they have developed/won.

2.2 Objectives (Annex I)
To recruit and hire experienced researchers and group leaders in order to approach new interdisciplinary and emerging themes in the field of Converging Sciences and Micro/Nanosystems. To support the return of very skilled Lithuanian researchers with studies and training periods abroad.

2.3 Summary of progress
One experienced Lithuanian researcher with 4 years Post-doctoral experience in Bristol University in Scanning Probe Microscopy, one foreign PhD researcher ( Kiev Semiconductor institute) with experience in Nano-Biophysics and one foreign PhD researcher (Paris Institute of Nanosciences (INSP) Université Pierre et Marie Curie) with experience in Physics-Chemistry of Nanomaterials have been recruited. New hired researchers will be working at least 2 years with the NANOMAT project. Unfortunately, Dr.Raul Rodriguez decided to leave Lithuania in February 2011. The new highly experienced researcher Dr.Boris Snopok, from Kiev Institute of semiconductor Physics was appointed on the basis of open competition. All hired researchers Dr.A.Ulcinas Dr.Denys Naumenko, Dr. B.Snopok have been working until the end of NANOMAT project March 31, 2012.

2.4 Main significant results
Three experienced researchers were hired and successfuly integrated into RCMN as was envisaged in WP2 description Annex I.

2.5 Deviations from Annex I
All deliverables for month36 were fully achieved and in line with the Annex I

2.6 WP 2 List of Deliverables (Annex I )
D2.1 Document describing webpage for advertising open positions and research fields to be developed - M3
D2.2 Reports on the selection of the applicants and the 3 appointed young researchers - M12 and 24
D2.3 Summary reports concerning the work done by the appointed young researchers - every 12 Months, starting from their appointment date.

2.7 Achieved results and status of Deliverables

Task 2.1 Recruitment
The recruitment was performed through open competitions. Job adverts has been placed on websites such as KTU web-page, Euro jobs web site, Cordis EUREX , Nature jobs.
The requirements for candidates to be announced were developed by NANOMAT Management team : The Web pages where the jobs adverts were published are presented:
Task 2.2. Hiring and Evaluation
It was received more than 5 applications to every advertised position from several countries:
1 from Lithuania, 1 from Bulgaria, 1 from Ukraine, 2 from France, 1 from Germany, 1 from Ireland, 2 from China and the rest from India.
The selection criteria for assessing the candidates were as follows:
- expertise in research activity in new emerging fields..
- expertise in project management
- expertise in coordination of research groups
- expertise in exploitation of new equipment
The NANOMAT management team selected 3 researchers for interview and finally selected:
1. 1 Lithuanian PhD researcher from Bristol University with 4 years post-doc experience in
Nanoscience group (prof. Mervyn Miles)
2.1 PhD researcher from Paris Institute of Nanosciences (INSP) Université Pierre et
Marie Curie, Paris 6.2 years post- doc experience
3 1 PhD researcher from Semiconductor Physics Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,
2 years research experience
KTU signed contracts with appointed researchers:
1st Dr. - appointed September 2009, 2nd Dr. - appointed November 2009, 3rd Dr. appointed March 2010. The end of contracts: 31st of March 2012.
However, researcher from Paris Institute of Nanosciences (INSP) because of personal reasons was forced to terminate a contract with KTU and left Lithuania in March 2011.The new open competition procedure was lunched and Dr.Boris Snopok from Kiev Institute of Semiconducturs was hired to the same position in July 2011.

Task 2.2. Hiring and Evaluation
All hired researchers were evaluated every 6 month by NANOMAT management team according the criteria described in AnnexI and developed by management team procedure, including presentation of wotk plan and achievements during the working seminars. The key points included into evaluation procedure: Setting the goals – clarification of research direction, Building the foundation – tools and materials, Contribution to research with other staff at RCMN-KTU, Contribution to new project proposals, Transferring the knowledge - contribution to training of young researchers.
Evaluating overall performance of researchers, it must be stated that the 1st researcher has become an important member of staff and is making significant contributions to the research activities; his appointment was successful. Evaluating overall performance ofthe 2nd researcher, it must be stated that he demonstrated team working skills and has made an important contribution to the research capacity building at RCMN-KTU and his appointment was successful. He was active in collaborating with students and TKK team. After the completion of NANOMAT project he was appointed as researcher to perform FP7 NanoSustain project activities.
3rd researcher has been appointed to position of research fellow within project NANOMAT with starting date of 26th October, 2009. Within NANOMAT project, his responsibility of coordinating collaboration with strategic project partner CNM-IMB and developing a research direction of chemical sensing using novel macromolecular and inorganic materials, such as porphyrin-based materials and graphene, and chemical characterisation methods (tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, TERS). Unfortunately, Dr.R.Rodriguez because of the family problems decided to leave Lithuania in March, 2011. The hired 4rd researcher from Kiev Semiconductors Institute, was involved in collaboration activities with CNM-IMB, in research working together with Master students and prepared and published a joint paper with Master students and 2 papers submitted. During the reviewed period. He strengthened research capabilities of the RCMN-KTU by developing new skills including new synthetic approaches for inorganic plasmonic nanostructures for Raman spectroscopy and advanced SAW devices, new techniques for the analysis of single living cells like genetically modified yeast cells. The obtaining of new technological capabilities includes the fabrication of customized plasmonic nanostructures based on spherical and polygon-like gold nanocrystals. In summary, 4rd researcher successfully replaced the 3rd researcher in NANOMAT activities and collaboration with partners, he has been actively involved in training of the young researchers at RCMN-KTU.

