Opis projektu
Virtual Factories and enterprises
Manufacturing SErvice Ecosystem
VISION: "By 2015, novel service-oriented management methodologies and the Future Internet universal business infrastructure will enable European virtual factories and enterprises to self-organize in distributed, autonomous, interoperable, non-hierarchical innovation ecosystems of tangible and intangible manufacturing assets, to be virtually described, on-the-fly composed and dynamically delivered as a Service, end-to-end along the globalised value chain."The first Grand Challenge for MSEE project is to make SSME (Service Science Management and Engineering) evolve towards Manufacturing Systems and Factories of the Future, i.e. from a methodological viewpoint to adapt, modify, extend SSME concepts so that they could be applicable to traditionally product-oriented enterprises; from an implementation viewpoint to instantiate Future Internet service oriented architectures and platforms for global manufacturing service systems.The second Grand Challenge for MSEE project is to transform current manufacturing hierarchical supply chains into manufacturing open ecosystems, i.e. on the one side to define and implement business processes and policies to support collaborative innovation in a secure industrial environment; on the other side to define a new collaborative architecture for ESA (Enterprise Software and Applications), to support business-IT interaction and distributed decision making in virtual factories and enterprises.The synthesis of the two Grand Challenges above in industrial business scenarios and their full adoption in some European test cases will result in new Virtual Factory Industrial Models, where service orientation and collaborative innovation will support a new renaissance of Europe in the global manufacturing context.
VISION: "By 2015, novel service-oriented management methodologies and the Future Internet universal business infrastructure will enable European virtual factories and enterprises to self-organize in distributed, autonomous, interoperable, non-hierarchical innovation ecosystems of tangible and intangible manufacturing assets, to be virtually described, on-the-fly composed and dynamically delivered as a Service, end-to-end along the globalised value chain."The first Grand Challenge for MSEE project is to make SSME (Service Science Management and Engineering) evolve towards Manufacturing Systems and Factories of the Future, i.e. from a methodological viewpoint to adapt, modify, extend SSME concepts so that they could be applicable to traditionally product-oriented enterprises; from an implementation viewpoint to instantiate Future Internet service oriented architectures and platforms for global manufacturing service systems.The second Grand Challenge for MSEE project is to transform current manufacturing hierarchical supply chains into manufacturing open ecosystems, i.e. on the one side to define and implement business processes and policies to support collaborative innovation in a secure industrial environment; on the other side to define a new collaborative architecture for ESA (Enterprise Software and Applications), to support business-IT interaction and distributed decision making in virtual factories and enterprises.The synthesis of the two Grand Challenges above in industrial business scenarios and their full adoption in some European test cases will result in new Virtual Factory Industrial Models, where service orientation and collaborative innovation will support a new renaissance of Europe in the global manufacturing context.
Dziedzina nauki
Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.
Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.
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