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Enhancing the capacities of the ELIRI Research Institute in applied research to enable the integration of Moldova in the European Research Area on the basis of scientific excellence

Final Report Summary - MOLD-NANONET (Enhancing the capacities of the ELIRI Research Institute in applied research to enable the integration of Moldova in the European Research Area on the basis of scientific excellence)

Executive Summary:
The MOLD-NANONET project implemented in the frame of the FP7 Programme (Support actions), targeted at assistance to the ELIRI Institute in developing and implementing of the research strategy directed to expanding its area of activities and increasing the level of the research potential in the field of micro-nanoelectronics, and increasing therefore its competitiveness and collaboration with leading research institutions in Europe. Apart from this, MOLD-NANONET Project allowed one to expand the unified infrastructure in Moldova by integrating the research potential of the State University of Belti ALECU RUSSO and research institutions in Chisinau, and first of all with ELIRI Institute, Technical University of Moldova, and Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Another actual task of the project was building a bridge between applied research and innovative business. The project was focused on new programs of research and improvement of the scientific level and training of both qualified experts and young researchers from ELIRI Institute, State University of Belti ALECU RUSSO, as well as from the Technical University of Moldova and a number of Moldovan high-tech companies in the field of micro- and nanotechnologies.
ELIRI Institute (Chisinau, Moldova) was the coordinator of the Project. The consortium was composed of the Christian-Albrechts Universitet Kiel (Germany), State University of Belti ALECU RUSSO, EFPC Ltd. (Israel), University of Aveiro (Portugal); National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest).
The following measures were implemented to attain these objectives:
A Summer School on nanotechnologies and micromechanics for graduate and PhD students was organized, as well as Training Courses for students and specialists from high-tech companies in the field of micro- nanotechnologies, technology transfer, patenting, and Theory (Technology) of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Travel of specialists and PhD students from ELIRI Institute, State University of Belti ALECU RUSSO, and Technical University of Moldova to leading research centers in Germany, Portugal, Romania, Israel and Great Britain was organized for training, exchange of expertise, and carrying out joint experiments in research of cast microwires and filiform nanostructures with magnetic and thermoelectric properties, discussing the results of investigations, and preparing of future joint projects in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Programme.
Several Webinars and three-day seminars on topics of educational modules were also organized to promote researchers and the staff from Moldova in obtaining practical understanding of rules and regulations of the FP7 and Horizon 2020 Programme to increase the rate of success of applications for European Projects.
The achievements of the Project were disseminated at conferences and seminars, as well as at International exhibitions attended by the staff of the ELIRI Institute and partner organizations.
During the Project implementation, new technological and measuring equipment was purchased by the ELIRI Institute using the funds of the Grant and own funds of the Institute, as well as new equipment was developed and commissioned. This equipment was successfully applied for new developments of the Institute in the field of micro- nanotechnologies, based on cast microwires in glass isolation.
More than 10 research papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals by the participants of the Project during its implementation on topics related to micro- nanotechnologies, have been patented 4 and prepared for the patenting 5 inventions. The participants of the Project participated in more than 10 scientific and technical conferences, where more than 15 reports have been presented.
In the final stages of Project implementation, the participants from ELIRI Institute in cooperation with several partners carried out preliminary investigations for a follow-up application of two projects in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Programme.
Project Context and Objectives:
The Project context and objectives were determined in the initial description of the project MOLD-NANONET, the goals and initial implementation tasks which would achieve these goals.
During the project implementation, some problems have been corrected or replaced, have been added a number of tasks that weren't presented in the initial description and implemented together with the initial tasks.
But overall, these changes weren't fundamental and were directed to perform all the basic objectives of the Project and, also, the main objective reflected in its name – «Enhancing the capacities of the ELIRI Research Institute in applied research to enable the integration of Moldova in the European Research Area on the basis of scientific excellence»
During the implementation of the Project by working groups from Moldova and European partners the main tasks have been accomplished as follows:
• The organization of Summer school for graduate and PhD students from universities in Moldova and for young specialists of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and other high-tech companies with short training courses for introduction in Nanotechnology, Nanoelectronics, Fine mechanics, micro and nano-electro mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS).
• The organization of extended Training Courses in Nanotechnology, Nanoelectronics, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Intellectual property (IP) protection in the field of applied sciences, Technology transfer were produced and carried out (in Chisinau and Belti)
• The development and support of the Web-site of the project Mold-Nanonet.
• Wide dissemination of the project’s results to all potential interested parties including papers, articles, flyer, project poster and other dissemination material
• Awareness of the European research & technological development community with regard to the Moldovan research potential.
• The motivation of relevant scientific organizations of Moldova and Europe to contribute to the project.
• Events and workshops, including one main dissemination conference in Moldova, in order to promote the project in Europe.
• The expansion of ELIRI Institute’s ties with other projects and organizations, and in Europe and around the world related to micro- nanotechnology.
• Creation of Knowledge Map with links between ELIRI Institute and other relevant national, EU and international organizations.
• Staff Exchanges abroad - Visits of ELIRI researchers abroad; EU expert visits to ELIRI; training abroad of ELIRI and PhD and MSc students/young teaching staff in new analytical methods and technologies not available at ELIRI or any other research institution in Moldova as well as on technology transfer was organized.
• Essential increase and expansion of resources at ELIRI Institute by purchasing new equipment for extending the technological and experimental capabilities of ELIRI in the field of nanotechnology and nano-electronics, for the development of new high performance nano-electronic devices and their implementation through technology transfer.
• Researchers and staff from ELIRI, BELTI and other research institutions and small-scale high-tech enterprises in Moldova were assisted to have a more efficient and practical understanding of FP7 and H2020 rules and regulations and to receive training in order to increase success in submitting FP7 and HORIZON 2020 proposals (Training on FP topics such as: Financial Rules and Regulations; proposal writing; project management; Contract Negotiation; ERC; SME Measures; Innovation and Technology Transfer has been delivered). Preliminary work on the preparation of new applications for projects in the frame program Horizon 2020 and discussing them with the potential partners of Consortium.
Project Results:
Throughout its duration, the MOLD-NANONET Project met its objectives by carrying out the planned activities.
These objectives have been achieved via:
- Training Program, consisting of advanced training courses and summer school.
- Online lectures.
- Training workshops, to prepare new European projects under the framework program N2020.
- Purchasing of new advanced equipment to extend the research area towards nanotechnology and nano-electronics (including the development of automated technology for studying the electrophysical properties of filiform specimens).
- Visits of expert staff from consortium partners, dissemination activities and the International Conference on Nanotechnologies organized in Beltsi.
- Visits for exchange of experience among the specialists, graduate students and young professionals from the Institute ELIRI, University A.Russo Balti and Technical University of Moldova in advanced research and development.
- The other activities included practical training of three day seminars on the preparation of European projects under the program FP7 and Horizon 2020.
- Dissemination activities at the scientific conferences and international exhibitions.
- The participation in organisation of international conferences.
- Networking with leading academic institutions in Europe and preparing preliminary proposals for joint projects in the frame of program Horizon 2020.

Work progress and achievements:

1. Training
One of the main tasks carried out in the framework of the project is to train the staff of the Institute ELIRI, experts from other academic institutions and small high-tech enterprises of Moldova (including young professionals, students, post-graduate) about the best practices and research advances in the field of nanotechnology, precision mechanics and related these areas, as well as the experience of technology transfer and the preparation of applications for grants program FP7 and Horizon 2020.
At the end of all training courses and Summer School students were awarded certificates.

1.1 The Summer School
In June, 2012 it was organized and held the Summer School "Nanotechnology & Nanoelectronics 2012". The Summer School was open not only to ELIRI and BELTI MSc and PhD students, but also on a competition basis to students/young researchers from other universities, research institutions, small and medium enterprises in Moldova working in fields related to the topic of the Summer School. The Summer School with total duration of 40 academic hours was attended by 38 young researchers, PhD and MSc students who studied solid state physics, micro- and nanoelectronics and related fields. The lectures were given by professors from partner-institutions: National Institute for Research and Developments Microtechnologies (Romania); Universidade De Aveiro (Portugal), ELIRI Institute (Moldova).
The main topics of the Summer School included the following:
- Introduction to nanotechnology and nanoelectronics (INT and NE),
- Fine mechanics, micro- and nano- electromechanical systems and their integration in product design (FM-MEMS and NEMS).

1.2 Training courses “Intellectual Property Protection in the field of applied sciences”
The training courses were held in October – December, 2012. The training courses were attended by 38 persons (researchers, PhD students, Master of Science degree students, SME employees, including four specialists from ELIRI Institute). A course of lectures (62 hours) was given by specialists of Intellectual Property Protection Agency of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) in four areas:
- Main regulations (15 hours);
- Invention protection (17 hours);
- Patent documents and information (18 hours);
- Economics and Intellectual Property Assessment (12 hours).
During the training courses practical exercises were done with the students. Every student was given a practical guide entitled «Intellectual Property Protection in the Republic of Moldova in the field of applied sciences» (125 pages) developed especially for students of this training course.
The similar course “Intellectual Property Protection” for master degree students from “A. Russo” State University of Balti was held in 2013. The training course was attended by 23 master students. The volume of lectures and practical seminars has included 24 and 16 hours respectively.
The course “Author Rights” for master degree students from “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti was held in the second semester, 2014. The training course was attended by 24 master students. The volume of lectures and practical seminars has included 24 and 16 hours respectively.