3. WP3 : Development and Upgrading of Research Equipment , leader Dr. Leopoldas Limanauskas

3.1 Description of Work (Annex I)
This work package has the main objective to reinforce the material S&T potential by upgrading RCMN-KTU existing facilities dedicated to the scientific topics of this project, by purchasing and installing new scientific and technological equipments and also by training personnel for the efficient use of the new equipments. This work package is essential for the rapid development of RCMN-KTU into a European Centre of Excellence in Nanostructured Materials.
The proposed equipment to be upgraded and purchased during the project:
- upgrade SNOM equipment to transmission, reflection modes combined with Raman spectroscope and confocal fluorescence microscope (research topics A1, B1 and B2)
- purchase controlled frequency synthesiser and ultrahigh resolution frequency discriminator for Dynamic Force AFM and Shear Force Microscopy (research topics A2 and B3)
- purchase CO2 gas mixture control system for cells incubator (research topic A3)
- purchase control electronics for shear force SNOM to work in liquids and with evanescent waves (research topic A2)
Methodology: The purchase of equipments will follow the standard rules according to Lithuanian and European laws. European equipment will be preferred, whenever possible, for a variety of reasons. The instalment and proper use will be facilitated by the technical conditions and experience already existing in RCMN-KTU.

3.2 Objectives (Annex I)
Reinforcement of the material S&T potential by upgrading the existing micro-nano facility, by purchasing and installing new scientific and technological equipments, and also by training personnel for the efficient use of the new equipment.

3.3 Summary of progress
It is already completed purchasing procedures (1-4), installed and tested an equipment according DoW. The selection of equipment to include into purchasing list was based on the Project Description of Work (WP3) and available budget (240.000 EUR). The list of equipment was optimized to fulfil the project requirements and to fit into the equipment budget. During the project progress it became clear that to keep a leading positions in the NANOMAT fields internationally, the additional add-ons to existing equipment has to be purchased to realize tip-enhanced Raman microscopy. After the consultancy with Steering Committee it was decided to ask permission from EC to slightly increase an equipment budget, redistributing the budget between a workpackages. The steering Committee decision was approved by Project Officer.

3.4 Main significant results
Equipment upgraded, installed at RCMN-KTU facilities and tested. Purchasing procedures have been realized according the Annex I with slightly increased budget for equipment, redistributing WP1,WP2,WP4 budget to WP3.

3.5 Deviations from Annex I
Because of budget constrain and after the consultation with Steering Committee, Project Officer and EC approval, it was decided to make a minor budget redistribution and to purchase the additional equipment necessary to fully complete the AnnexI capacity building tasks. The redistributed project budget ( from WP1, WP4 to WP3) for equipment increased from 30% to 34 % .

3.6. WP 3 List of Deliverables (Annex I)
D.3.1 Report on acquisition procedures for new and upgraded equipment – M12
D.3.2. Report on installation and testing of new and upgraded equipment - M24

3.7 Achieved results and status of Deliverables

D.3.1 Report on acquisition procedures for new and upgraded equipment
We have selected the equipment to be purchased taking into account the latest trends and developments in the research field, to be able to move to the nano scale spectroscopic characterization, to upgrade the SNOM instrumentation with nano_Raman and confocal fluorescent microscopy, and to upgrade the AFM (recently purchased by a national project) up to atom resolution by implementing the Dynamic Force Microscopy methods. The proposed equipment to be upgraded and purchased by the project are:
(1) upgrade SNOM equipment to transmission, reflection modes combined with Raman spectroscope and confocal fluorescence microscope (research topics A1, B1 and B2)
(2) purchase controlled frequency synthesiser and ultrahigh resolution frequency discriminator for Dynamic Force AFM and Shear Force Microscopy (research topics A2 and B3)
(3) purchase CO2 gas mixture control system for cells incubator (research topic A3)
(4) purchase control electronics for shear force SNOM to work in liquids and with evanescent waves (research topic A2)
We spent a total 225311.52 EUR for equipment during period of M18.

As a result, from the list of planned equipment (position 1) to upgrade SNOM equipment to transmission, reflection modes combined with Raman spectroscope and confocal fluorescence microscope (research topics A1, B1 and B2) a few of units from complete commercial system were excluded.
It allows us to fulfil the project requirements, but the purchased equipment possibilities (SNOM combined with confocal microscopy and Raman imaging) will be used with limitations, from the reason that the upgraded new equipment works as a combined system with the old equipment installed in our Lab more than 5 years ago.
After the consultation with twinning partners, we decided the rational solution would be slightly to redistribute a budget between WP1 and WP3 and to upgrade the units 1-2, which were excluded from the primary purchasing list because of budget limitations. Collaborating work with Helsinki, Barselona and Bristol have shown that these units are necessary to improve the quality of research topics A2, A3, B3 and to be ready to submit a new FP7 project proposal ( Task 1.9).

The list of the new units to improve the existing equipment:
1. X-Y-Z (100x100x9 micron) scanner to work with new SNOM head for cells investigations (Research topics A2, B3, Tasks 1.3 1.5)
2. New generation scattered SNOM head to improve the quality of imaging and manipulation with cells with optical imaging and on reflection (Research topics A2, A3, Tasks 1.3 1.5)
To realize the project consortium proposal, 20311 EUR from WP1(Know-How and Experience Exchange) have been redistributed to WP3 (Development and Upgrading of Research Equipment). The budget redistribution have not decreased the quality of deliverables, in opposite, the quality of deliverables and quality of project in general have been increased, because it opens more possibilities for collaboration during the project realization and increased the level of expertise of the Centre

Acquisition procedures

Task 3.1. Market analysis, announcement of the EOI in acquisition according to the Lithuanian laws (on a specialized web-site).

