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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Novel Composite Materials and Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy


The consortium behind the MARINCOMP IAPP – NUI Galway and University of Ulster; Toray Carbon Fibers Europe, a company specialized in manufacture of carbon fibre; EireComposites, an SME with innovative composite manufacturing technology; and Suzlon Blade Technology, a utility class wind turbine manufacturer – aims to reduce the cost of offshore wind and tidal turbine blade structures and enable the drive toward lower cost per kilowatt renewable energy for both industries. The specific objectives of MARINCOMP are to jointly develop and optimise carbon-fibre reinforced composite materials which are tailored for long-term durability in the marine environment, and can be processed rapidly and cost-effectively. New software tools such as a fatigue life design tool which incorporates the effect of immersion in seawater, and a cost-performance model will be developed in the project. Through an objective-driven transfer of knowledge (ToK) programme between industry and academia, MARINCOMP will couple state-of-the art scientific knowledge in composite materials and processes with industrial knowledge in carbon fibres and large-scale composites processing to provide a step change in the use of carbon fibre in large high volume composite structures. The ToK programme will also bring benefits to the researchers in terms of greater opportunities for employment and training in the marine renewable energy market. In addition the project will improve the quality of research undertaken by the commercial partners and will increase their competitiveness in this emerging market. The project will improve the research network of the academic partners and provide routes for commercialisation of their research. MARINCOMP’s consortium is uniquely placed to plan and implement a long-term cooperation and knowledge transfer needed to push the envelope of the current state-of-the-art in composite materials for the marine environment, in keeping with the objectives with the Marie Curie IAPP programme.

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Contributo UE
€ 292 269,91
T12 YN60 Cork

Mostra sulla mappa

Ireland Southern South-East
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (7)