1.3 Training courses “Technology Transfer”
The training courses were held in November – December, 2012. The training courses were attended by 26 persons (researchers and specialists from research institutes, UTM, SME). The training courses (52 hours) were given by professors from Technical University of the Republic of Moldova (UTM).
The Program of training courses included the following areas:
- Innovation process and technology transfer
- Innovation as a process (steps and models)
- Legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the field of science and innovations
- Innovation enterprises (steps of development, sources of financial support, etc.)
- Methodology (systems) of commercialization of research results
- Forms of cooperation «industry-science»
- Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Incubators
- Residents of Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Incubators
- Services offered by technology parks and innovation incubators
- Feasibility study of project, development of technology transfer project (structure, description, team, planned schedule, budget, sources of financial support (co-financing, etc.)
- Development of business-plan (structure, description of innovation product, market analysis, competitors, risk analysis, budget, etc.).
Students were informed about science and technology parks and innovation incubators existing in the Republic of Moldova nowadays. During the training courses practical exercises were done with the students.
Taking into account the high interest of specialists from different institutions in Moldova on issues of technology transfer, a visit of Dr. P. Rainho (renowned expert in this field), the Head of the Department of Innovation and Technology Transfer at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) to ELIRI Institute and “A. Russo” State University of Belti has been organized in the frame of the MOLD-NANONET. A one-day seminar on “Innovation and Technology Transfer in Portugal” was organized at June 14, 2013 in ELIRI Institute. The seminar was attended by specialists from research institutions, universities and high-tech companies from Chisinau. Attendees got a lot of very interesting and valuable information. On June 17, 2013 he held in the “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti a one-day seminar on Universities and Companies Relationship: The role of the technology transfer offices. The seminar was attended by 29 peoples. This seminar arouse an increased interest of the audience and led subsequently to establishing new collaborations of several institutions from Moldova with the University of Aveiro and companies from Portugal.

1.4 Training courses “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)"
The training courses were held in March–April, 2013. The course of lectures was attended by 25 people (scientists and specialists from scientific organizations, including the ELIRI Institute, Technical University of Moldova and small companies in Chisinau). The training courses TRIZ were given by MOLD-NANONET Project Manager, Head of the Laboratory of cast microwire and filamentary nanostructures of the ELIRI Institute Dr. A. IOISHER.
The course of lectures (70 hours) included the following major sections:
- Introduction. The invention concept and their level.
- Methods of trial and error. Classical methods of creativity activation.
- Laws of technical systems.
- The concept of a technical contradiction. Methods of eliminating technical contradictions.
- Su-field analysis and its application in solving inventive problems.
- The use of technology (physical, chemical, geometric, etc.) effects for Inventive Problem Solving.
- Standard inventive problems and methods of their solutions with the use of standards.
- Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving. The classic version.
Throughout the course, the students were constantly supplied with current text materials, and theoretical sessions alternated with practical ones. So, during the study of each of the above-mentioned tools, students practiced mastering the knowledge for which they were on their own, and with the support of the teacher they solved a large number of teaching inventive problems. Examples of solutions were given to problems from different fields of science and engineering such as mechanical, electronic, construction, medicine and inventions made at the ELIRI Institute. This course will allow students to use the knowledge of TRIZ to solve their technical, technological and scientific challenges, including those in the field of micro-and nano-technology micro-mechanics.

1.5 Training courses “Introduction to technology and characterization of nanomaterials”
The extended training courses with a general title of “Introduction to technology and characterization of nanomaterials” were carried out in ELIRI Institute and were divided into 3 basic complementary parts:
1) Introduction to nanophysics and experimental techniques for study of nanometric objects (45 hours).
2) Introduction to nanoelectronics (25 hours).
3) Introduction to technology of nanomaterials (65 hours).
The first two parts of courses have been carried out in October - December, 2013. The third courses of lectures have been carried out in February - April, 2014.
These lectures have been attended by the graduate students and PhD students from the Technical University of Moldova and from the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. A total number of 25 students attended these courses.
The courses included seminars and visits to research laboratories working in the field of nanotechnologies (Technical University of Moldova, National Center for Materials Study and Testing, Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies “D. Ghiţu” of the ASM and ELIRI Institute).
Two analogous training courses for master degree students were organized in “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti:
- Training course „Nanotechnology” was held on the second semester, 2013. Course/seminar = 56/24 hours. Number of master students – 23.
- Training course „Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials” was held on the second semester, 2014. Course/seminar = 56/24 hours. Number of master students – 24.
Further two Training Courses at “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti (BELTI) were organized and held the following seminars:
- Theoretical-practical seminar “Experimental Plasma Physics Research at the University of Innsbruck” was organized in April, 2012. The reporter was Roman Schrittwieser, University of Innsbruck, Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, Austria. 13 persons participated at this seminar. The technology presented to audience provides a nanocoating on metal surfaces which significantly increases the strength of products.
- Seminar “Phase field models for two fluid systems” was organized in September, 2013. 18 persons participated at the seminar.

1.6 Workshops and webinars for European Project preparation
The purpose of the proposal writing workshops was to train and assist researchers in understanding the FP7 and Horizon 2020 structure and Instruments, the Grant Agreement, the financial rules and regulations, and how to participate in project proposals. The Workshops were organized by EFPC, ELIRI Institute and the State University “A. Russo” from Belti. The workshops contained presentations and exercises including a budgeting exercise, and generated much discussion and interaction with the audience. The dates and venues were agreed with the potential target audience representatives. Workshops were advertised, including on the Project website.
Four three-day FP7 and Horizon 2020 proposal writing workshops took place during project implementation:
- Three-day proposal writing workshop, October 2012, ELIRI Institute, Chişinău, Moldova (23 listeners)
- Three-day proposal writing workshop, April 2013, Universitatea De Stat "ALECU RUSSO", Balti, Moldova (38 listeners)
- Three-day proposal writing workshop, February 2014, “ELIRI” Institute, Chişinău, Moldova (32 listeners)
- Three-day proposal writing workshop, March 2014, Universitatea de Stat "ALECU RUSSO", Balti, Moldova (35 listeners)
The Printed hand-out booklets with slide printouts was produced for each workshop and given to the participants. Part 1 of the workshops focused on the structure of Programme and the Instruments, while part 2 focused on the Grant Agreement, “how to participate” and the financial rules and regulations (for FP7 and Horizon 2020).
Five FP7 and Horizon 2020 webinars took place during project implementation:
- June 2012, Budgeting for FP7 Proposals
- Feb 2013, Budgeting for FP7 Proposals
- Feb 2013, Introduction and tutorial to free FP7 book
- Oct 2013, Horizon 2020 Overview
- April 2014, Applying for H2020 Research and Innovation Projects
It was decided to limit the time for each webinar to 90 minutes and to include interactive participation via exercises. The software that was used was Go-To-Training. Go-To-Training was used as it has a good reputation and fulfilled all of the software requirements. Upon registration, participants were sent an automatic email with instructions on how to use the software and a link to press for testing before the webinar. In addition the email contained download links to the webinar material. For sound, the system uses VOIP, with the option of telephoning in if required. After the Webinar finished, the participants were asked to fill in an evaluation questionnaire and participants were also reminded to do so in a follow-up email. The feedback received for the Webinars was excellent. It has clearly been demonstrated that even though Webinars do not replace physical workshops they are an important tool for training.