1. Procurement the equipment upgrade SNOM equipment to transmission, reflection modes combined with Raman spectroscope and confocal fluorescence microscope

It was made a market analysis based on Internet search and the manufacturers of the selected equipment were identified. It was found 4 manufactures selling the product on the market:
1.WITec Wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Technologie GmbH, Germany
2.HORIBA Jobin Yvon, France
3. Nanonics Imaging Ltd., Israel
4. NT-MDT Ltd., Ireland
After the analysis of technical specifications of available products, the public procurement procedure was started according the Lithuanian law. The purchase was made according the Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Procurement (Official Gazette, 1996, no. 84-2000, 2006, no. 4-102, 2008, no. 81-3179, 2009, no. 93-3986, 2010, no. 25 - 1174) (hereinafter - the Public Procurement Act) and the proclamation of the Central Procurement Information System (hereinafter - CPV MS), the Lithuanian Civil Code (Official Gazette 2000, No. 74. -2262) (hereinafter - the Civil Code), and other public procurement legislation and the tender.
The announcement of the Expression of Interest to acquire the equipment was published in “Valstybes zinios (Official Gazette).

Task 3.2. Selection, negotiation and contracting
After the selection an offers submitted by vendors, the best product for project requirements was selected. The selection criteria: the best technical specification and the best price. After the selection of the vendor in agreement with public procurement procedures and Lithuanian law, the vendors were invited for negotiations. After the negotiations, when the final price and technical specifications have been agreed, the contract between vendor and KTU was signed. The purchased equipment was delivered and installed according the contract.

Procurement of a low price equipment ( ≤ 20.000 EUR)

It was made a market analysis based on Internet search and the manufacturers of the selected equipment were identified. It was found a 2 manufactures selling the product ( controlled frequency synthesiser and ultrahigh resolution frequency discriminator for Dynamic Force AFM and Shear Force Microscopy) on the market :

- Nanonics Imaging Ltd., Israel
- Nanosurf GmbH, Germany

According the Lithuanian law if the price of equipment is less than 20000 EUR the simplified procurement procedures can be used, based on the Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Procurement (Official Gazette, 1996, no. 84-2000, 2006, no. 4-102, 2008, no. 81-3179, 2009, no. 93-3986, 2010, no. 25 - 1174) (hereinafter - the Public Procurement Act), the contracting authority of the Rector in 2010 10 March Order No. A-122 adopted to simplify the procurement rules of Kaunas University of Technology, to simplify the implementation of procurement rules "/ (hereinafter - the Rules) and the proclamation of the Central Procurement Information System (hereinafter - CPV MS), the Lithuanian Civil Code (Official Gazette 2000, No. 74. -2262) (hereinafter - the Civil Code), and other public procurement legislation and the tender. Purchases was conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Law Article 56.
After the identification of vendors, the invitation to submit an order were sent. After the orders were submitted, the selection an offers submitted by vendors, based on the technical requirements and the best price was selected. The selection criteria: the best technical specification and the best price. After the selection of the vendor in agreement with public procurement procedures and Lithuanian law, the vendors were invited for negotiations. After the negotiations, when the final price and technical specifications were agreed, the contract between vendor and KTU was signed. The purchased equipment was delivered and installed according the contract. The list of purchased equipment :
(1) purchase controlled frequency synthesiser and ultrahigh resolution frequency discriminator for Dynamic Force AFM and Shear Force Microscopy (research topics A2 and B3)
(2) purchase CO2 gas mixture control system for cells incubator (research topic A3)
(3) purchase control electronics for shear force SNOM to work in liquids and with evanescent waves (research topic A2).
(4) AFM-Raman up-right head for tip-enhanced Raman microscopy (research topics A1, A2 and B1).

Task 3.3. Installing, training and exploitation
Installation of the purchased equipment was done in November , 2009 by NT-MDT engineer Artem equipment was ready for use. The new equipment has a possibility to work together to realize AFM, SNOM and tip-enhanced Raman microscopy on inverted optical microscope. After the installation NANOMAT project staff V.Snitka A.Ulcinas R.Rodriguez Ingrida Bruzaite have been trained to be able to use a purchased equipment. The photo of the installed equipment is presented below:
After the installation the two training sessions have been organized by vendor (2009, November and 2011 March). The Certificates issued to RCMN researchers V.Snitka A.Ulcinas R.Rodriguez Ingrida Bruzaite who participated in the training:
The successful installation and exploitation of purchased infrastructure is confirmed by joint research with twinning partners, numerous scientific publications and presentations at the conferences. The NANOMAT project infrastructure and expertise was presented to the partners of FP7 NanoSustain project and it is exploited for project activities. The new infrastructure created a base for a newly open collaboration with the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich university and submitted new project proposal to Lithuanian-Swiss collaboration program (2012).

4. WP4: Workshop, Conference Organisation and Policy Development, leader Dr. Vida Mizariene

4.1 Description of Work (Annex I)
The objective is to support knowledge transfer at national and international levels, and facilitate research policy development in the field of nanostructured materials. This will be achieved through RCMN-KTU’s organisation of scientific events, thematic international sessions and seminars. The scientific sessions will be organized with the annual international conferences organized in Lithuania. Also, through the organisation of research policy workshops involving researchers, research policy experts and research policy makers from Lithuania and the EU.

