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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-29

Nanostructured thermally sprayed magnetic coatings for Microwave absorption applications


The specific objective of the project is to develop a new system for absorbing reflected high frequency radiation. The approach will be to thermally spray nano-structured ferrite powders onto components such as waveguides or housings, under controlled conditions, to deposit coatings with both low porosities and very small grain sizes. This combination is critical for optimum performance. The work will involve innovative developments in powder manufacture and thermal spraying technology. The developed pro cess is intended to replace the current approach which is to use conventional pressed and fired ferrite plates (bulk material) that are then glued for example on waveguide walls resulting in problems with air gaps and the presence of adhesive as well as being expensive in labour and materials. Research will focus on High Velocity Oxy Fuel (HVOF) spraying which is now known to be capable of being controlled so as to avoid degradation of powders during spraying thereby retaining the original material structure and chemistry in the coatings. It is anticipated that a further benefit from this work will be that the sprayed coatings will find applications over a wider frequency range than is currently possible. Whilst the deliverables from the proposed work are products with electronics applications, the research will also establish the underpinning methodology for thermally spraying nano-structured coatings for functional applications. This project conforms to the objectives of the Specific Programme on strengthening the ERA and the "Horizontal Research Activities involving SMEs" Work Programme in that it will create a trans-national group of small enterprises and researchers undertaking research aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of European SMEs in the electronic components manufacturing sector. It will also address social objectives relating to the role of women in science, working conditions and health and safety issues.

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University of Nottingham
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University Park
NG7 2RD Nottingham
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