2. Purchasing and Setting-Up of Equipment and accessories
One of the specific project objectives is to purchase and commissioning new equipment for extending the technological, metrological and other experimental capabilities of ELIRI in the field of nanotechnology and nanoelectronics, for the development of new high performance nanoelectronic devices. The main purchase of equipment was performed in the first stage of the work. All the purchased equipment was also commissioned during this period. However, for the efficient employment of the equipment, particularly of the Computerized Experimental Unit, additional software was developed during the second period of Project implementation for the control of the equipment, taking into account new tasks that have arisen in investigating electrophysical properties of filiform samples. These tasks were revealed during the implementation of this Project, after discussions of preliminary results with Project partners and with colleagues from several leading research centers in Europe (NIMR, Fraunhofer Institute, Heidelberg Institute and other).
The main effort was directed to create a computerized measuring complex for the purpose of measuring the electrophysical parameters of filiform specimens, including nano-structured microwires and filamentary nanostructures.
The computerized measuring complex includes:
- cryogenic-vacuum installation CF-1vm, which consists from cryogenic cooler with a closed cycle of the CH-204 type in complex with a HC-4E1 helium compressor and Pfeiffer HighCube 80 Eco turbomolecular pump, vacuum chamber, removable sample holder equipped with a heating element for general heating, a local heating element for the creation of a temperature gradient, two thermal resistors and the Hall sensor, two-channel LakeShore 335 temperature controller;
- magnet subsystem for changing of magnetic field in the measurement zone of vacuum chamber (has been manufactured at the ELIRI Institute);
- a set of measuring instruments for the acquisition of data during the measurement of electrophysical characteristics, which consists from KEITHLEY 2002/MEM2 - High Accuracy Digital Multimeter, KEITHLEY 2700 - Digital Multimeter, KEITHLEY 6221 - DC and AC Current Source, KEITHLEY 3390 - 50 MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator, FH-54 - magnetic field strength meter Gauss/Teslameter;
- a personal computer for the control of semiautomatic measurement modes, data processing and data storage.
During Project implementation advanced software was developed for automation of investigations and measurements by means of the computerized measuring complex (has been developed at the ELIRI Institute).
The computerized measuring complex (in manual and semi-automatic mode) allowed performing for each sample a complex of consecutive electrophysical measurements in a range of temperatures from 10 to 400K as follows:
- current-voltage characteristics U(I) in the whole temperature range;
- temperature dependence of resistivity R(T);
- temperature dependence of electromotive force EFM α(T);
- magnetic field dependence of resistivity R(B);
- temperature dependence of magnetic thermal electromotive force αM(T);
- magnetic angular dependence of resistivity at different temperatures.
In addition with computerized measuring complex, during project implementation there were purchased as accessories: IGA 12-TSP pyrometer, KH-3000-VD digital high resolution optical microscope and MP-225 manipulator. The IGA12-TPS pyrometer was installed at installation for the production of filiform nanostrucrures based on cast microwires developed at the ELIRI Institute. The digital high resolution optical microscope KH-3000-VD was installed near the computerized measuring complex. By means of this microscope the operative measurements of geometrical parameters of filiform samples are carried out before researches of electro-physical properties on computerized measuring complex. The KH-3000-VD digital microscope in combination with MP-225 manipulator is used for the preparation of micro- and nano-objects for the research of their electro-physical properties and for manufacturing of elements and devices on a basis of micro- and nano-materials.
Researchers from ELIRI Institute as well as PhD students from Technical University of Moldova and Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova were involved in investigations of cast microwires and filiform nanostructures on their basis with cores from Bi, Ge, Ge95-Si5 alloy, PbTe-Ge. PhD students used the obtained results in elaboration of their PhD thesis.
Some items of equipment (not provided for the purchase in the initial description of the Project) were designed and manufactured at the Institute ELIRI for the project MOLD-NANONET. In particular, it was developed an unique computerized installation for the production of micro-nanocones for biomedical applications in the second period of project implementation.

3. Exchange of visits
During Project implementation there were carried out visits of specialists and PhD students from Moldova to leading organizations in the field of nanotechnology and related areas, as well as the visits of EU experts to Moldova.