4.2 Objectives (Annex I)
To organize scientific events in order to diffuse and exploit new research know-how; facilitate knowledge transfer at regional, national and international level; promote a better response of the research capcity building activities to socio-economic needs; improve RCMN-KTU’s research strategy; and contribute to national research strategy in the field of nanoscience and converging sciences, and micro/nanosystems:
- thematic international scientific sessions (in connection with the annual thematic conferences organized by RCMN-KTU) and seminars to promote the exchange of information (on facilities, expertise, research interests, results) with the twinning partners and/or other European centres, to understand better new trends in European research, and to increase the visibility and credibility of the centre
- workshop to define a road-map to facilitate knowledge transfer in the field of micro/nanosystems
- To participate in scientific events (conferences or training events) for knowledge sharing, network building and to expose them to a more international environment.

4.3. Summary of progress
Specific web pages have been opened for Scientific Sessions and NANOMAT project discussions and specific Web page of Scientific session held in Vilnius, September 8-10, 2010. Web page has been opened for Strategy Seminar held in Vilnius, September 28. The international scientific session “Nanomaterials: fabrication, characterisation and applications” has been organized in Palanga, Sptember 8-11, 2010.
Strategy workshop “ Converging technologies and regional potential has been organized in Vilnius, September 28, 2010. Several bilateral seminars have been organized in Kaunas, Helsinki and Barselona.

4.4 Main significant results
Web pages have been opened, Scientific session organized, Strategic workshop organized, bilateral seminars organized.

4.5 Deviations from Annex I
International scientific seesion have been organized M18, but not M10 as planned in Annex I. It was decided by Steering Committee to make Scientific session more visible and to organize jointly with bi-annual Baltic Polymer Symposium, not with more local Biomedical conference. The second International scientific session was organized M31 ( M34 in AnnexI) to join the International Conference of Lithuanian Chemists, 14-15 October, 2011, Vilnius.

4.6 . WP 4 List of Deliverables (Annex I)
D 4.1. International scientific sessions’ web pages - start M4, continuously updated
D 4.2. International scientific sessions - M10 and 34
D 4.3. Document with the conclusions of the strategic workshop - M20
D 4.4. Reports on participation in seminars and conferences - M12

7.7 Achieved results and status of Deliverables

Task 4.1. Organizing events for dissemination of new results
Specific web pages have been opened for Scientific session, Strategic workshop. All the information related to these events – call for papers, topics, invited papers, programme, list of participants, final programme, information about venue, accommodation, social programme presented on the Web site.The address of Web NANOMAT project Virtual Lab site:

Task 4.1.A. International Scientific Session
The First international scientific session “Nanomaterials: fabrication, characterisation and applications” has been organized in Palanga, Sptember 8-11, 2010. The address of Web site of NANOMAT project Scientific Session held in conjunction with Baltic Polymer Symposium:
The Scientific Session circular was distributed internationally together with Baltic Polymer Symposium announcement:
The program of Scientific session can be found on the Website: The 19 scientific presentations have been presented during the session and 36 participants took part in the session shared with Symposium. NANOMAT twinning partners have been invited to make overview presentations in partners fields of research.
The Second Scientific session of the NANOMAT project was held in conjunction with International Conference of Lithuanian Chemists, 14-15 October, 2011, Vilnius. The program of Scientific session can be found on the Website: .The 18 scientific presentations have been presented during the session and 42 participants from Lithuanian research centres, universities, SMEs. took part in the session shared with Symposium. The 8 presentations were presented by invited NANOMAT twinning partners. The globally leading Scanning Probe Microscopy manufacturers Bruker , MT-NDT and Asylum Research took part in the Seminar with presentations. Asylum Research organized an equipment exhibition during the Conference.

Task 4.1.B. Bilateral Seminars
Bilateral seminars have been organized during the twinning visits of NANOMAT partners. V.Snitka made a presentation during the seminars in Barselona and Helsinki and in Bristol University. V.Snitka was invited to present a talk at the scientific Seminar in Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich University and to make a key-note talk at ICONT conference in Malaysia for exchanging an information on facilities, expertise, research interests and results, in order to improve RCMN-KTU’s visibility and to initiate new co-operations, especially European projects. As a result of V.Snitka visit to Zurich university, the project proposal was initiated and submitted to Lithuanian-Swiss collaboration programme. The seminars organized at RCMN-KTU - during the visits of the scientists from MNL-TKK, CNQI-UNIBRIS and CNM-IMB – are open to participants from other Lithuanian research centres and SME’s with activities in the same field. The information about the seminars have been distributed by email and on the Web site.
Information about the organized seminars presented in details in the description on training periods (WP1, D1.3).

Task 4.1.C. Strategic Workshop in order to up-date the national strategy in the field of converging sciences and micro/nanosystems.

The aim of this event is to identify and prioritise research topics and technologies in the field of scanning probe microscopy and applications as well as micro-nano-systems for sensing. Strategy workshop on “ Converging technologies and regional potential has been organized in Vilnius, September 28, 2010. Information about the workshop, organizing committee, participants, program can be found at :
To prepare for the workshop, Lithuanian research units, universities, industrial companies and SMEs have been contacted by e-mail and information about the workshop was distributed. The units interested in this activity have been encouraged to register, fill in their details in the database, and participate in the preparation of a national strategy. Based on the materials and opinions registered in the database, workspace document have been prepared. Documents were presented by Prof. Valentinas Snitka and debated during the workshop and a document including the conclusions (e.g. main research topics to be developed, road-map) have been edited and distributed to the participants and to the other interested parties: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education and Science and to the office of Lithuanian President.

