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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE
Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-29

Researchers’ Night 2012 in the Faroe Islands


"The project will bring together researchers and the general public in an informal and festive manner under the banner of the Researchers' Night 2012. The objective is to broaden the public's understanding of the effect and importance that research has in our lives and to address possible stereotypical thought about researchers and their work. This will be done by arranging a range of activities on September 28 2012, which facilitate interaction between researchers and the public. A number of activities are planned to accomplish this end in conjunction with what can be considered as the main attraction of the Night where the musical group Orka (Energy) will perform their special geological-inspired music. Among the other activities we find of special importance the European Corner centrally placed in the venue, where the European aspect of the event will be highlighted and promotional material on European Research will be presented. Science Café, Science Show, two guided tours, Scientists in the Square and announcements of winners of a science video and research dissemination competition are also among the activities that will lead to the accomplishment of the objective of the event.

To ensure that a maximum number of people will be aware of the festivities on the Researchers Night a comprehensive awareness campaign will be planned. A Researchers’ Night Newspaper will be distributed to all households in the Faroe Islands. Other awareness activates such as posters, banners, press coverage, social media and internet facilitation will also work towards the aim of ensuring as many as possible of the Researchers’ Night.

After the event an impact assessment will be conducted for the participants. A public assessment will be made of the impact of the awareness campaign. To manage the project the sole applicant has set up a management team that will ensure a smooth and effective implementation."

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System finansowania

CSA-SA - Support actions


Wkład UE
€ 25 000,00
Wyspy Owcze

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Rodzaj działalności
Research Organisations
Kontakt administracyjny
Annika Solvara (Mrs.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych