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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Reinforcing IPT capacities in Genomic Medicine, Non Communicable Diseases Investigation and international cooperation


The aim of the proposal is reinforcing IPT capacities (i) in genomic medicine, with
applications in Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) investigation, and (ii) in International Cooperation activities. This project will facilitate joint research and innovation related activities between European and Tunisian researchers in the field of NCD.
To achieve these aims the following actions are proposed: Setting and implementing training
modules, two trainings on international project setting in the frame of European Framework
Program, four advanced courses and theoretical and practical workshops in various aspects of
structural and functional genomics, with a particular emphasis on NCD investigation will be
organized. Exchange of visits between IPT, IP Paris and other EU laboratories working on relevant
field are also planned to improve networking capacities. Two pilot projects will be performed. The aim of the pilot projects is to learn how to design and implement genetic diversity and health projects in post genomics. The pilot projects will also help stimulate EU-Tunisia cooperation, and develop competencies in genomic medicine.
GM‐NCDin‐Co targets Institut Pasteur de Tunis, an independent governmental institution, under the tutorship of the Tunisian Ministry of Health. This more than centenary institution is considered as a national and regional centre of excellence in particular in the field of infectious diseases. To answer to the new challenges of the epidemiological transition and with the increase of prevalence of NCDs,
IPT has developed new activities related to the investigation of the genetic basis of monogenic and
multifactorial diseases. Reinforcing these promising activities has a great potential to benefit EU
research institutions through new international cooperation activities.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA-SA - Support actions


Contributo UE
€ 231 120,00
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (2)