Program of the Strategical workshop:
The Forum will provide the present status and the future vision on converging technologies ( Info, Bio, Nano, Cogno) with emphasis on nanoscience and nanotechnology in Lithuania, in order to help in addressing major research themes in those sectors while conjugating the Regional and European Countries potential in Micro-Nano related technologies.
European and Regional participants will present their point of view on the selected field.
Forum seeks to bring together a range of public and private stakeholders focused around this strategically important area. With a primary objective to enhance Regional competitiveness, the outcome should stimulate strategy documents providing guidance for policy makers and industry and setting out medium to long term objectives for this area.

D 4.3. Document with the conclusions of the strategic workshop
The document with the conclusions of the strategic workshop was created after the discussions during the workshop and consultation with participants after the workshop To submit the Strategic workshop conclusions to key National policy makers, the meeting to discuss the RTD and Innovation policy between the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Science and Education and Confederation of Lithuanian Employers have been organized. The minister of Science and Education A.Steponavicius Minister of Economy D.Kreivys and President of Confederation of Lithuanian Employers D.Arlauskas participated in discussions. V.Snitka presented the Strategic Workshop conclusions.

D 4.4. Reports on participation in seminars and conferences
Presentations of common work of NANOMAT project at scientific conferences for knowledge sharing, network building and to expose them to a more international environment. List of presentations presented in this report. Numerous presentations were made at bilateral seminars and workshops at CNM,Barselona, NSQI, Bristol, Micronova, Helsinki, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich university, MIMOS Corporation, Kuala Lumpur. NANOMAT project infrastructure and expertise presented to the partners of FP7 NanoSustain project and it is exploited for project activities.

5. WP 5 : Dissemination and Promotional Activities, leader Dr. Raminta Rodaite

5.1 Description of Work (Annex I)
The aim of this Work Package is to maximise the dissemination and promotion of project results and activities of the NANOMAT project in Lithuania and across the EU in order to ensure visibility of RCMN-KTU. An integrated approach will be adopted to maximising the dissemination and promotion of project results and activities of the NANOMAT project in Lithuania and across the EU.

5.2 Objectives (Annex I)
- Address the weakness (W7) and opportunities (O2, O4 and O5) identified in the SWOT analysis for RCMN-KTU
- The objective is to maximise the dissemination and promotion of project results and activities of the NANOMAT project in Lithuania and across the EU in order to ensure visibility of RCMN-KTU

5.3. Summary of progress
Regular promotion of project news and events via a NANOMAT project website;
- Regular promotion of project news and events via relevant European nanoscience and nanotechnology websites
- Regular promotion of project news and events via a NANOMAT project website;
- Organisation of workshops to make research proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7.
- Regular publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “layman audiences”
- Publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “EU research policy makers”
- Market research report identifying commercial potential for nanostructured materials R&D services over the next 5 years.

5.4 Main significant results
Web page have been opened, promotion on international Web pages, publication of information about RCMN and research programs at EU Parliament Journal Research Overview, Public Service Review EU 23, Lithuanian journals, Lithuanian TV and Radio, Market research report. 4 workshops have been organized to discuss and organize the project proposal to FP7 programme, market research to identify commercial potential of nanostructured materials was completed and educational book published and distributed between the students and participants of the seminars.

5.5 Deviations from Annex I
All deliverables completed according the Annex I.

5.6 . WP 5 List of Deliverables (Annex I)
D 5.1. NANOMAT project website - M4
D 5.2. Workshops to organise proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7 ICT and NMP Work Programmes – M5, M15 and M27
D 5.3. Features for publication concerning project events, activities and results - M6, M12, M18
D 5.4. Market research report identifying commercial potential for nanostructured materials R&D services over the next 5 years - M18
D.5.5. Publication of educational book on nanomaterials based on project activities – M24

5.7 Achieved results and status of Deliverables

NANOMAT project website
Project Web site has been opened in Month 2and constantly is updated. Project documents and confidential information is located in password protected Members area. Web site address: The Web page is devoted to the on-line consultancy and video seminars for interested parties. Project events are published on-line. The visitors dynamic map was installed ( July 2011) to monitor the visiting activity and to select the possible partners. The 1734 visitors from 65 countries viusited NANOMAT Web site from June, 2011 –May, 2012.

D 5.2. Workshops to organise proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7 ICT and NMP Work Programmes
An important building block towards achieving one of the goals of the Project – creating efficient and productive virtual lab – is bringing together ideas and expertise of RCMN-KTU and strategic partners in joint application for research project funding, in particular, responding to relevant calls of FP7 NMP and ICT programmes. The first meeting M5 was organized on- line and it was using Skype. The Participants from partners institutions (V.Snitka K.Grigoras and M.Antaganozzi) decided it is to early to discuss a project proposal. More joint collaboration work has to be done to develop a really competitive project idea. It was decided to organize meeting at M15 in Kaunas. RCMN decided to search for alternative partners for FP7 proposals and after the consultation with Copenhagen Institute of Working Environment, decided to joint FP7 project proposal NanoSustain. Project proposal was submitted to the FP7-NMP-ENV-2009 call for proposal. Project proposal evaluation was successful and project was selected for funding. FP7 project started his activities in 01.05.2010. The end of project -30.04.2013.
During the meeting partners RCMN-KTU discussed the possibility to apply for participation in EU COST action TD1002 “European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences acronym: AFM4NanoMed&Bio , 05.07. 2010-12.12.2014. Partners were nominated by National authorities to represent Lithuania and UK in COST action management committee.
The next meeting to discuss the possible FP7 proposal was organizes September 20, 2011 in Bristol ( M27). Prof. V.Snitka Prof.C.Canes Prof.M.Miles Dr.A.Ulcinas Dr.I.Bruzaite. The partners agreed that it is not an appropriate call for proposal in 2011-2012 and it was decided to look for a bilateral funding possibilities. The next FP7 propopsal seminar and discussion together with Project Officer was organized during the Steering Committee meeting in Barselona, March 2, 2012. All twinning partners representatives participated . Project Officer presented the “Horizon-2020”program, a new funding schemes and the program possibilities. Partners agreed to work together after the end of NANOMAT to find a possibility to prepare a project proposal to FP7 program. After the consultation with partners RCMN-KTU presented NANOMAT activities at the Seminar in Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich University and prepared and submitted project proposal to Lithuanian –Switzerland bilateral program, call for proposals: project proposal “Nanoscopic platform by combining SAF, AFM and Raman microscopy“, Partner: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Zurich university, Submited 2012.05.15 currently under the evaluation.

