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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Redox sensing and signalling in cardiovascular health and disease


"We want to determine how oxidants are sensed and transduced into a biological effect within the cardiovascular system. The proposed work will focus on thiol-based redox sensors, defining their role in heart and blood vessel function during health and disease. Although this laboratory has studied the molecular basis of redox signaling for more than a decade, the subject is still in its relative infancy with considerable scope for major advances. Oxidant signaling remains a ‘hot topic’ with high profile studies confirming a fundamental role for redox control of protein and cellular function continuing to emerge. The molecular basis of redox sensing is the reaction of an oxidant with target proteins. This gives rise to oxidative post-translational modifications, most commonly of cysteinyl thiols, potentially altering the activity of proteins to regulate cell or tissue function. One of the reasons there are so many unanswered questions about redox sensing and signaling is the diversity of oxidant molecules produced by cells that can interact with sensor proteins to alter their function. This application is aimed at extending our knowledge of redox sensing and signalling, allowing us to define its importance in cardiovascular health and disease."

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Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.

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System finansowania

ERC-AG - ERC Advanced Grant

Instytucja przyjmująca

Wkład UE
€ 2 255 659,00
WC2R 2LS London
Zjednoczone Królestwo

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London Inner London — West Westminster
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kierownik naukowy
Philip Eaton (Prof.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych

Beneficjenci (1)