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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Environmental Data Models and Interface development in Aviation

Final Report Summary - ENDAMI (Environmental Data Models and Interface development in Aviation)

Executive Summary:
ENDAMI is another step forward for the introduction of LCA and LCT in the aviation sector. The goal is to use an aviation specific environmental database set up in the LCA DATIM project (containing aviation specific processes) to create environmental data models for current and future aircrafts according to the requirements of the CleanSky Eco-Design project partners and the CleanSky consortium. The results generated in ENDAMI are in line with state-of-the-art EC regulations and the common format, namely the ILCD1.1 format. The ENDAMI project proposal thereby fills a gap in the capability of the aviation sector for analysis of current and future aircraft by developing a methodological framework, based on a consistent database. It will provide a comprehensive database, environmental data models for current and future aircraft and a software interface for the Eco-Design project partners and the CleanSky consortium.
The main objectives of the project are the creation of Environmental Data Models, both for current and future aircraft, in order to assess the environmental impacts of production, maintenance and end of life and to develop a methodological framework alongside, which will be used for future LCA studies in the aviation sector. It also sets a basis for the import of the companies Bill of Materials into the LCA software for efficient environmental analysis.
Another focus of work was on the extension of the aviation specific environmental database. Data on technologies, materials and processes was collected from CleanSky partners, validated and integrated to what has now become the CleanSky Aviation Environmental Database (AED). This is an important step towards sustainability assessment in the aviation sector, as it provides data required for the quantification of environmental impacts through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Finally, an interface to the GaBi software was developed and improved within the ENDAMI project. This is the technical connection between the newly developed ENDAMI EcoDesign tool and the GaBi software, an expert LCA software tool with extensive databases. The ENDAMI tool allows carrying out LCA in a quick and easy way for non -LCA experts, while building on solid background data and expert created LCA models. ENDAMI is a webbased tool, which enables users to carry out LCA for aviation specific products in a matter of minutes. Due to its innovative design and strong contributions, the ENDAMI tool has been shortlisted as one of the most promising sustainability solutions in Europe in 2014 and is in the race for the sustainia award ( )

Project Context and Objectives:
The ENDAMI project was part of the EcoDesign Airframe (EDA) Activities within the CleanSky JTI. It was set up as a Call for Proposal project. Within EDA, the environmental impacts of airframce production and subsequently used materials, processes and technologies are assessed. ENDAMI was carried out in order to support the CleanSky partners in their efforts to collect data and quantify environmental impacts of aircraft production.
Most of the ENDAMI activities were set in what became known as the Data Collection Core Team (DCCT), a group that focused on the data collection and modelling of environmental impacts. The group consists of Airbus, EPFL, Fraunhofer and University of Stuttgart (representing the ENDAMI consortium). This group is in charge of collection data on relevant processes, technologies and components, creating environmental data models and subsequently quantifying environmental impacts of aircraft production.
The main goals of ENDAMI were:
• Enhance the LCA DATIM database to a comprehensive aviation database, using the ILCD1.1 format,
• Create Environmental Data Models for current and future aircrafts with the option to scale those up to fleet level,
• Conduct an impact analysis in order to identify components and parts with major influence on the environment, allocation of materials and analysis of processes for production, maintenance and end of life,
• Conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the influence of single parameters and their interrelationship,
• Develop a methodological framework for LCA in the aviation sector, and
• Create a software interface (GaBi API) and harmonize the GaBi software and the EDA LCA tool.

Project Results:
The ENDAMI project had an overall duration of 32 months. Within this time, a wide range of goals has been accomplished. The following list gives an overview on developments within ENDAMI and their impact.

Methodological foundation for LCA in the aviation sector
In order to quantify environmental impacts, all material and energy flows during a products life cycle have to be identified and taken into account. The more exact the input data, the better the results. However, LCA is a data driven discipline. Data collection comes with a high effort, as all flows should be identified, not only materials, but also consumables. This normally causes a high effort. When product systems get more complex, data collection and model creation get also more complex.
Aircraft consist of around 3,000,000 parts. If for each part, data is collected, a model created and environmental impacts are evaluated, the workload for LCA practitioners is huge. Even if the overall effort for each part would only be one day for collecting data, modelling and evaluating, the task would take around 8,000 years. Therefore, a simplified methodology is required, that allows reducing the workload when assessing aircrafts.
A scaling-up methodology was developed within ENDAMI. This was built on lessons learned from other sectors, such as construction and automotive, where LCA has been applied for many years. Based on some key parameters like the material mix, the type of surface treatment and the function, similarities between parts and components are identified. If data one a single reference component is available, but not on similar components, data gaps can be closed by estimating environmental impacts through scaling up of the reference component. This allows identifying the environmental impacts of aircraft production in an accurate and sound way, while enabling users to estimate the environmental impact without having all data available.
As soon as more detailed data becomes available, scaled-up components are being replaced by exact models or by more accurate estimations.
The scaling-up methodology developed in ENDAMI is therefore an important contribution to quantify environmental impacts of aircraft production.