D 5.3. Features for publication concerning project events, activities and results

Regular publication and syndication of science and technology features on Web sites. Projects activities constantly updated at project Web site , , and publications:

Lithuanian national radio aired a comment of dr. Arturas Ulcinas in their feature about nanoparticles. Link to record of the program.
A feature about NANOMAT project was published in EU Parliament Magazine's Research Review issue dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, page 16, isue 11, 2009 (
A feature about NANOMAT project was published in local magazine "Veidas"
A feature about NANOMAT project was published in local magazine "Mokslas ir Technika"
Web seminar ( by Arturas Ulcinas "Shear force microscopy with active and passive micromachined probes" is posted in Web Seminars section and is accessible to project partners and registered users.
New nanotechnologies are born in the international Virtual Laboratory
A feature about NANOMAT project results designed for layman audience is published in
Lithuanian science outreach portal
News portals
The website of Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA):
Success story:

A feature about the RCMN-KTU and NANOMAT project is published in magazine European Union No 23: Union&id=556&content_name=Science, Research and Technology&article=19451
The list of published research papers and presentations at Conferencies is presented in description of deliverable D1.4.

D5.4. Market research report identifying commercial potential for nanostructured materials R&D services over the next 5 years
Market research was done and submitted on SESAM –Nanomat as separate D5.4.Deliverable description.
D5.5. Publication of educational book on nanomaterials
The book based on project activities have been published by publishing company PRINTEJA and distributed to the students, seminar participants and other interested parties. (Deliverable description D 5.5).

5. WP6. Project Management, leader Prof.Valentinas Snitka

6.1 WP6 Description of Work (Annex I)
The Project Co-ordinator ensured correct management of the contract with the European Commission and the efficient implementation of the NANOMAT project. The project co-ordinator established report formats and timetables to respect and qualitative and quantitative outcomes to aim for or adhere to. Contract management included ensuring that project deliverables are submitted on time and according to standards, liaison with the EC, preparation of cost statements and progress reports, annual and final reports, organization of the kick-off , interim and final review meetings and the participation of research partners, and preparation of contract amendments requested, ensure project activities are in compliance with EU legal requirements and trouble shooting, management of knowledge and IPR. Project Period 1 Review meeting is planned at M18.

6.2 Objectives (Annex I)
The aim of the workpackage “Project management” is to ensure project progress according to the project plan and the dissemination and exploitation of the project outcome.

6.3 Summary of progress
As a general comment, NANOMAT project has been and is running smoothly since the very start. There are a number of reasons for this statement: NANOMAT beneficiary and twinning partners signed Partnership agreements and activity plans according the project milestones and working closely together as a virtual Lab; “new” hired researchers have integrated very well since the beginning; and there is a great collaborative spirit in the interactions, both among and between the RCMN-KTU and twinning partners. The infrastructure was upgraded as planned.
At the same time, there have been many intense discussions on critical issues with different opinions being expressed in the context of how to handle technical problems and find appropriate solutions. Furthermore, we expected, but know by now for sure that all the management, scientific, technological and application expertise required for a successful completion of NANOMAT project is available within our collaborative consortium. The two Scientific sessions and Strategic workshop were quite successful, the high level of Lithuanian RTD policy makers at the level of vice-ministers participated in the workshop and discussions with the follow-up with meetings in ministries and Presidential office. The final project review meeting was held in Barselona, March2, 2012 with all twinning parners representation and Project Office Mr. Ciaran Dearle. Project Coordinator and participants presented the achievements and status of deliverables and after the discussion between the twinning partners an PO final decision was made by Steering Committee – project completed successfully.

6.4 Main significant results
KTU as the coordinating partner, has been assigned the task of overall project management. Prof.V.Snitka has been organizing and chairing the meetings, and encouraging collaboration and communication between the project participants and twinning partners. A KTU based administration assistant has been formally assigned to the project to attend all meetings, to set-up and manage the website, and to coordinate the production and timely submission of activity and financial reports. Management activities have also included the Quality plan development, market research and report, facilitating the sharing of information through meetings, e-mail exchanges, overseeing personnel exchanges, and via the website.
Overall, the project during the all period have been run with a high level of cooperation among RCMN-KTU and twinning partners, with a substantial networking and open flow of information; joint training sessions and new skills development have been carried out successfully. As a result of Strategic workshop, project established a good collaboration with local RTD policy makers and V.Snitka was invited to be a member of working group initiated by Lithuanian Confederation of Employers and Ministry of Economy to develop a new structure for research and business collaboration on converging technologies. The new FP7 project proposal (NanoSustain) was successfully submitted and selected for funding ( 01.05.2010-30.04.2013) the project proposal was initiated and submitted with partner Zurich University to the Lithuanian-Swiss research program (in 2012) , one project proposal have been submitted to Lithuanian Social Fund (EU Structural Fund) and one project to Lithuanian Science Fund to keep working a created with twinning partners Virual Laboratory. Final Review meeting involving Project Officer and 4rd Steering Committee meeting was held in Barselona, March 2, 2012. Conclusions of the Final review meeting: NANOMAT project achieved it’s main goal and objectives, all deliverables according the work programme completed.