3.1 Visits of experts from EU to Moldova
During the project there were organized 5 meetings of the consortium board, attended by representatives from all participants of consortium from abroad: IMT (Romania), UAVR (Portugal), CAU (Germany), (EFPC, Israel). Along with the discussion of current plans and achievements of the Project, highly qualified experts from these scientific institutions carried out educational lectures for the staff of the ELIRI Institute and other research institutions and small enterprises from Moldova, working in the field of high-tech. In addition to the above mentioned visits, the ELIRI Institute and the State University “A.Russo” of Belti were visited by representatives of these organizations, not in a scheduled meeting of the consortium board (5 visits, 7 people) - from Israel 2 visits, from Portugal - 1 visit, from Romania - 2 visits, as well as experts from other leading research organizations in Europe and the world, including from the UK - 3 visits, from Romania - 2 visits, from Slovakia - 1 visit, from France - 1 visit, from Japan - 1 visit. In the course of these visits the foreign experts were acquainted with the achievements of the ELIRI Institute, there were held working meetings to discuss possible joint projects, exchange of experiences with the research staff from ELIRI. Also, these experts have conducted training seminars and training courses for the staff of scientific institutions, high-tech companies and young researchers from Moldova.
The most important visits are described below:
• 29.02 – 04.03.2012: Prof. Sobolev N. (UAVR, Portugal) – Participation in the kick-off meeting, in discussions about methods for the research of nanostructured magnetic microwires, in discussions about filiform nanostructures obtained at ELIRI Institute, in planning of future joint investigations and visits.
• 01.03. – 03.03.2012: Prof. Dragoman M. (IMT, Romania) – Participation in the kick-off meeting; acquainting with technology of producing Filiform Nanostructure – (FNS).
• 24.06 – 30.06.2012: Prof. Sobolev N. (UAVR, Portugal) – Participation as Lector in the Project's Summer School "Nanotechnology & Nanoelectronics 2012"; participation at 2nd meeting.
• 25.06 – 27.06.2012: Prof. Dragoman M. (IMT, Bucurest, Romania) – Participation as Lector in the Project's Summer School "Nanotechnology & Nanoelectronics 2012"; participation at 2nd meeting.
• 29.02 – 04.03.2012: Dr. Cojocaru A. (CAU, Kiel, Germany) – Participation in the kick-off meeting; acquainting with the technological and measurement equipment of the ELIRI institute, with the technology of manufacturing cast microwire in glass isolation; acquainting with technology of producing Filiform Nanostructure – (FNS); performing joint experiments.
• 22.06 – 02.07.2012: Dr. Cojocaru A. (CAU, Kiel, Germany) – Participation at 2nd meeting, performing training of students in experimental work, performing joint experiments.
• 01.08.2012:Dr. Müller R. (IMT, Bucurest, Romania) – Informing about achievements of IMT Bucharest in the field of nanotechnologies and nano-materials, prospects of their application in new types of products, scientific equipment at IMT and ELIRI Institute. Discussion about joint plans of collaboration.
• 11.01.2013: Dr. Mironov O. (University of Warwick, UK) – Discussion about prospects for future scientific collaboration in the field of semiconductor nanostructures, particularly Ge nanowires.
• 12.06-18.06.2013: Prof. Dr. Rainho P., Prof. Dr. N.Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) – Participation as Lector in training seminar “Technology Transfer in Portugal” in Chisinau and Belti; working meetings with representatives from several Moldavian companies.
• 12.08-23.08.2013: Dr. Schaefer A., Dr. Kiskin N. (NIMR, London, UK) – Informing about possible application of filiform nanostructures based on cast microwires in glass insulation in the field of biomedical researches. Mutual trainings and experiments of obtaining of micro-nanocones for biomedical electrodes.
• 27.10-28.10.2013: Dr. Kappel Wilhelm, Dr.Ing. Mirela Codescu (ICPECA and Department of Advanced Materials, Romania) – Discussion about getting cast hard-magnetic microwire in glass insulation and filamentary nanostructures of magnetic materials based on them.
During the project implementation period the representatives of EFPC (Israel) have visited Moldova 4 times for carrying out the three-day workshops on the preparation of Moldavian experts to write applications for European projects (see above subpart 1.6 "Workshops and webinars for European Project preparation").

3.2 Visits of students and experts from Moldova abroad
During Project implementation visits took place of scientists and experts from Moldova to leading organizations in the field of nanotechnology and related areas. Also several MSc and PhD students were selected for training visits at IMT, CAU and UAVR. A part of the visits was associated with participation in international conferences and exhibitions, where information about MOLD-NANONET was distributed.
The most important visits are described below:
• 08.10-20.10.2012: Dr. Ioisher A., Leading Specialist Aleinicov E. from ELIRI Institute (to UAVR, Portugal) – Acquainting with the Department of Physics of UAVR, existent laboratories, equipment and possibilities to investigate micro- and nanosize materials, including magnetic ones, performing ferromagnetic resonance measurements (at a frequency of 9.8 GHz) of amorphous and nanostructured microcables of magnetic wires embedded in glass isolation, fabricated at ELIRI Institute, performing of joint experiments, participating in a seminar dedicated to exchange of experiences in the field of Innovation and Technology Transfer at UAVR and ELIRI.
• 28.05-09.06.2012: Leading Specialist Sircu S. from ELIRI Institute, PhD student Ojegov A. from “A.Russo” State University of Balti (to IMT, Romania) – Training in laboratories, familiarizing with manufacturing methods and investigation the properties of a wide range of micro and nano-electromechanical systems and components (micro-sensors, actuators, micro and nano-structures, fuel cell, etc.).
• 01.02-28.02.2013: PhD student Guzgan D. from “A.Russo” State University of Balti (to Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany) – Training in laboratories on fabrication and investigation methods of micro and nano-wires, filiform structures, researcher training in the domain of technological transfer.
• 02.01-01.03.2013: Young Scientist Sprincean V. from ELIRI Institute, PhD student of Technical University of Moldova (to Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany) – Training on existing research-technological equipment and acquainting with possibilities to investigate micro- and nanosize materials, studying of necessary technology, performing research experiments, including magnetic properties measurements of magnetic wires in glass isolation, fabricated at ELIRI Institute, etc.
• 11.2013/ 01.2014/ 04.2014/ 05.2014: Dr. hab., Prof. Tigineanu I. from ELIRI Institute (to Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany) – Coordination of work plans and discussion about new joint EU grant applications. Discussion of the obtained results in research of nanoporous materials for subsequent teaching of students/young specialists from Moldova. Exchange of experience with experts from CAU in organizing of training Courses for young scientists and specialists in CAU for subsequent teaching of students/young specialists from Moldova. Discussion about new joint H2020 Project "Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials".
• 17.03-01.04.2014: Leading Specialists Aleinicov E., Sircu S., Dr. Ioisher from ELIRI Institute (to National Institute for Medical Research “NIMR”, London, UK) – Implementation of new installation for obtaining of micro- nanocones in the field of medical researches. Exchange of experience with experts from NIMR in obtaining of filiform micro- nanostructures for medical electrodes.
• 15.10-17.10.2012: Young scientist Zinicovschi V. from ELIRI Institute (Sinaia, Romania) – Presentation of report „On the possibility to realize the magneto-consentration effect in filiform micro- and nanostructures” at scientific international conference “CAS-2012”. Dissemination of informational materials about the Project MOLD-NANONET, achievements and developments of the ELIRI Institute.
• 23.04-27.04.2012: Leading Specialist Aleinicov E. from ELIRI Institute (International Exhibition «Hannover Messe 2012», Germany) – Acquainting with last achievements in the fields of «Research & Technology», «Coil Technic» and «Industrial Automation». Dissemination of informational materials about the Project MOLD-NANONET, achievements and developments of the ELIRI Institute.
• 06.04-12.04.2014: Leading Specialist Sircu S., Manager Ceban V. from ELIRI Institute (to International Exhibition «Hannover Messe 2014», Germany) – Information interchanges with experts from EU related with new developments in the field of micro- and nanotechnology. Dissemination of informational materials about the Project MOLD-NANONET, achievements and developments of the ELIRI Institute.
• 04.05-19.05.2014: Leading Specialist Aleinicov E., Dr. Ioisher A. from ELIRI Institute (to Wire Machine Technologies “WMT LTD”, Israel) – Exchange of information with experts from WMT LTD concerning casting of microwires, discussion of possibility of implementation of the joint Project on making of installation and technology of filiform nanostructures production. Agreement of plans for joint H2020 Grant preparation.
• 08.05-22.05.2014: Planning engineer Baranov T., Engineer Caraghioz I., young specialist/student Sandu C. from ELIRI Institute (to EFPC LTD and MediGuide LTD, Israel) – Representation to potential partners from EFPC LTD and MediGuide LTD of preliminary variants of new projects about magnetic micro-bunches and superefficient thermal pumps of new generation with using of Vortex tube. Discussion with experts about technical and financial aspects of the specified variants of projects.Teaching financial aspects of H2020 proposal preparation by using the EFPC budgeting tool (on the basis of real Projects).
• 24.05-31.05.2014: Prof. Dr. Topala P., PhD student Ojegov A. from “A.Russo” State University of Balti (to University of Aveiro, Portugal) – Training in laboratories and performing of joint researches of nanosized coatings produced by Alecu Russo State University of Balti. Presentation of the PhD thesis "Formation thin oxide pellicles on metal surfaces of iron, copper, aluminum and titanium alloys, by applying electrical discharges in impulse" at scientific seminar “Physics and technology of the formation of oxide films”.
These visits helped to increase the knowledge and skills of the young research scientists, students, as well as more experienced experts from universities, institutes and high-tech companies of Moldova in the field of nanotechnology and the neighboring areas of science and technology.

