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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Modular urban guided rail systems


The main target of the MODURBAN project is to design, develop and test an innovative and open common core system architecture and its key interfaces (this covers Command Control, energy saving and access subsystems), paving the way for the next generations of urban-guided public transport systems. This approach will be applied to both new lines as well as the renewal and extension of existing lines and will encourage cost-effective migration from driver to driverless operation. It will also avoid the risk of new rolling stock and subsystems being built from unproven prototype sub-assemblies.

The principal elements to be defined in the MODURBAN Integrated Project using end-users requirements and validation are:
- Onboard intelligent interfaces (MODONBOARD)
- Way side intelligent interfaces (MODWAYSIDE)
- Passenger + access related items (MODACCESS)
- Communication systems (MODCOMM)
- Energy savings related aspects (MODENERGY)
- System approach for functional + technical prescription and global risk assessment (MODSYSTEM)

The prototypes issued from the different modules will be tested in real conditions (Metro de Madrid).The consortium is representative of the European Urban transport industry (6 system manufacturers, 10 subsystem-suppliers, 8 operators, 2 industrial associations, 8 Academic partners) and including 3 SMEs. It gathers 39 partners from 12 EU countries, including 3 accessing countries (Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic) and two non-European country (Chile and Canada). The whole duration of the project is 48 Months.

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IP - Integrated Project


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Beteiligte (38)