Innovation Relay Centres are to provide cost-effective services that promote transnational technology co-operation and which are both pertinent to regional needs and provided in synergy with national and regional support structures. IRC INNSA acts as a springboard for the promotion of transnational technology transfer of technologies and knowledge in accordance with the needs of the local industrial, economic and social fabric. IRC INNSA will focus on the regional SMEs as their main target group and provide high quality services for transnational technology transfer, e.g. Inward and Outward transnational technology transfer, RTD exploitation and stimulation of the capacity of firms, to encourage the attainment of companies' economic benefits This will be done by a problem solving approach and tailor-made services, which has proven to be successful over the last eight years for IRC INNSA. The success of IRC INNSA's work is strongly related to its active role within the European IRC network. Tasks like providing partners with high quality technology offers and technology requests, arranging joint actions and staff placements, exchanging of best practice and carrying out a benchmark process are aimed to strengthen the collaboration of IRC INNSA with the European IRC partners. The experiences and pre-existing knowledge of the partners and the high personal impact is an important factor for the successful management of the consortium. IRC INNSA will continue as a learning enterprise the improvement of its management skills and workflow in order to ensure efficient internal and external services. As a consequence IRC INNSA contributes to a more innovation-friendly environment throughout the EU and to stimulate technological innovation and the setting-up of innovative technological businesses. The IRC network itself and its success over the years is a huge step against the European fragmentation and towards the Europe.
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