4. The other significant results of the Project
Besides the above mentioned results in the subsections 1-3, to the main results of the project we can add the following planned and unplanned additional work implemented in the framework of the Project:
• the preparation of the all current Deliverables, included in the plan of the Project;
• the timely preparation and holding of regular meetings of the Consortium Board;
• the carrying out of an International Conference «10 YEARS OF NANOTEHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA» and the participation in the organization of two other conferences;
• the establishment of new perspective relations of the ELIRI Institute with leading foreign scientific and industrial organizations, in particular with the National Institute for Medical Research - NIMR (London, UK), the Fraunhofer Institute (Germany), the Max Planck Institute (Germany), the Institute ICPECA and Department of Advanced Materials (Romania), the Wire Machine Technologies - WMT LTD (Israel);
• the searching and identification of the new possible partners for future applications for grants under the Horizon 2020 Program;
• the additional improvement of software for the computerized measuring complex;
• the development and production of a computerized installation for obtaining of micro-nanocones for biomedical applications;
• the carrying out on the new manufactured installation of preliminary experiments for obtaining of micro-samples nanocones for biomedical electrodes, as an object of future projects in the framework of the Horizon 2020 (together with scientists from NIMR);
• the issue of flyer advertising of the ELIRI Institute and the Project MOLD-NANONET for a wide dissemination of information about the Project MOLD-NANONET at international conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
• the preliminary preparation of 2 project applications for EU grants under the HORIZON 2020 program;
• the assessment of the prospects of nanotechnology development in Moldova in the next 5 years, by defining the strategic vision of the problem;
• More than 10 research papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals by the participants of the Project during its implementation on topics related to micro- nanotechnologies, have been patented 4 and prepared for the patenting 5 inventions.
Potential Impact:
The Mold-Nanonet project enabled the ELIRI Institute to reach the following achievements:
- expand its activities towards multidisciplinary fields, in particular towards micro-nano-electronic systems, fine mechanics, highly integrated intelligent systems,
- to implement excellence in research,
- to promote visibility at the European and international levels,
- to create a unified infrastructure of technological facilities at the national level by involving in research and development activities the State University of Belty in North Moldova as well as other Moldovan research institutions,
- to create a technological platform for the implementation and commercialization of the obtained results, including the creation of a new technological park at ELIRI as a bridge between applied research and innovative business,
- to organize proper training of a new generation of young engineers and researchers with proper skills enabling them to work in multidisciplinary fields,
- to enhance capabilities of the Institute to promote new European projects, to shorten the distance between research and innovative business, to make first steps in entering the European and international innovative markets.
Proceeding from the above information it can be concluded that the impact of this project is not limited to one point or direction, but covers a wide range of social, scientific and organizational problems. In particular, this impact includes: a) improvement of the scientific and technical level of the ELIRI Institute through the acquisition of new experimental equipment and the mastering of new research technologies (including through the exchange of experience with foreign partners); b) improving of the knowledge of PhD students, young researchers and specialist from high-tech organizations in the field of nanophysics and nanotechnology, as well as the increased knowledge of inventive Problem Solving, patenting and technology transfer in the field of high-tech; c) a significant contribution of the MOLD-NANONET project in consolidation of Moldavian technical-scientific community in the field of nanotechnology and microelectronics.
Also, as the impact of the project should be especially emphasized the considerate breakthrough of young scientists and specialists from the ELIRI Institute and other organizations of Moldova in the field of knowledge of the rules of writing proposals for European projects under the program Horizon 2020, thanks to the webinars and the three-day training seminars. All these trainings were combined with the significant expansion of scientific relations of the ELIRI Institute, thanks to the MOLD-NANONET project, which allowed the preparation of two draft proposals for European grants (for the Horizon 2020 Programme) which have been prepared during the implementation of the Project. These draft proposals were presented and discussed with representatives from WMT Ltd, EFPC (Israel) and Aveiro University (Portugal).
The main dissemination activities include:
- the creation of the web-site and posting on it information on current events, news about the implementation of the Project, and announcements about ongoing training courses and seminars;
- the periodical issuing of Newsletters and preparing of flyers with information about the MOLD-NANONET Project and achievements of the ELIRI Institute;
- the dissemination of information about the Project MOLD-NANONET by the all members of consortium at the appropriate socio-scientific events in which they participated in Moldova and abroad, such as international conferences, seminars and international exhibitions;
- the discussions about implementation of the Project and the achievements in nanotechnology (during the visits of representatives of foreign scientific organizations at the ELIRI Institute), demonstration of specialized equipment purchased from resources of Project, demonstration of obtained samples of nanostructured microwires, filiform nanostructures, providing printed materials;
- the dissemination of information during of working visits abroad of MOLD-NANONET consortium representatives (in Germany, Great Britain, Romania, Portugal, Poland etc.).

All visits of representatives from ELIRI Institute abroad always had an additional goal of disseminating information. All of them were provided with information about the achievements and potential capabilities of the ELIRI Institute, with more complete information about the MOLD-NANONET Project (with handing flyers of the Project), that serves as a basis for further contacts and future cooperation.
List of Websites:

Project manager:
Dr. Anatolii Ioisher, ELIRI Research Institute
Tel: +373 22 493032
Fax: +373 22 445332