Database Enhancement
The Aviation Environmental Database (AED) is one of the major outcomes of Clean Sky EDA activities and of ENDAMI as well. The ENDAMI consortium is contributing to this goal as a part of the Data Collection Core Team (DCCT). Apart from USTUTT and FhG, Airbus, EADS IWF and EPFL are part of the DCCT. Within the DCCT, data on processes is collected and harmonized. USTUTT has the role of the data modeller, creating LCA datasets based on the previously carried out data collection.
There is a strong need for aviation specific LCA data, as the processes in aviation can drastically differ from those in other industries.
The database enhancement was done in three parts within ENDAMI:
- Current technologies (3)
- Future technologies, reviewed by DCCT (11)
- Future technologies, not reviewed by DCCT (20)
Current and reviewed future technologies are the Aviation Environmental Database (AED) V2, and will be disseminated to the Clean Sky consortium through the DCCT. Future technologies that are not reviewed have been modelled by USTUTT and are provided to the DCCT to start the harmonization process. They could be version V3 of the AED. This approach was chosen due to the end of the ENDAMI project: data was available, but could not yet be harmonized in the DCCT; therefore only the ENDAMI consortium carried out a consistency check and provides the data to Clean Sky. Please note that the data in the AED V3 can still be subject to change and their publication will depend on approval of the members of the DCCT.
One goal of CleanSky EDA project is the provisions of datasets that are conform to the requirements of ILCD. Therefore each of the datasets is documented according to the ILCD requirements.
Based on the technical description and the data collected by European aerospace companies, environmental data models have been created, according to the requirements defined in ISO 14040 and 14044. The environmental impacts of each process have been assessed, related to their respective functional units. The assessment is thereby taking into account the production and provision of energy and consumables, but not of the material that is being processed. This approach was chosen to give an overview on the environmental impacts of the process itself. Materials can be linked to these datasets; thus offering a reliable and easy-to-use method to quantify the environmental impacts of the processing of different materials and thereby to model aviation specific production processes.

ENDAMI tool and interface
The ENDAMI tool is a web-tool for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) models with an easy to use interface. It is open to individual adaption of models. The key ideas were to decouple the complex Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) modeling part from the tool and to transfer LCI modeling to a central server which is maintained by LCA experts. Thereby the tool enables non-LCA-experts as Aircraft designers to receive complete and correct LCA results for different design options in order to enable a design for environment (DfE) approach.
The tool enables a “ready to go” LCA of Aircraft parts and components. The reference parts of the ENDAMI Project were prepared for the import into the tool and can be easily adjusted. Within the tool parameters can be adjusted for each subcomponent, for example amount, mass, materials, buy to fly ratio and corresponding processes. Components can consist of more than one material as for example aluminum and primer paint. Further materials can be added at any time but also be easily deleted. Value changes can be reset with one click back to the origin state.
The environmental impacts of the assessed parts and their sub modules are represented by graphical illustrations which are influenced by the numeric values of the LCA results. The user can choose from the impact categories Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) and primary energy demand. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Acare NOx (ANOX) can also be selected. Another option is to display the distribution of masses of materials contained in the respective components (Material Mix) where every material is represented by its own distinctive color. The share of every material is shown by weight.
An important function of the tool is the scenario management. New scenarios can be added as blank models to import new BOMs or the user can choose one of the already existing scenarios as a template. The user can determine which one of the scenarios is set as the reference for all of the others. The tool calculates impacts of the active scenario and compares them to the reference scenario.
A further feature of the tool is the BOM (Bill of Materials) Import. To analyze further components and parts additionally to the already appropriately prepared reference parts, a function to import your own Bill of Materials (BOM) was realized. These BOMs can be created within Excel or taken from other planning tools (e.g. CAD, ERP) that give out an overview of materials and processes. The ENDAMI tool reads .xml files, therefore the output has just to be adapted to the .xml structure. Within the tool development an excel BOM template was created with a macro to translate the BOM into the supported format. It is excel-based and allows filling in data for materials and processes, which then is the basis for Environmental Data Models in the ENDAMI tool. Users can create their own macro for the creation of import files, which allows them to directly integrate data from existing solutions in the ENDAMI EcoDesign tool. This gives users the freedom to create their own Environmental Data Models based on information they already have available from existing tools in their organization with very little additional effort.
The tool is able to save states and reload them. Next to the graphical and numeric illustration of the results within the tool it is also possible to export the results. ENDAMI will then prepare a .csv file which can be used in Excel to further process the resulted data for own tables and graphics for further evaluations.
With its easy to use interface while delivering comprehensive LCA results, the ENDAMI Tool helps spreading the use and application of the LCA method in the field of aviation. Therefore it can be used as an access for implementing the life cycle thinking in this industry with especially long times from development to market. The development of the ENDAMI Tool contributes to a sustainable growth in the aviation sector.

Assessment of environmental impacts on a/c level
Due to the complexity of aircrafts in combination with the specific processes (extremely high scrap rates) and materials (primary produced materials, highly alloyed materials), the quantification of environmental impacts for full aircrafts is a difficult tasks. There have been some efforts to model aircrafts, but so far no publications on the environmental impacts of aircraft production that go beyond as estimation through a material breakdown and subsequent assessment are publicly available. These studies in most cases don´t include production processes, and are based on standard material datasets, which were found to be not suited for modelling of aircrafts in ENDAMI.
ENDAMI offers upscaled environmental impacts on the production of current reference Airliner, Rotorcraft and Business Jet. This is a big step forward on the way to detailed aircraft models and a detailed evaluation of environmental impacts on aircraft level.

Implement life cycle thinking and LCA in aviation
LCA has proven to be a very powerful methodology to quantify environmental impacts of products or services. It has been applied in both industry and academia for more than 25 years. Due to its flexibility, the general methodological background as described in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 is applicable for any given sector; however specific features such as material requirements and processes for aviation have to be considered.
By combining the scaling-up methodology and aviation specific datasets, ENDAMI helped push the state of the art for LCA in aviation.
Also, several workshops on data collection, advantages of LCA, basics of LCA and the use of the ENDAMI EcoDesign tool were carried out. This helped to familiarize the industry with the concept of LCA and spread the idea of life cycle thinking in aviation.

Potential Impact:
By providing information on environmental impacts, the basis for a systematic reduction of impacts is set. Therefore, ENDAMI contributes to the CleanSky goals of reducing the environmental impact in the aviation sector.
The current focus is on the production phase of aircrafts. This allows companies to take a close look at drivers of environmental impacts, their production processes and their entire supply chain. Environmental impacts often correlate with cost drivers: for example, the emission of CO2 and CO2-equivalents is often energy-driven. When aiming at a reduction of CO2-emissions, energy costs can often be reduced as well. Not only does this contribute to a more sustainable growth of the aviation sector in Europe, but it also helps to increase the competiveness of the industry by helping to reduce energy costs.
By implementing LCA and EcoDesign principles in aviation, a new market for sustainability assessment can be unlocked. This will create jobs in both the industry as well as in the field of research and consulting. Furthermore, it will contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the aviation sector.
Further exploitations of results might be the usage of the non-confidential data within the developed ENDAMI tool or in other aviation related project work. The ENDAMI tool was developed with a frontend by Fraunhofer IGD and the GaBi ENVISION backend by PE International. If data will be used, it will be aggregated and confidential information is excluded from further exploitation. This makes it impossible to track process information collected within the ENDMAI project and will thereby ensure confidentiality of all data provided by CleanSky partners. Any background data, which was not covered as part of the ENDAMI project, like the GaBi database, is excluded from any further exploitation. However, confidentiality and publication clauses have to be respected.
The ENDAMI tool is communicating with the GaBi ENVISION service through an interface developed within the ENDAMI project. For maintaining the interface, updating background datasets and background models, license fees might be applied in the future.
The consortium members gained further methodological and technical knowledge which will be useful for further projects.

List of Websites:
No website available. The ENDAMI tool is accessible under
Project Coordinator:
Hannes Krieg
Dept. Life Cycle Engineering (GaBi),
Chair of Building Physics, University of Stuttgart
Wankelstrasse 5, 70563 Stuttgart