Final Activity Report Summary - REACON (The establishment of a world class European industrial alumina research facility through the transfer of knowledge from Australia and other Industries)
The high level outcome has been that the company is now well known within the worldwide industry as a technological leader and the application of this technology within the company has strengthened its manufacturing base and future in Europe. The company now has the capability to carry out research work for other alumina companies and a number of contracts to do this work are in place.
At a very practical level as a result of the project, Aughinish has implemented significant process improvements as a result of the research carried out during REACON. Production has been increased with minimal capital investment through improve understanding of equipment and process chemistry, the implementation of advanced process control has improved the safety of the operation and overall energy efficiency has also increased.
REACON has been a very positive project for Aughinish alumina, the company has been exposed to very knowledgeable researchers from around the world all of whom have contributed greatly to the future viability of the operation.