CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

Researchers Night in Sweden: ForskarFredag


Researchers' night in Sweden, ForskarFredag, FF (Research Friday in English) is a chain of nine Activities spread geographically over Sweden that will be organised on Friday 22 September 2006. FF, which aims at bringing the broad public face to face with researchers, is coordinated by Public & Science (Vetenskap & Allmanhet, VA). Partners of the project are several universities, a science discovery centre, a regional council, a competence development agency, an industrial innovation foundation and the Swedish Research Council. Each partner is responsible for a FF Activity that is part of the European Researchers' night initiative. The project is facilitated by the partners' extensive and varied links in industry and academia. The objective of the innovative and original actions at each FF Activity is to allow for direct involvement of the public together with researchers by hands-on visualisation of research in an informal and festive environment.
Aiming at fun, relaxed actions will help attract the broad public, especially those who are not normally interested in research. The impact on the public at large is significant since Activities are carried out at nine different venues. Estimated visitors in total are 8 000. Those not able to attend the venues are invited to engage in discussions with researchers through an interactive web-activity. Local schemes vary, but the Activities will have a common message: research is fun and exciting and it influences everyone's day-to-day life. To ensure maximum visibility an awareness strategy, showing that local Activities all are parts of the European initiative Researchers' night, will be implemented at an early stage. Unanimous objectives, similarity of contents as well as a website providing all the necessary information and an interactive web-activity will be common denominators of FF, which strives at entertaining the public and deliver the message that researchers are among us.

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Grev Turegatan 14

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