6.5 Deviations from Annex I
Project have been completed according the Annex I, objectives achieved, deliverables completed.

6.7 Detailed explanation of costs
The total cost of the project is 13,4% less than it was expected in AnnexI. The explanation of the costs of the project presented below:
Travel. During the 1st reporting period the travel cost was substantially less than the remaining cost for the 2nd project period. The reason is, that the real training activities started not at the start of the project, but after the Partnership agreement were signed. The Steering committee has considered all these costs to rebalance according to the priorities of the project and increased training and visits activity during the second reporting period. However at the end of the second project period still the travel expenses were less than it was a project budget. The reason that the travel expenses were substantially less than it was in the project budget, that project team was using the maximum economic trip and accommodation expenses trying to optimize the costs, according the new saving policy introduced by Lithuanian Government in 2010 and because the twinning partners travelling activity have been a bit less than expected.

Equipment. Because of budget constrain and after the consultation with Steering Committee, Project Officer and EC approval, it was decided to make a minor budget redistribution and to purchase the additional equipment necessary to fully complete the AnnexI requirements. This purchasing procedure was completed during period 2, according the project milestones. The redistributed project budget ( from WP1, WP2, WP4 to WP3) for equipment , increased the equipment budget from 30% to 34,8%. After the consultation with PO it became clear, the consortium had a possibility to redistribute the saved budget ( Travel, events, salary) and to purchase the additional equipment to upgrade the infrastructure, but because of public procurements procedures complexity, it was impossible to complete the procedures before the end of project.
Consumables. The total expenditure was lower than planned, because of very complex and time consuming public procurement procedures in Lithuania. To fully support the project activities different consumables resources were used. The problem with public procurement is so problematic at a country level, that research institutes and universities discussing the possibility to organize a strike and to stop EU projects activities.
Events cost. Finall events cost is less than expected according the Annex I budget, because of the same spending cuts policy restrictions and the realization the cheapest possible solutions.
PM effort. The coordinator has been investing a lot of effort to build a consortium with twinning partners and multidisciplinary competences in order to take the challenges of the ambitious NANOMAT objectives. The work package leaders were strongly involved in NANOMAT workpackage activities and finally, the total workpackages PM efforts at the end of the reporting period was approximately as planned in AnnexI (only 3.2% less), because one the hired researcher terminated a contract before the end of project.

Potential Impact:
I. NANOMAT contribute towards 4 of the expected impacts detailed for REGPOT-2008-1:
1. Upgrading the RTD capacity (human potential: number of new researchers and training of all research staff, scientific equipment) and the quality of research carried out by the selected research entity.
2. Better integration of the selected research team in the European Research Area as a whole (partnership, including twinning with research groups elsewhere in Europe).
3. Improvement of the capacity of its participation in FP7 projects.
4. Better regional research capacity to improve economic and social cohesion.

The expected impacts achieved in :

No 1 “Upgrading the RTD capacity (human potential: number of new researchers and training of all research staff, scientific equipment) and the quality of research carried out by the selected research entity.”

RCMN-KTU created this impact through specific ‘capacity building’ activities in several Work Packages:

1. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Know-How and Experience Exchange” (see Work Package 1). RCMN-KTU exchange know-how and experience by exchanging research staff and graduate students, by providing and receiving training courses, and by devising bilateral and EU projects. The collaborations took place with specialist research organisations from across Europe: Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, University of Bristol (CNQI-UNIBRIS); Micro and Nanosciences Laboratry, Helsinki University of Technology (MNL-TKK); and the National Centre for Microelectronics, Barcelona (CNM-IMB). The knowledge transfer occured in various fields of converging sciences and micro/nanosystems such as the development of nanostructures for molecular electronics and photonics by ionic self-assembly of porphyrins and application for sensors.
2. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Recruitment by RCMN-KTU” (see Work Package 2). RCMN-KTU hired 3 experienced researchers with international level expertise in scanning probe microscopy, nano-biophysics/biochemistry and chemistry of nanomaterials.
3. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Development and Upgrading of Research Equipment” (see Work Package 3). RCMN-KTU developed their existing research facilities as follows

• Upgraded existing scanning probe equipment (SNOM) to allow transmission, reflection modes combined with Raman spectroscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy
• Purchased a controlled frequency synthesizer and ultra-high resolution frequency discriminator for Dynamic Force AFM and Shear Force Microscopy
• Purchased AFM-nano-Raman measuring platform
• Purchase CO2 gas mixture control system for a cells incubator
• Purchase control electronics for the shear force SNOM to work in liquids and with evanescent waves

No 2 “Better integration of the selected research team in the European Research Area as a whole (partnership, including twinning with research groups elsewhere in Europe)”

RCMN-KTU created this impact via their activities for creating their Centre of Research Excellence:

1. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Know-How and Experience Exchange” (see Work Package 1). RCMN-KTU exchanged know-how and experience in areas such as growth and formation of carbon nanotubes structures by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) by exchanging research staff and graduate students, by providing and receiving training courses, and by devising new bilateral and EU projects. The collaborations took place with specialist research organisations from across Europe: Center for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, University of Bristol (CNQI-UNIBRIS); Micro and Nanosciences Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (MNL-TKK); and the National Centre for Microelectronics, Barcelona (CNM-IMB).
2. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Workshop, Conference Organisation and Policy Development” (see Work Package 4). RCMN-KTU researchers have lengthy experience in organizing various conferences and workshops. This activity extended and several high-level international events have been organized in Kaunas during 2009-2011. NANOMAT project used to support organization of such conferences and to invite prominent European attendees to give tutorials and courses to the NANOMAT researchers.
3. Amongst RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Dissemination and Promotional Activities” (see Work Package 5) it was organized 3 workshops to make research proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7 NMP and ICT Work Programmes. One successful proposal submitted to FP7 and one to Lithuanian-Swiss collaboration program.

No 3 “Improvement of the capacity of its participation in FP7 projects.”

RCMN-KTU created this impact through several specific means:

1. NANOMAT increased RCMN-KTU’s research capacity to make a major contribution in nanoscience and converging sciences and micro/nanosystems. In so doing, NANOMAT helped RCMN-KTU to address NMP-2008-1.1-1 Converging Sciences and Technologies and NMP-2007-1.2-2 Equipment and methods for nanotechnology. Also, Objective ICT-2007.3.6: Micro/nanosystems and Objective ICT-2007.3.1: Next-Generation Nanoelectronics Components and Electronics Integration from the FP7 ICT Work Programme
2. RCMN-KTU’s activities dedicated to “Know-How and Experience Exchange” (see Work Package 1) developed their research partnerships with several European research organisations who have excellent track records in EU collaborative research projects: Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, Bristol University (CNQI-UNIBRIS); Micro and Nanosciences Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (MNL-TKK); and the National Centre for Microelectronics, Barcelona (CNM-IMB).

No 4 “Better regional research capacity to improve economic and social cohesion.”

RCMN-KTU create impact through the establishment of a Centre of Research Excellence in Nanostructured Materials. It is developed upon RCMN-KTU’s existing scientific capacities and through strategic research partnerships with nanotechnology organisations from across Europe. It is stressed that the partners jointly developed multilateral research proposals (e.g. FP7 NMP Programme, EU COST) in addition to their existing bilateral research projects, in order to help sustain the research partnerships beyond the NANOMAT project.
NANOMAT contribute to reversing the ‘brain-drain’ of Lithuanian scientists that flee to research centres in other parts of Europe and the World. Through the NANOMAT project, RCMN-KTU recruited 1 Lithuanian researchers from Bristol University and 2 from Kiev, Ukraine, through its promotion and sustainability activities, act as a beacon attracting talented researchers over the medium to long term.
Establishing the Centre of Research Excellence at RCMN-KTU not only benefit Lithuania but also support the European nanotechnology sector. The Strategic Research Agenda of the EU Technology Platform Micro- and Nano-manufacturing (MINAM), published on 21st January 2008, is the concerted action of experts from industry and academia. The Agenda calls for increased industrial focused research on several key areas - manufacturing of nanomaterials, processing of nanosurfaces, and processes and platforms for micro- and nanomanufacturing – precisely areas addressed by NANOMAT
RCNM-KTU is a member of Micxro-nanomanufacturing platform.
Finally, it should also be noted that due to the NANOMAT project’s anticipated strong support to regional socio-economic and scientific needs, this proposal has the support of the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science and to support the research and collaborative activities developed during the NANOMAT project, RCMN-KTU have been selected for the support funding from the Structural funds through National Complex programs (2012-2014).

II. Spreading excellence, exploiting results, disseminating knowledge

The NANOMAT project, RCMN-KTU and its strategic twinning partners – CNQI-UNIBRIS, MNL-TKK and CNM-IMB - took an integrated approach to ‘spreading excellence’, ‘exploiting results’ and ‘disseminating knowledge’ to stakeholders outside the immediate consortium and the public at large:
i. The NANOMAT work programme specifically includes a Work Package dedicated to Dissemination and Promotional Activities (Work Package 5) and this activity provided a Regular promotion of project news and events via a NANOMAT project website; Regular promotion of project news and events via relevant European nanoscience and nanotechnology websites: Publication of relevant research results in peer reviewed journal and presentation at international conferences; Organisation of workshops to make research proposal submissions to relevant calls from the FP7 NMP and ICT Work Programmes; Regular publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “layman audiences” ; Publication and syndication of science and technology features aimed at “EU research policy makers” ; Market research report identifying commercial potential for nanostructured materials R&D services over the next 5 years.
ii. The NANOMAT work programme also includes a Work Package dedicated to Know-How Exchange ( Work Package 1). These activities established exchange of the know-how and experience through twinning actions with the strategic twinning partners CNQI-UNIBRIS in Bristol, MNL-TKK in Helsinki and CNM-IMB in Barcelona.
iii. The NANOMAT work programme includes a Work Package dedicated to Workshop, Conference Organisation and Policy Development (Work Package 4). The activities facilitated knowledge transfer at national and international levels, and facilitated research policy development in the field of nanostructured materials. On the one hand, this have been achieved through RCMN-KTU’s organisation of scientific events, thematic international sessions and seminars. Also, through the organisation of research policy workshops involving researchers, research policy experts and research policy makers from Lithuania and the EU.
On the other hand, the dissemination have been achieved through intensive RCMN-KTU’s participation in scientific conferences and training events for international knowledge sharing and network building. RCMN-KTU has a well-established tradition of networking with research centres in other EU Member States through its participation in FP5 and FP6 networking projects (e.g. NEXUS, MINAEAST-NET and MINOS-EURONET)

Contact details:
Prof.Valentinas Snitka
Research Center for Microsystems and Nanotechnology
Kaunas University of Technology
Studentu 65
Kaunas 51369

Tel: +37037451588
Fax: +37037451588
Mob: +37068642705