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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-27

FORUM on Aviation and Emissions

Periodic Report Summary 2 - FORUM-AE (FORUM on Aviation and Emissions)

Project Context and Objectives:
The European project FORUM-AE [FORUM on Aviation and Emissions (& Environment)] is a technical and scientific forum addressing all the issues associated to the aviation environmental concerns linked to emissions: impacts, technical solutions and regulation. It supports the appropriate European research and innovation by giving it the necessary awareness and visibility.

Series of focused workshops aim at better understanding impacts, at identifying the potential technical and technological solutions, their expected benefits and maturity and at addressing regulation technical issues. FORUM-AE monitors also and assesses the European research and innovation in the field of aviation environmental issues linked to emissions by compiling relevant information from all existing EU projects and main national ones, and making assessment against the ACARE environmental goals.

Project Results:
Since the beginning of the project (1st July 2013), important work was performed through dedicated workshops, complemented with some monitoring of relevant European projects or some specific analysis. Key topics in the technical scope of FORUM-AE were addressed in a balanced manner. Concretely the following workshops were organised chronologically:
1) Kick-off workshop (hosted by EC in Brussels ; 19&20 Sept): providing a good overview of the current context and states of the art in the scope of FORUM-AE (kick-off was post-poned to sept 2013 bceause negociation with EC was pursued during 2013 summer)
2) Air Quality workshop (hosted by MMU in Manchester ; WP1)
3) nvPM workshop (hosted by MMU in Manchester ; WP3)
4) Climate Change workshop (hosted by DLR in Munich ; WP1)
5) Fuel Burn & CO2 workshop (hosted by Snecma in Paris ; WP2)
6) Combustor technology & non-CO2 workshop (hosted by Snecma in Paris ; WP2)
7) Alternative Fuels workshop (hosted by Senasa in Madrid ; jointly organised with CORE-JetFuel and ITAKA projects)
8) CO2 standard workshop (hosted by Airbus in Toulouse)
9) Market Based Measures workshop (hosted by Airbus in Toulouse)
10) Inventory workshop (hosted by Zurich Airport)
11) ATM and green flight workshop (hosted by EC in Brussels)
12) Air Quality second workshop (hosted by NLR in Amsterdam)
13) nvPM standard second workshop (hosted by NLR in Amsterdam)
A good participation was observed for all these workshops, with a number of participants between 25 and 40, including invitees and more than 100 for the joint alternative fuel workshop. They supported rich exchanges and provided key conclusions and recommendations which are accurately gathered in respective proceedings. Monitoring work was more modest, but sufficient awareness of relevant RTD programs progress was ensured (through workshops or exchanges with coordinators or focal points). Important dissemination was performed towards ACARE WG3, ANCAT, at ANERS conference (Sept 2015 in La Rochelle) and during Aerodays (London, Oct 2015)

In parallel, continuous dissemination activity was supported towards ECATS, ACARE, EuroCAEP/ANCAT, EASN (see D4.3).

A project's poster was also realised, and the project's website was nearly completed at the end of the period (administrative difficulties delayed unfortunately the realisation of the website which is fully operational now).

Potential Impact:
FORUM-AE Project main results from the first 36 months period are the following:
- has reinforced awareness of FORUM-AE community on key environmental issues linked to air transport
- has provided robust status and research priority recommendations in the fields of:
* Environmental Impact (Air quality, Climate Change)
* Mitigation solutions (aircraft technology, engine technology, ATM & flight optimisation, alternative fuels)
* Regulation issues (CO2 & non-CO2 emissions: particles, NOx...)
These results provided to ACARE and to EC, and their larger dissemination should contribute, by promoting strategic orientations and RTD, to improve in the future the efficiency and environmental performance of air transport european solutions.

List of Websites: